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The Rt. Rev. Dushantha Lakshman Rodrigo or ‘Bishop Dushy’ as he is known by all… accepted the opportunity to ‘lead his flock as the shepherd of his diocese’ as the 16th Bishop of Colombo in 2020.

Perhaps, the State authorities should question the “shepherd” of the flock as to why he allows his College premises and the stage to promote blasphemy against the Buddha, Buddhism and the Buddhist people of the country, by inviting such,

Picture Courtesy – General Council | The Ceylon Bible Society

The Parliament and relevant authorities must inquire as to how many unrecorded orations to promote blasphemy against the Buddha, Buddhism and the Buddhist people of the country have been staged to public audiences in these premises before this, with the Holy Blessings of the Bishop of Colombo?

Ivan Amarasinghe

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