Saudi Arabia Invades Bahrain, Expect Sunni V Shia Angle To Be Played Out In The Media
Saudi Arabia Invades Bahrain, Expect Sunni V Shia Angle To Be Played Out In The Media source link: The House of Frauds in Arabia have decided to help out their…
Saudi Arabia Invades Bahrain, Expect Sunni V Shia Angle To Be Played Out In The Media source link: The House of Frauds in Arabia have decided to help out their…
Saudi sends troops, Bahrain Shias call it ‘war’ source link: 4:46 AM Mar 15, 2011 MANAMA – Saudi Arabia was sending troops into the troubled offshore island state of Bahrain…
Source Link: wx.x yrU ^cdkl .,mam;a;s& lia;dk” isxy lvq” khs fmk lvq” b,qlafld< lvq” t;=Kq lvq” l,dlsß
source link: oy wg ikaksh uyd flda< ikaks hldf.a msßjr wj;dr oy wgls’ ta wj;dr oy wg ikaksh f,i ye¢kafõ’ ikaks hkq frda. úfYaIhls’ foaYSh ffjoH Ydia;%fha oelafjk uQ,sl ikaks…
Source Link: wfma hla fnrh iy fnr cdkl .,mam;a;s ;=ka fy<h tlafiai;a l< ÿgq.euqKq hq.fha§ r;akud,S ffp;Hfha Od;= ksOdfkda;aijfh§ ;+¾hjdokh ms<snoj i|yka fjhs’ fojkmE;sia rc iufha§ YS% uyd fndaëka jykafia…
Female Circumcision: Elegy for a Dream 11 August 2010 Fariba Davoudi Mohajer Source link: According to the latest statistics released by the World Health Organization (WHO), 160 million women have…
Saudi Clerics Advocate Adult Breast-Feeding source link: Dana KennedyContributor (June 5) — Women in Saudi Arabia should give their breast milk to male colleagues and acquaintances in order to avoid…
Breastfeed to bypass sex-mixing ban -scholar May 23, 2010 at 12:44 Saudi women shop in a mall. Photograph: AFP source link: By Charley Ashton Court DUBAI – A Saudi scholar…
Saudi women threaten to breastfeed drivers source link: Saudi women walk out of a shopping mall as they wait for their driver to pick them up in Riyadh on June…
Good Question Good Answer by Ven. S. Dhammika source link: Main Page * What is Buddhism? * Basic Buddhist Concept * Buddhism and the God-idea * The Five Precepts *…
Namo tassa Bhagavato Arshato Sammasam Buddhassa. ADORATION TO THE BLESSED, SINLESS, EXALTED ALL KNOWING BUDDHA. The Arya Dharma of Sakya Muni, Gautama Buddha Or The Ethics of Self Discipline. BY…
Three Christian militants executed in Indonesia for attacks on Muslims September 22, 2006 Boston Herald source link: Three Christian militants were executed by firing squad today for leading attacks on…
6 held for firing at mob after attempted conversion September 23, 2006 The Indian Express source link: Barely a day after the Freedom of Religion (Amendment) Bill, 2006, was cleared…
Christian Fundamentalism And American Empire Yoginder Sikand 24 September, 2006 Counter Currents source link: Little talked about in the media, Western Christian fundamentalism is today a potent threat to global…
Gujarat Anti-Conversion Bill A distinction of the Indian and foreign Sandhya Jain October 1, 2006 Organiser source link: The state government has rightly defined the faith lines as the Hindu,…
Hinduism Today Publisher’s Address to World Religions After 9/11 Congress September 25, 2006 Hinduism Today source link: KAUAI, HAWAII, September 25, 2006: Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, publisher of Hinduism Today, gave…
Missionary mafia now to kidnapping business 27-Sep-2006 Haindava Keralam source link: Kozhanjeri:Police arrested two Missionaries here for attempting to Kidnap a gypsy girl of seven years. Due to timely intervention…
Save the gullible from evangelist crooks source link Janaka Perera It is imperative that the Anti-Conversion Bill has to be passed without further delay. Enforcing such a law is in…
UP: 350 Hindus convert to Christianity Oct 5, 2006 Rediff India Abroad source link: About 350 Hindus of the district adopted Christianity at a conversion ceremony held in Baksha area…
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