BOOK REVIEW: HYPATIA’S LOVER Source link: D. R. Khashaba, b. 1927, an independent philosopher, published Let Us Philosophize (1998), Plato: An Interpretation (2005), and Socrates’ Prison Journal (2006). […]

A War Against Islam

A War Against Islam 1:46 pm, Tue 27 Apr 2010 Source link: watch: The Muslims are under attack both militarily and ideologically – that is self […]

When Faith Guides a President

When Faith Guides a President Published: March 14, 2003 To the Editor: Source link: Re ”How a War Became a Crusade,” by Jackson Lears (Op-Ed, […]

This Is a Religious War

This Is a Religious War By Andrew Sullivan Published: October 07, 2001 Source link: Perhaps the most admirable part of the response to the conflict […]