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Emotional abuse by narcissists can be insidious and damaging. If you’ve been in a toxic relationship with a partner who disrespects, invalidates, and mistreats you, you may have experienced the following symptoms:

  1. Dissociation as a Survival Mechanism: Feeling emotionally or physically detached from your environment, experiencing disruptions in memory, perceptions, consciousness, and sense of selfDissociation is common in trauma1.
  2. Controlling Behavior: Abusers often try to control their victims, restricting what they wear, whom they spend time with, or how they spend money2.
  3. Gaslighting and Censorship: Gaslighting, a form of emotional manipulation, causes victims to question their realityVictims may feel like everything they do is wrong2.
  4. Social Isolation: Abusers isolate victims from friends, family, and support networks, leaving them feeling alone and vulnerable2.

Remember, recognizing these signs is crucial for your well-being. Seek help if you’re experiencing emotional abuse. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. 💙

: Adapted from various sources12.


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