Waiting for the honourable Migettuwatte Gunananda or Angaraika Dharamapala

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The statement that Sri Lanka can afford peace through ethical foreign policy was extremely provocative. It is true that if Migettuwatte Gunananda and Angaraika Dharamapala were alive today, they would have questioned and stood up for the protection of Buddhism and the welfare of Sinhala people.

But now politics has become a family matter or business venture. Sri Lankan politicians want to be in the good books of the heads of other countries rather than being interested in the welfare of the general public. They want to save their own skin so that they can be on their “thrones” for a long time without any interference from other countries in the form of war. Now all Sri Lankans are holding out for the one true hero to be born again for the nation. Many Buddhist monks and Buddhist leaders have been sought out and are fighting against the intruders of their Sinhala culture and religious beliefs, and they all claim that other extreme religious ideologues are plotting the demise of Buddhism and, eventually, the country.

Furthermore, no government official has issued a clear statement condemning the unethical conversion of Buddhists to other religions. It’s a hidden agenda in Sri Lankan society, fueled by the hidden dollar power of many countries that keeps it beneath the surface of Sri Lankans’ daily lives. On the day of poson in 2006, the unethical Commission Sabha was established on the premises of the most historic Mihintale. Around 348 monastics and laity have given their evidence before the commission for the whole 4-year period during its visits to various places throughout Sri Lanka. Based on very clear evidence, this report described the illegitimate effects of religious conversions against Sinhala Buddhists.

Image courtesy by The All Ceylon Buddhist Congress:The first copy of the Commission Sabha Report forwarded to Rev. Udugama Sri Buddharakkita mahanayaka Thero; the Asgiri Chapter, Rev. Dauldena Ghanissara mahanayake Thero; the most honorable chief incumbents of samastha lanaka Amarapura maha sanga sabha, Rev. Iththapane Dhammalankara the sub chief incumbent of the malwathu chapter, Rev. Kotugoda Dhammawasa nayake Thero; President to the samastha lanaka Amarapura maha sanga sabha, Rev. Prof. Bellanwila Wimalarathna Thero, Chancellar Sri Jayawardanapura University, Rev. Balangoda Sobhitha nayake Thero; Parivenadhipathi, Vidyodaya Pirivena

Image courtesy by The All Ceylon Buddhist Congress: honorable invitees

Anagarika Dharmapala is one of the most popular figures in Sri Lanka’s recent turbulent history, and he rescued Sinhala culture and Buddhist heritage. Anagarika Dharmapala spent the rest of his life preserving the Sinhala Buddhist tradition, and he is now extending his mission to protect historical sites in India where the Buddha taught and lived. Anagarika Dharmapala worked for the protection of his nation and its beliefs while Sri Lanka was under siege by Christian missionaries, without regard for his own life or safety. And he counteracts the destructive effects of Christian missionaries by giving the right speech to the nation.

Because of secret and hidden foreign policies Sri Lanka is once again heading in a perilous direction. Sinhala Buddhist leaders must consider their involvement in good leadership. Planning is critical, as is ensuring that country leaders stick to the plan until they reach the presidential level. We will all, elders and youth, be responsible for working at the Sri Lankan graveyard with all the fights between different sects and religions one day, Meaningful peace can be developed by following Buddhist leaders like Anagarika Dhramapala.

Our country’s leaders are attempting to prioritize covert foreign policy. How can a country that is burning out its own safe policy help another country?

The Buddhists of the world must follow the example set by Anagarika Dharmapala and Ven. Migettuwatte Gunananda.

We all wish that one more Ven Migettuwatte Gunananda or Angaraika Dharamapala would be born again in Sri Lanka and that other countries would be able to live in peace and harmony again.

It’s time to put an end to illegal proselytizing!!!

 Triple gem blessings to you all!

Analyst of Buddhist affairs, Desha Abhimani Surya Vansa Ratna Vibhushan Palitha Ariyarathna from Senkadagala Sinha Dwara…

TCFBI PEC President Unethical Conversion of Buddhist

TCFBI International Co-ordinator

JBB Convenor and President

Author Publisher and Journalist


There is no fundamental right to convert another person to his religion. Born again or any other proselyting activity would affect the vary existence of Buddhism.

Article 9 of the Constitution reads as follows:
"The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give the Buddhism the foremost place and
accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha
Sasana, . while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and
14(l)(e). "

19/2003 Supreme Court Decision. It clearly states that the Constitution does not recognize the right to propagate religion as a fundamental right. That it is illegal to influence one's fundamental right to free thought, even through proselytizing, even through moral standards

19/2003 ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය තීරණය.එකෙන් පැහැදිලිව කියනවා ආගම් ප්‍රචාරය කිරීමේ අයිතිය , මුලික අයිතියක් ලෙස ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාව පිළි නොගන්නා බව. සදාචාර සම්මත ක්‍රමවලින් පවා ආගම් ප්‍රචාරය කිරීම තුලින් පවා කෙනෙකුගේ මුලික අයිතිය වන නිදහස් චින්තනය බලපෑම් කිරීම නීති විරෝධී බව.