West aims to disintegrate Muslim states

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‘West aims to disintegrate Muslim states’
Sat Apr 2, 2011 5:34PM

Tehran’s Ambassador to Damascus Seyyed Ahmad Mousavi
Tehran’s ambassador to Damascus says the enemies and arrogant powers want to disintegrate Muslim countries in order to achieve their political objectives.

“In order to achieve their objectives and policies in this regard, the enemies try to make it an issue of democracy … and it is necessary for Muslim countries to be vigilant about enemy plans,” Seyyed Ahmad Mousavi said with regards to the developments in Syria and other regional countries.

“The disintegration of Muslim countries is on the agenda of the global arrogance and a pressing priority for the enemies of Islam,” Mousavi told IRNA on Saturday.

Referring to the Egyptian dictator, who was ousted in a popular revolution earlier in the year, the Iranian envoy said, “The enemies supported [Hosni] Mubarak to the last minute but when his fall became certain they (the enemies) pretended to be on the side of the people.”

“Even in Yemen, today, [they] support [President] Ali Abdullah Saleh.”

The unpopular Yemeni ruler has been faced with protests rallies demanding his ouster since January. The Saleh regime has launched armed attacks on the protests, killing dozens of people.

The Iranian official said the enemies are creating tension in Syria as they are unhappy with the country’s political independence towards regional and international issues.

“They (the enemies) have joined hands and are pursuing their own objectives [in Syria] and this approach of theirs was not previously adopted in Egypt before Mubarak’s fall,” he said.

Syria has been struggling with anti-government protests, which have left civilians and security forces dead and injured.

Authorities say they have arrested foreign elements who have had a hand in inciting the recent unrest in Syria.