What the Tigers failed to get by the bullet the TNA is now trying to achieve by hypocrisy and deceitful means.

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara 13.12.2010.

D.B.S.Jeyaraj writing to dbsjeyaraj.com on December 10th, 2010 under the caption”President Rajapaksa initiates political dialogue with TNA has revealed the following information. He says that there had been preliminary discussions in this regard between two representatives of the government and the TNA and they had made commendable progress in most respects. Thereafter there was a discussion between the President and Sampanthan in Colombo attended by Prof G.L.Peiris.

According to his column some of the salient points on which preliminary agreement was reached at these discussions were as follows.


There will be no concurrent list and the reserved list will be limited to matters such as National Defense, Foreign Affairs, National Fiscal Policy, Immigration/Emigration, Citizenship, Customs, Posts, Telecommunications, International Airports, Major Harbours, Railways, National Highways, and Maritime Zones. All other powers will be exercised by the province

Exclusive powers over land, development, health, education, etc., and fiscal powers, including the power to receive foreign direct investments to be granted to the provinces. Foreign loans may also be negotiated and received by the provinces directly with the concurrence of the Centro

All state land in the provinces (except those that fall within the reserved subjects such as national airports, harbours etc.) to vest in the provincial council with provision for the Centre to request and use lands necessary for other national project

ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…– The national finance commission to evolve a scheme for the allocation of resources based on the principle of balanced regional development with the provinces being categorized based on the present levels of development in order for those lagging behind to

He however says no agreement was reached on the subjects of police powers and the unit of devolution

Although the names of these two experts are not mentioned by DBJ going by the text of DBS report I presume they are professor G.L.Peiris on behalf of the Government and K.Kanag-Isvaran MP ” President Counsel representing the TNA.

It was also reported that the following documents were used as the basis of that discussion.

”Lanka accord of 1987, The Mangala Moonesinghe Select Committee report of 1993, the Constitutional Reforms proposals of 1995 and 2000, The inaugural address by President Rajapaksa at the APRC conference, The majority and minority reports of the Experts panel at the APRC and the Preliminary/interim reports of the APRC Chairman were some of the documents used as a basis to formulate an acceptable framework.

At the very outset I must point out that all these documents have been rejected by the people of this country long time ago and therefore they should not be used in any form at any discussion.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The crust of the problem is that the source of all these documents is the 13th Amendment imposed by the Indian Government to meet its political agenda including the division of the country on an ethnic basis and empower Sri Lanka Tamils for separation as an Independent Tamil State in one part of Sri Lanka, perhaps finally leading to EELAM and destroy this Island nation.

Therefore I think all concerned patriotic people of this country should rise against this betrayal if any attempt is made to use any of these documents to work out a formula to solve he present political impasse. Enough has been already discussed and debated on the 13th Amendment by many prominent people and everybody has clearly shown the dangers associated with that Indian monster. Therefore I do not wan to repeat all that here for brevity.

If what is reported is carried out it will be nothing short of the EElam. What Prabha and his terrorist outfit failed to achieve by the bullet for thirty years, the TNA will achieve through deceitful means. When the Tiger is thrown out from the front door it appears that the TNA leopard is now trying to enter the house through the back window. We should not forget that the TNA is only another name for the LTTE.

It is very clear that DBSJ is playing a double game or modern Aritthakivendu role in this conspiracy. In this conspiracy, as I see it, he along with TNA men has adopted the following shrewd strategies.

First Praise the president and thereby try to mislead him

This is how DBSJ is trying to trap the President

While ignorant and biased critics of President Rajapaksa continue to berate him for not attempting to evolve a political settlement to the unresolved Tamil National question, the Machiavelli of Medamulana has in his distinctive functional style initiated some quiet moves to arrive at a political understanding with the premier political party representing Sri Lankan Tamils.

(Note the words Tamil National question. This makes it very clear that they still maintain that there are two Nations in this country; one Tamil and the other Sinhala. That also implies that they have not given up EELAM, the separate state of Tamils.)

Sampanthan during the talks with the President entreated him to utilize the historic opportunity afforded. He pointed out that Rajapaksa had been elected President again and had a two-thirds majority. Sampanthan said that Mahinda enjoyed the absolute trust and confidence of the Sinhala people and could therefore be magnanimously receptive to the legitimate aspirations of the Tamils without risking a Sinhala hawkish backlash.

(But although Sinhala people have given a thumping mandate to the President Sampandan should also understand that they have not given that to give EELAM to Tamils)

Sampanthan also requested President Rajapaksa to trust the TNA just as that party would trust him. He said that if such a climate of mutual trust could be established the TNA would extend its fullest cooperation to the President and his government. While stating that the Govt with a two-thirds majority did not require the TNA quantitative support the Govt could benefit by the TNA qualitative support and cooperation.

He pointed out to the President that When we are involved, the Tamil people, substantial sections of the Tamil Diaspora, and substantial sections of the International Community, will adopt a more helpful and positive attitude towards the fulfillment of the urgent tasks in the North and East He further stated that the whole process will be infused with greater credibility, and will gather momentum. I expect that the required aid and assistance will become more easily available.

As the premier political formation representing the Sri Lankan Tamils, Sampanthan pointed out that the Govt stood to gain politically by getting the cooperative support of the TNA. He further said that the President political stature and prestige would be greatly enhanced through TNA support. It may also strengthen him in confronting issues of democracy, pluralism and human rights.

(All this remind me the story of the fox and the crow which we learned in Junior school)

Second Pretends to show that TNA is sole democratic representative of the Tamils who can command not only local Tamils but also the diaspora, India and the so-called International community.

Third shows the world that President Rajapaksa and his government is swollen headed.

It has to deal diplomatically and judiciously with a head swollen regime riding the crest of a triumphant wave with the belief that might is right At present the government may be right on top and Mahinda Rajapaksa may feel that he is king of the world.

(This displays TNA and other Communal Parties with anti Sinhala communal and separatist venom in their heads and perhaps in the whole body)

The political parties representing minority communities have lost all bargaining clout and are virtually powerless. This does not mean that the government should ignore the minorities and roll on like a juggernaut while mouthing meaningless platitudes that there is no majority or minority anymore

Fourth by trying to show that President Rajapaksa is not trustworthy.

At one point in the interview N.Ram, Editor The Hindu asks the President Now, there are heightened expectations about the political solution, the 13th Amendment-plus, that has been promised. The impression is that there is drift here?

President Rajapaksa responds -As you would understand, we can discuss this only now with all the political parties. After the elections, we have had discussions and they will continue. The solution that I have in mind might not be good enough for them; they might not accept it. Not only the political parties, but the people must also accept it. They want a new leadership to be built up. After we send them back to their villages, they have all these expectations and hopes. We must find out from them too. I have already had discussions with our political leaders who are in the government and who are in the opposition.

N.Ram then queries Do you have in mind a clear political solution, even if you have not revealed the specifics To this the President replies Yes, but I will first find out their views. We want to appoint a committee, from both sides and discuss all these.

This Column does not want to comment or conjecture further on President Rajapaksa views expressed to N.Ram of The Hindu but would like to emphasize that the views suggest there is a Disconnect between what was purportedly told Sampanthan in private and what was told publicly to the Chennai based newspaper

The tragic history of worsening ethnic relations in Sri Lanka is replete with instances of leaders backtracking or failing to deliver on political promises. It is to be hoped that the seeming delay on President Rajapaksa is due to political procrastination and not political default.

Fifth at the same time indirectly warn the Government

Krishna told Sampanthan that he had impressed upon President Rajapaksa the imperative need to enter into a structured political dialogue with the TNA. The Indian foreign minister also told Sampanthan that he had conveyed Indian PM Manmohan Singh opinion on the subject. Apparently the Indian PM had opined that he hoped the Govt-TNA talks would be underway when he met President Rajapaksa next.

But still maintain that the Tamils in Sri Lanka have a Historical Homeland consisting of the North and the East and therefore logically they should be remerged. He does not call this country even Sri Lanka. Consistently has used the word Ilankai and Ilankai Thamizhar in particular. Also he talks of a Tamil National question. This means Tamils are a separate Nation in Sri Lanka They also always talk of a Government dominated by the majority Sinhalese ethnic group. If 75% of a country population who fashioned the civilization of that country cannot have a majority in Parliament then who should have it? Naturally an immigrant community comprising less than 12% cannot in any case dominate over 75 %. It is a tragedy that these communalists cannot understand even that much.

So what I see flowing through the whole article is anti Sinhala venom. It is a bigger conspiracy than any hatched before. I see many venomous snakes under the carpet in this process.

The Sinhala majority will never agree to recognize N& E as a Tamil Homeland within Sri Lanka. They will also never agree for a Federal System. Nor for the 13th Amendment either in parts or in full…

Most Tamil writers appear to have already accepted defeat and reluctantly they accept that they are not equal with the Sinhala people in this country. What they do now is trying to kiss the hand that cannot be severed (kapanta beri ata imbiima). So one has to be extremely careful not to get trapped and once again go back to square no 1.

Meanwhile the Government has now decided that the National Anthem should be sung only in Sinhala. This is very welcome for the simple reason that any given country can have only one National anthem. Suresh Premachandra of TNA has already protested. He had said “If we can’t sing the anthem in Tamil, we will be driven to boycott the anthem.” In my opinion those who cannot sing it in Sinhala should be driven out of this country as well, as it involves a violation of the constitution. Let them go to UK. America, Norway or even India and sing their National Anthems in Tamil.

think that should be taken seriously by the Government either It is only the Tamil politicians who are concerned about this type of slogans, because it is their bread and butter to survive in communal politics.

Under these circumstances I list below few more urgent things that the present Government should take up as national priorities with its 2/3 in Parliament right now in order to eradicate this ugly communal politics from the surface of this country.

1 Prohibit all ethnic Political Parties which are named after a Community, Religion or a

  Region in the country (such as TNA, TC, Muslim Congress, Upcountry Front etc)

2 Ban all separatists movements

3 Scrap Provinces and Provincial Councils, the club foot of the illegitimate 13th


4 Go to 3 Sinhale that formed the geopolitical foundation of the Sri Lankan State from

247 BC to 1815 AD.

5 Bring the whole country under one law

6 Make Sinhala the only Official Language of this country and revert Tamil as a Regional

Language in the North and the East within Divisional Secretary Areas where there is a

Tamil majority

7 Give priority to the needs of the people over the enormous benefits afforded to

Į Politicians and make Politics an honourable job.

One final word. What ever the Govt do it should not be decided by the President of his own or the Parliament. Because since Parliament decides on the principle of majority in the House, it doe not show the actual consensus of the people in the country. Therefore on all ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ broader national issues, I think the best and most democratic way to be adopted would be to go for a referendum of the whole country for the final solution.

I would also like to mention about another solution here. Now that already nearly half the UNP MPP are on the government side and the there is also a possibility of many more coming why not invite the entire UNP for a National Government instead of allowing the lame duck to engage in vituperative politics against the government disrupting the national unity and doing enormous damage to the international image of the country.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ A national Government including the UNP will be advantageous for both the government and the UNP. It will also be good for the people. It will strength the position of the Government in the international circles and make it easy to implement national policies regarding national development and reconciliation This could be an interim arrangementƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  with the two major parties sharing power where the PM ship should be given to the UNP while the President continue as the Executive President. If this arrangement could last for six years I think all the so-called intractable national issues could be solved within a broader national consensus.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The National Government should not have more than 20 Ministers for 6 years from now. At the end of the 6 years they can again contest separately under their symbols. Under such a situation instead of accusing the government the UNP Ministers can set an example by doing the correct thing. ( For example go for reduced salaries and perks, refuse duty free vehicles, reduce other facilities like excessive security, flight of vehicles, exorbitant allowances, engaging in government contracts, pension rights, rent for their own houses, refrain from interfering in appointments etc in their Ministries, refrain from unnecessary foreign trips and finally set an example in serving the public). When they behave like that the UNF Ministers will also be compelled to follow suit. Because if they donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t do it that way, they will lose the election next time. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

The UNP also should realize that it would be a more positive way of coming to power rather than talking about a UNP government in place of the present. Because what the majority in this country wants is a better government under which their life will be easy and better. From what party they get it is not that important for them.