I challenge anyone to prove that the Tamil people have not been treated as equal citizens and are still not treated as equal citizens and have lost their dignity and self respect as Sambandan cry?

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara. President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 25.11. 2011. 

This is absolute false and typical baloney of vituperative and communal Tamil politics. Before they point the fore finger at the Government on these stale issues they must first understand that every time they do so at least three fingers in their hands directly point at them and their conscience, for they know that they are lying.  So the more they accuse the Government the more it boomerangs on them. It would have been better if Sambandan had told us as to in what specific areas they are not equal as citizens of this country, supported by concrete data. I also do not understand as to what he means when he says that they have lost their dignity and respect. Like any other politician when they behave in undignified and treacherous manner like this little realizing that they are only reaping what they have been sowing over the past few decades. Things like dignity and respect after all are things one has to earn in the hard way. But when they behave like monkeys I wonder how they could earn the dignity and respect of others. They must first be respect worthy and dignified in their action and behavior if they want to be respected and accepted as a dignified lot. If you want the other man to respect you, first, you must respect him and show him that you honestly respect him both by action and word. Without you first smiling at a person I can assure you that you will never see a smiling face in this world.
I invite Sambandan and his click or any other who thinks the way they do to look at the following simple facts
There has been no bar for any man or women irrespective of his race, language o religion to rise to any position in this country. The only two positions these people have not been able to reach are the posts of President and the Prime minister for obvious and very valid reasons created by the very Tamils communal politicians (but not by the ordinary Tamils). Had they been given the opportunity this country would have been an EELAM long time ago.
For example can anyone deny the fact that Tamils like any other have held the following positions ever since this country gained independence from the British rule in 1948 except that there has been a reduction in certain areas due to the loss of lopsided privileges they enjoyed due to gross discrimination against the majority community Sinhalese, by the colonial rulers, to keep the eternally suppressed.  
1 Politics and Public service
Ministers in the Cabinet, Chief Justice, Justices of all courts, Attorney Generals, Auditor Generals, Secretary to the Treasury, Inspector General of Police. Army Commanders, Navy Commanders, Secretaries of all Ministries, Heads of Departments, Government Agents of places like Kandy ,Colombo and almost all other Districts in the South, Doctors and engineers all over the Island, University Professors and even Vice chancellors of Universities , Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Pilots. But even today they protest for appointing a Sinhala man as GA Mannar. That is the difference between them and the Sinhalese
2 Property ownership, freedom of movement, employment, residence and social mobility
Anyone can buy property and do businesses, get employed or settle down in any part of the country and even form ethnic and religious enclaves; they can intermarry without any discrimination. If you take Wellawatta south of the Colombo it is a mono Tamil enclave and Colombo City which is the Capital of the country, though outside the predominantly Tamil areas of the North, where majority are Tamils. So much so Wellawatta is called little Jaffna for a long time and certain parts of Colombo in Petta and Kolonnawa area are even called Tamilnadus indicating their dominance (in spite of the fact that they have killed or chased out and others and never allow a Sinhala or Muslim man to engage in business or work in the public or private sector.

3 Education
Anyone can go to any school or university anywhere in the country (in spite of the fact that they have killed the Sinhala students and chased out others who survived from the north and the east. Education is free to everybody irrespective of ethnicity, language or religion up to the highest level.
4 Political privileges
Tamil politicians enjoy all the extravagances and privileges enjoyed by the other politicians and sometimes even more. What is more is these communal politicians get  their salaries, privileges and even their pensions from government funds against which they  talk, act both at home and abroad and commit acts of terrorism and thereby violating even the Constitution of the country. (Can Sambadan or any one of his mad communal outfit name any other country in the world where any citizen enjoys this kind of privileges while going against the Government and the country by violating the law of the country)?
5 Language
Both Sinhala and Tamil are given parity status under the Constitution and any one can study in their mother tongue up to the University level or even beyond.
6 Freedom of religion
Anyone is free to profess his or her religion without any discrimination or restriction.
7 Freedom of speech, public meeting, expression and right of association
Who can say that there is discrimination in this country on any of these rights against any particular ethnic group as a community? The fact is that the Tamils being a minority enjoy more privileges than the Sinhalese. They even blatantly violate the 6th Amendment to the Constitution with impunity, for which they have to be thankful to the Government and the general public for not taking them for task.
Now let us look at how they behave and Sinhalese behave.

Finally before I wind up for the day, I challenge Mr Sambandan or any other Communal Tamil Politician to name any country in this world or any other, where minorities are better off than in this country. Their eight decades of communal mantram has only brought destruction to everybody in this country and more particularly tor the peace loving innocent Tamil people. It is high time these mad politicians put an end to this path of disaster and destruction in the name of mother Lanka and her posterity.This is only a short note hurriedly posted in protest against the statement issued by Sambandan to the Transcurrents. The prime aim of this note is to open a live debate on this issue. So I invite my readers to make their valuable contribution to give eyes and brains (which is impossible) to these rabid communal politicians who are trying again to set thisParadiseIslandablaze. In my opinion these rabid communal Tamils politicians who have neither eyes or ears nor brains or common sense to understand reality are solely responsible for this pathetic situation in this country sinceIndependence.
Finally I close this note with the following quote from the Transcurrents of Nov 21 2011 Dr Rajasingham had written since I think that perhaps is the best comment made by anyone in response to the Statement Sambandan had issued to the press.
“This interview should be read along with those of M.A.Sumanthiran elsewhere in Transcurrents. The recent statement of Suresh Premachandran should also be read. How can any government deal with such an entity? Aren’t these elements in the TNA working at cross purposes by giving different signals, while confusing the Tamils and other peoples in Sri Lanka. The TNA is confused. They do not “ƒ”¹…”Know’ what the Tamils need now and want to go now. The TNA has to find a new product to sell and learn to market it. They are at present trying to sell an obsolete product for which there is no mass market. “ƒ”¹…”Gopal tooth powder’ has no mass market in an age where tooth pastes have come to the fore. However, people will reluctantly use the tooth powder (some of course will seek it out, out of habit!), when there is no tooth paste available. The TNA is like the “ƒ”¹…”Gopal tooth powder’ of old
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran says:
November 21, 2011 at 12:00 am