Disgust at cruel soup and abusive of Buddha name

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By Deshabandu Palitha Ariyarathna

Buddha and Buddhist life began to criticize by many news in the world and it’s deeply hurting the Buddhist world.  Peoples who are deal always with the judgments and criticisms about Buddhism insulting the Buddha by making bikinis with Buddha or bodi satwa state, using Buddhist emblems in their toilet accessories, or posting a Buddha in a naked magazine, or even many missionaries are ask for peoples to stamping on Buddha when they unethically convert to the any other goodish doctoring. Lastly extremist like to put a bomb at Buddha state and kill Buddhists in the name of their gods. Still lot of Buddhists are sleep and because of that in the world Buddha bar, Buddha soups or whatever began with the Buddha’s name become popular in many countries throughout the extremists.

Theravada version Buddha Bar

(this and act against Buddhist world)

Mahayanist or smile version of Buddha Bar logo

(this and act against Buddhist world)

Sales of a new Victoria’s Secret swimsuit featuring Buddhist images (link) have been halted internationally by international and local Buddhist protesting happens around 2004, something very sacred should not be used inappropriately in the world as community responsibility.lot of  Buddhist concern on these questions.

Why lot peoples do insult on Buddhism and Buddha?

Why spared slander and gossip about Buddhist people?

Why Buddha become a popular in the several menus at five star hotels with meaning of intend to-do insulting Buddha covertly?.

Buddha preaches to the world:

1. Do not kill.

2. Do not steal.

3. Do not engage in sexual misconduct.

4. Do not lie.

5. Do not use intoxicants

If its the Buddha advice to the world why there is bar call Buddha bar?

Why several meat packs include the Buddha image?

Why Buddha picture on a slender Bikini?

Why selling in a five star hotel at Dubai dishes call The ‘Buddha Jump Over the wall’ and it’s containing Shark’s pin?.(link)

We like to thanks the Animal rights activity at Dubai for fire up the issues. But we wonder as a Buddhist was the right activity did not see the name of the Buddha should not be print on such a menu…

Sadly, we Buddhist we want to say to the world those sorts of comments are made every day by people who surround us. By the people we work with and take the train with everyday. Slander and insults are all around us. It’s should be stop now and Buddhists has to wake up.

Sometimes one Word can be weapons. Also in other way just as a kind word can keep you smile for hours, also we have to aware harsh word can ruin your day. “An injury is forgotten sooner than an insult”