Arrest this Fatal threat and open intimidation to the media by Ranil

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Sudath Gunasekara

19. 6. 2016.

Stop playing same old tunes, Ranil tells media assist in achieving reconciliation, peace, development Ranil Wickramasingha) Island June 18, 2016, 8:23 pm

Isn’t this a fatal threat and an open intimidation to the media by the de facto Head of the State to the media? This threat also has to be viewed in the light of the recent threat by the head of the CID to the media. Could there be a correlation between these two statements?

I think all media people should read the following threat by Ranil very carefully and seriously. It should never be taken lightly, by all those who know who Ranil is and also by whom he is manipulated and driven both at Home and abroad at present. Those who know his Batalanda record also have to be particularly careful on this warning. I suggest they lodge their strong protest against this move as a precautionary measure against their possible disappearances and the betrayal of the nation.

Addressing a news conference at Temple Trees on Friday Wickremesinghe said “I call upon the media to stop playing the same old tunes and assist the government in achieving its goals of reconciliation, peace and economic development.”

Stressing that there was no time to be wasted on irrelevant issues, he emphasized that the focus should be on improving the lives of all Sri Lankans which the last Rajapaksa regime had failed to do by resorting to a divide and rule policy which had resulted in the country not having realized its true potential in the post war era.

The Prime Minister said that the government led by President Maithripala Sirisena had launched a short to long term development program which had attracted investor interest, entrepreneurs and industrialists  in many countries including China, India, Japan and Singapore.

Contrary to Opposition allegations Sino-Lanka relations had been strengthened and preparations were on to celebrate 60 years of diplomatic ties between the two countries which would be marked next year, he added.”

Everybody in this country know that he is desperate to stick to power as he knows how long and how hard he had to struggle for 21 long years to get this potta chance.  That is why he is trying to keep all media at bay. So he will do anything and everything to hang on to power. That also happened thanks to Mahinda’s postwar blunders and Sirisena’s willingness to stand as a billa at Chandrikka’s behest and the conspiracy that was heavily supported by India, US, UK, Norway and the Diaspora abroad. The Tamils and Muslims at Home who always fish in trouble waters also played a critical role in this conspiracy. So to all these parties Ranil and Sirisena owe a very big debt in gratitude

The following statement by Ashok Mehta testifies to what I have stated above beyond all reasonable doubts.

US India conspiracy

The Sunday Island (30/08/2015) He had this to say.”Ashok Mehta, retired Army General, now a noted Defense and political analyst writing in the ‘Hindu’ soon after the January 8th Presidential election let the cat out of the bag. He clearly says that the election result was a culmination of a conspiracy that began in London 18 months earlier (implying that not only Britain but that America was involved), and passed through Delhi, (implying Indian involvement) and was implemented in Sri Lanka , with the leadership being provided by Ranil Wickremesinghe and Chandrika Kumaratunge.

Ashok Mehta states that Maithripala Sirisena was brought in during the last two months. However, the groundwork for the latter was prepared months earlier when Sirirsena was invited and felicitated in the USA and given a special award for his ‘great contribution to the upliftment of the health services in Sri Lanka.”

All minorities, both Tamils and Muslims at home want to achieve their aspirations at the expense of the birth rights of 75 % Sinhala Buddhists in this country who are the real owners of the land. The traitorous gang lead by Chnadrika- Ranil & Co also want to destroy the Sinhala Buddhists. Chandrika has already said so long before elections several times when she said that Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism has to be done away with if reconciliation is to be achieved in this country. Sirisena who is fatally trapped in the deathly noose set by all these treacherous crooks, both at home and abroad, hell bent to take revenge from Mahinda Rajapaksa (perhaps his main motive) is acting as the cat’s paw only.  None in this C-R-S Troika is concerned about the plight of Sinhala Buddhists. They may also not be concerned about the Tamils or Muslims. They are concerned only in power and privileges.  This reality, I think should be realized   by everybody in this country at least now. In my opinion, both UNP and SLFP have miserably failed to solve a single national problem in this country. Therefore it is high time to discard both these parties and find a patriotic alternative with different political culture to rescue this country from the quagmire the UNP and the SLFP have dumped it.

Drawing your attention to what Rannil has said in order to make it easy for him to sell the country to the West and India and fulfill his promises to Tamils and Muslims it is high time people of this country find a party with a patriotic leader who is capable of desisting all foreign interventions and betrayals to minorities and protect the rights of the Sinhala Buddhists and not offer them as fodder or broiler chicken to foreign countries and minorities.

This consortium of vicious foreign enemies wants two things done. First to consolidate their power in the Indian Ocean using this country as the hub with its unique location right at the centre of the East- West oceanic route to exploit its geopolitical and strategic potentials and unlimited land and oceanic resources like  Thorium, natural gaze and petroleum deposits. Secondly, to destroy the unique Sinhala Buddhist civilization, by enthroning Tamils and Muslims. The Chandrika-Ranil-Sirisena Troika is acting as their agents and accomplices. This betrayal has to be stopped at any cost.

It is here where media has to play a critical role to prevent such exploitation and protect the interests of the country.  Ranil and his government is paving the way to all these treacherous forces to exploit these resources at will and fulfill their sinister objectives. These they have promised before the elections.  An independent and fearless media will definitely be a big obstacle for these betrayals. That is why Ranil wants media to be silenced. He is trying to do this job under the guise of reconciliation, peace and development. The media has an onerous duty by the country to expose all such shady activities that are detrimental to the country without fear or favour.

While the media does its job the people of this country also has to be alert and act in time to arrest his disaster. There is only one conceivable way to stop this tragedy where both the people and media have to play a dominant role. That is to find out a formidable Sinhala Buddhist national force lead by a Patriotic leader or a group of such leaders to replace this unpatriotic gang of betrayers and chase them out to the infinity in the outer space so that they can never return again.