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Are you sure your child has not been registered as a “Sri Lankan Tamil” in school registration data sheet?

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Warning to all Sri Lankan expatriates living in UK

By our Special correspondent in UK

“There could be a sinister motive behind this move. For many years, Tamil Diaspora in UK pressurizing British Government to include “Tamil Language” as an extra  subject  into children’s school curricular.  If they do succeed in getting all “Sinhala children” registered as “Sri Lankan Tamils”, they could easily use those false statistics further to justify their above request”

This was first disclosed by a then journalist (now serving in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in “The Island” in 2001 that some UK Schools re-clarified   “Sinhala Children” as “Sri Lankan Tamils” on their school Registration forms.

At that time, Ranil Wickramasinghe was “in peace” with LTTE chief Prabakaran and the UNP government was outraged. The then Foreign Minister Tyrone Fernando while making his comments over the above news article in the parliament called the relevant journalist, an irresponsible journalist and demanded an apology from him.  Since the then Sri Lankan High Commission in London also denied such allegation, the journalist who disclosed this could not substantiate his claim and then had to apologize.

While speaking to “Sinhale Hot News“, a Sri Lankan expatriate living in UK said this is still happening in some of UK schools. He further went on to say that he noticed last Friday a school in Ashford has re-classified his daughter as a “Sri Lnkan Tamil” even though he correctly selected “other” category when replying to the usual question appearing on her school registration form, whether your child’s ethnic origin is either “Indian”, “Pakistan” or “Other” .

He further said that he will take up this matter with the relevant school Principal as to how his daughter  suddenly become a “Sri Lankan Tamil”.

It is further learnt that this was previously taken up with the then ruling Labour party by a Sri Lankan Association in UK and the then UK Education Minister told the Sri Lankan Association  that unless Sri Lankan Government made a specific request, he couldn’t  instruct UK schools to create a separate ethnic Category called “Sri Lankan Sinhala” in to school registration data forms.  However ,UK Education Minister assured them that  he would make  sure that no “non-Tamil”  child would ever be registered  as a  “Sri Lanka Tamil” on the school registration data forms thereafter.

“There could be a sinister motive behind this move. For many years, Tamil Diaspora in UK pressurizing British Government to include “Tamil Language” as an extra  subject  into children’s school curricular.  If they do succeed in getting all “Sinhala children” registered as “Sri Lankan Tamils”, they could easily use those false statistics further to justify their above request.   Then, within few years UK Tamils could say, around 25,000 Tamil children are currently attending schools in UK and Tamils are now the biggest minority children in UK. Therefore, we demand British children should learn “Tamil language” as an extra subject, just like it is compulsory for them to learn either German, French  or Spanish . For that purpose, they only need to get the support of the pro-LTTE MPs like Keith Vaz   and Simon Huges and then the education authorities would certainly cave in.” he urged further.

If an English child has been registered by a school even by a mistake as a British Scottish or a British Welsh, there would have been a huge outcry in UK media. So, why should we keep quiet if our Sinhala or Muslim or Malay child has suddenly become a “Sri Lanka Tamil”? he finally asked