What ?
Is it an absurdity ?
(The Hidden Reality)
There were\are people who ate\eat human flesh. Recent past, a head of state of one country became very famous in this regard. Human flesh is the product of human genes & it is the Science. If so, people who eat human flesh call human meat, a flesh created by human genes.
A human body has 100% human genes. So, eating human flesh by another similar human means that a flesh produced by 100% human genes is being eaten by another flesh produced by 100% human genes. e.g.; Let us assume that you eat your father’s body as meat. It’s only an assumption. That’s where the above incident happens. The final conclusion is that the eating of a human being by another human being is called eating human flesh.
Suppose a human eats meat that is 90% human. There you are eating about 10% less than a human. Let’s say you eat meat that has 80% human flesh or flesh produced by 80% human genes. Then you are eating 20% less than a human. A cow is an animal with such 80% of human flesh. What ? If a gene produces its specific matter, doesn’t matter whether it is in a human or in a being, that particular gene produces its specific part wherever it is. Therefore, It has been said that a being born with 20% human genetic deficiency is named as a “Cow”. If so, the Biggest Discovery here is that cow or beef contains 80% human oriented flesh or human matter because the human genes.
The human body is made up of human genes and there is no argument about that. If a cattle is born from only the cattle generation, there should only be cattle genes in it. There shouldn’t be any human genes in it. If so, how can a cattle have human flesh made up of 80% human genes or how can a cattle contain 80% of human flesh ? ? If 80 out of 100 human genes are found in a cattle, there must be a relationship between a human and a cattle.
This Discovery is something that Science should be surprised by.
Ask a question ?
Cows have 80% of human genes because cows are because of humans ? Or cows have 80% of human genes because the cow was Created with the genes of human?
Which of these two can be assumed or acceptable ?
The fact that a cow was created as a cow is acceptable if the cow does have only the cow genes & not any human genes. But the fact that a cow has 80% human genes means that a cow is not the kind of cow we think it is. He differs from man only by 20%.
Good ! Let’s look at the first point that the cow is because of the man. Man is born because of human generation. There are no cows in it. Then how can the cow be because of the man or how can the man be because of the cow? This is a very serious question that cannot anyway be solved.
See ! There is something in COMMON. It sometimes gives birth to a cow. Sometimes to a man. If the standard is considered\taken as human, then a production by 100% human genes is called man. That commonality sometimes produces a mass with 20% less than the standard human gene percentage. There then a human being is not born but it is also a life. It is called Cattle. Moreover, according to the changes in the standard human gene percentage, the produced masses by this common factor varies & different living masses are born in the world.
What is this common thing?
It is Mind.
When the Mind that once made humanity leaves the human being and makes a situation where the percentage of standard human genes is 20% less, it’s known as a Cow and without knowing this phenomenon, it is the custom of the human being to kill a cow and eat it.
It is clear from the above story that sometimes the Mind contributes to the birth of a human and sometimes the same Mind contributes to the birth of a cow. The reason is because the Mind or Mental energy which is immortal or non-destructive, is in a unstoppable circulation that jumps from birth (Mass) to birth (Mass).
That is what was said by Abhidharma.
Thank you !
(There were two brothers in one house. The elder brother’s occupation was firewood trading. The younger brother did not work. The elder got married. A wife came home. The elder went to his work every day. After some time, an affair started between the elder’s wife and the younger one. With the advice of the elder’s wife junior killed his brother. After a period, a rattle snake used to come to the roof of the kitchen in which she works & began falling down to her body was killed later on. After sometime, a cow from the herd of them gave birth to a calf & it used to come near the door of the kitchen & sounds. it too was put to death. Finally she became pregnant. A son was born. By the time he was just three years or even less, he began disclosing what had happened to him over the past season. Today, thank to hypnosis, a lot of stories are coming up in this field.