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source: Rationalist International, BULLETIN # 23 27 October 1999


The Indian Rationalist Association Secretary General Sanal Edamaruku today accused the Pope and the Vatican of using their might and influence to obstruct all efforts to control the dramatic growth of the world population. “The policy of the Vatican opposing scientific methods of population control is against the vital interest of the Developing World and deserve strong condemnation”, said Edamaruku in a press statement. The Pope is scheduled to visit India in the first week of November.

“Pope John Paul is a dangerous man”, Edamaruku said. “His determined fight against modern contraceptive methods adds misery not only to Roman Catholics but to the whole world. The present Pope has personally taken initiative to manipulate and influence the political process in several countries by vociferously attacking successful population control programmes. He has condemned Brazil’s birth control programme as ‘gravely illicit’. In February 1997, he instructed Philipine bishops to launch an aggressive public campaign against contraception”, Edamaruku said.

“The efforts to implement the Vatican’s archaic population policy are not limited to directly influencing the bahaviour of believing Catholics with dogmas and threats, they aim at controling the policies of nations and world bodies like WHO and UN. The Vatican has dominated the WHO since its inception in 1946 and with strong arm political pressure it has kept family planning off the agenda till today”, Sanal Edamaruku continued. “Using its recognition as an official state, the governing body of the Catholic church that the Vatican is, participates in policy-setting conferences of the UN, enjoys voting right and knows moreover how to use its special religious authority to influence the votes of several other states. It successfully blocked several major initiatives on birth control issues for decades.”

“According to UNICEF reports there are 75 million children under five years in the world, who are suffering from malnutrition. Eight million children under the age of five die every year of malnutrition and vaccine preventable diseases. To promote further increase of the world population in the given situation, is not only irresponsible, it is nothing less than a crime against humanity”, said Sanal Edamaruku.