The Vatican’s Holocaust

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The sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century

By Avro Manhattan

Avro Manhattan (1914-1990)

About the Author:

Avro Manhattan was the world’s foremost authority on Roman Catholicism in politics. A resident of London, during WW II he operated a radio station called “Radio Freedom” broadcasting to occupied Europe. He was the author of over 20 books including the best-seller The Vatican in World Politics, twice Book-of-the-Month and going through 57 editions. He was a Great Briton who risked his life daily to expose some of the darkest secrets of the Papacy. His books were #1 on the Forbidden Index for the past 50 years!!

The Vatican’s Holocaust – Revealed at Last!

A sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century. Startling revelations of forced conversions, mass murder of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony.


A Word for the Fifth Edition….
Preface to the British Editions
Preface to the American Editions
Chapter 1 

New nation from old ones

The Vatican frowns on the birth of Yugoslavia – Catholic policy of penetration and disintegration – Croat Separatism and the Catholic Church – Catholic storm troopers – The Ustashi.

Chapter 2 

The year of political assassinations

The murder of a Chancellor, of a Foreign Minister and of a King.

Chapter 3 

The birth of a monster: the independent Catholic State of Croatia

Catholic crusaders turn into Storm Troopers – A Catholic Gestapo – How a puppet King was made – A Fascist delegation to the Pope – Ante Pavelic and Pius XII plan a secret campaign.

Chapter 4 

The nightmare of a nation

The Archbishop and Bishops support a Catholic Dictator – “We have three million bullets.” – Catholic concentration camps for children – Orders: “Cremate people alive.”

Chapter 5 

The triumph of terrorism

Punitive expeditions – The pattern of mass executions – The Franciscan pupil who cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners – Pushed alive into their graves – Orthodox Serbs crucified – Eyes torn from their sockets.

Chapter 6 

“Christ and the Ustashi march together.”

Catholic priests and friars lead Ustashi bands – Franciscan padres as bandits – Catholic fathers as Ustashi storm troopers – Archbishop Stepinac issues a pastoral letter – Catholic padres as Ustashi commissars.

Chapter 7 

Catholic friars, priests, executioners, bishops and murderers

Orthodox clergy murdered – The Canon with the bull whip – Catholic persuasion and bayonets – Certificates of honesty for re-Christening in the Catholic Church – Conversion or death – “He converted six thousand persons.” – A Franciscan monster: Father Filipovic.

Chapter 8 

The true inspirer, promoter and executor of the religious massacre: the Vatican

Catholic Bishops advocate “forcible conversions.” – Archbishop Stepinac, Supreme Apostolic Vicar of the Ustashi Army – Forcible conversion legalized – Forcible conversion for the “lost souls” of Orthodox children – The Catholic Church’s directives for forcible conversions – Pope Pius XII blesses Pavelic and his Ustashi.

Chapter 9 

Catholic campaign of denial, smear and falsification

How the First News reached the outside world – Dr. Sekulich and the “Gestapo.” – A Catholic liar at the White House – Winston Churchill issues a writ – What Mrs. Roosevelt said – “I write to save my soul.” – The Archbishop’s answer: “I have forwarded everything to the Vatican.”

Chapter 10 

The Pope, Stepinac and Pavelic try to save Croatia

They ask the “right Allies” for guns – Archbishop Stepinac is promoted head of the Ustashi Government – Ante Pavelic hides inside the Vatican – Stepinac, Cardinal Mindszenty and Pius XII prepare for a new war.

Chapter 11 

The Catholic church prepares for the future

The Pope pigeon-holes a Bishop’s memorandum, promotes a phony religious campaign – Stepinac is arrested and imprisoned – The World Press whitewash the Ustashi horror – The Ustashi Army are resurrected abroad – Pavelic forms a new Ustashi Government. Makes ready for “The Day.”

Chapter 12 

The Vatican and the USA as the defenders of the Fascist criminals of World War II

The Vatican and the USA as the protectors of the Croatian war criminals – The Vatican becomes their refuge – Falsifications of passports – Fake identities “made in Rome.” – Secret Vatican-USA instructions to “validate” them.

Chapter 13 

The Vatican, the Mafia and the USA. Why they enlisted war criminals, Stalin and one third of Europe

The Mafia recruited by the Vatican and the USA – The Mafia helps the Vatican save tons of holy silver – Why the Vatican and the USA enlisted war criminals – The menace of Soviet Russia – Stalin swallows up one-third of Europe – The Vatican-USA secret Alliance to stop him.

Chapter 14 

The USA and the Vatican’s secret plan to rescue war criminals

American and World Jewish reaction – The Jews are mobilized against the State Department and the Pope – The State Department and the Vatican are scared – They adopt a policy of “maximum prudence.” – The USA by-passed Jewish vigilance, by massive equivocal legislation – Official classification of evidence – Estimated 10,000 Nazi collaborators still in the USA.

Chapter 15 

The Vatican saves the Catholic war criminals of Croatia – Roman monasteries as their asylums -The Croatian Holocaust minimized

The Pope saves a top war criminal from execution – The Nuns of Rome who were Croatian Ustashis – Monasteries and Nunneries invaded – The Catholic American grand conspiracy – The man who escaped from Yugoslavia with the first documentation of the Croatian atrocities.

Chapter 16 

The Croatian Holocaust – Invention or Reality? The Ambassador and the Cardinal – The Archbishop of Canterbury’s fit of temper

The English Cardinal who kept his silence – An Embassy buys 2000 copies of the book – Distributions to the House of Lords and Commons – The launching of a book in Northern Ireland – The Archbishop of Canterbury’s unecumenical fit of temper – The Londoner who defied him.

Chapter 17 

The Ambassador and the Pope’s Nuncio in a Red Embassy, a Vatican victory

The Ambassador changes his mind  – No more books about the Croatian Holocaust – Communist amnesty for all Croatian criminals – Communist Yugoslavia makes peace with the Vatican – The Vatican Ambassador in a Communist Embassy; its political meaning – Ustashi settlements abroad.

Chapter 18 

Ustashi terrorism after World War II

The silent efficiency of Ustashi killing – Dr. Sekulich’s experience – The Serbian Convention of Chicago and the Ustashi’s shadow – The lecturer who was shot and killed – The speech advocating mutual tolerance between Serbs and Croats, which saved the life of the author – The would-be killer asks for an autograph.

Chapter 19 

Forty years after – crime and punishment

Effectiveness of the protective legislation of the USA for war criminals – Thirty years of efforts to have a top Ustashi arrested – Artukovic, former Interior Minister of Catholic Croatia, is extradited – He is sentenced to death – Total absence of the religious motivation of the Croatian Holocaust – Distortion of the true nature of his trial – American and world opinion hoodwinked.

Chapter 20 

The Virgin Mary and the Secretary of the USA Navy call for World War III

Consecration of the World to the Virgin Mary – The Cult of Fatima – Its anti-Russian significance – Catholic volunteers with the Nazi Armies on the Russian Front – USA-Russian atomic race – USA theologians advocate atomic war – The American Secretary of Defense jumps from a 16th floor window – USA Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII support “the morality of a preventive atomic war.” – Ante Pavelich and the Ustashi make ready for World War III.

Chapter 21 

The Grand Central European plot – the Pope, the Cardinal and CIA

The CIA and the Vatican Intelligence unite to carry on a “revolution.” – They designate a Cardinal as the future Premier of Hungary – Cardinal Mindszenty’s failure – He is imprisoned – He is driven into Budapest by three Hungarian tanks – The CIA and the Vatican are defeated by the Soviet invasion of Hungary – Cardinal Mindszenty as the “twelve year guest” of the American Legation in Hungary – Death of Pius XII – The Secret of Fatima.

Chapter 22 

The Malta Inquisition – vote Catholic or be damned

Catholic punishing expedition against their opponents – Catholic children as whistling political hooligans – Church bells to silence anti-Catholic speakers – The bells ring THREE SOLID HOURS to silence the Socialists – Father confessors as political advisers – Grilled in the flames of hell if you vote against the Church – Refusal of absolution to exert political pressure – Voters terrorized by vigilante padres –  “Vote Catholic or be damned.”

Chapter 23 

Vietnam – the Croatia of Asia

The religious origins of the Vietnamese conflict – Buddhists protest against a Catholic dictatorship – The Catholic Trio of a President, an Archbishop and a Security Chief – Catholic discrimination against Buddhists – Buddha’s birthday forbidden – The first 16,000 American “advisers.” – President Kennedy cold-shoulders Catholic Diem – Consents to Diem “assassination.” The Catholic Church “loses” the war for the USA – Collapse of the USA Anti-communist front caused by Catholic intransigence.

Chapter 24 

Where will be the next Inquisition?

For more info on the Holocaust see U.S. News and World Report.

Holocaust Archive Pictures

Croatian war criminal arrested in Argentina

Pope to “Beatify” Archbishop Stepinac

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