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PSALM 137 – Smash the Children on the rocks:

Verse 8 : “O daughters of Babylon, who are to be
Happy shall he be who repays you as you have served

Verse 9 : Happy shall he be who takes and dashes your
little ones against the rock.”

EXODUS Chapter 22 – Slay the Pagans (Witches)

Verse 18 : You shall not permit a witch
(witch=pagan=Buddhist ) to live.

Verse 20 : He who sacrifices to any (other ) god
except the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

EXODUS Chapter 21 – A Slave May be Slowly Beaten to

Verse 20 ‘And if a man bets his servant or maid
servant with a rod, so that he dies under his hand, he
shall surely be punished.

Verse 21: “Not withstanding, if he remains alive a day
or two, he shall not be punished for he is his

PSALM 139 – sets your mentality to hatred!

Verse 19 : Oh that you would slay the wicked , O God!

Verse 20 : For they speak against you wickedly, Your
enemies take your name in vain (blaspheme)

Verse 21 : Do I not hate them who hate you?
And do I not loath those who rise up against you?

Verse 22:  I hate them with perfect hatred.
I count them as my enemies

Verse 23 : Search me, O God, and know my heart ; try
me and know my anxieties; And  see if (look for) there
is any wickedness in me and lead me in thy way


Verse 6 ; If your brother, the son of your mother,
your son or your daughter, the wife of your bosom (own
heart) or your friend who is as your own soul,
secretly entices you away, saying ” let us go and
serve other Gods” which you have not known, neither
you or your fathers.

Verse 8 : You shall not consent to him, or listen to
him, nor shall your eye pity him (or her) nor shall
you spare him or conceal him.

Verse 9 : “But you shall surely kill him; your hand
shall be first to put him (or her) to death and
afterwards the hands of all the other people (to help)

Verse 10 : And you shall stone him with stones until
he dies, because he sought to entice you away from
your God who brought you out of the land of the Egypt,
from the house of bondage.

.. Whole citied can be destroyed, and plundered and
burn the city of the apostates.

Verse 18 : Do what is right in the eyes of the LORD
your God.

NUMBERS 31: Wholesale slaughter of helpless women and

Verse 1 & 2 : And the LORD spoke to Moses saying “Take
vengeance on the Midianites. Afterwards, you shall be
gathered to your people. (Midianites stood in the way
of their progress out of Egypt)

Verse 3 : So Moses spoke to the people saying “Arm
some of yourselves for the war, and let them go
against the (surprised?) Midianites and to take
vengeance for the LORD on the Midianites.

Verse 7 : And they warred against the Midianites just
as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all
the males.

Verse 8 : (They killed all the Chiefs and their sons!)

Verse 9 And the Children of Israel took all the women
of Midian captive, with their little ones and took as
spoil all their cattle, all their flocks and all their

Verse 15 : And Moses (angry) said : Have you kept all
the women alive?

Verse 17 : “Now , therefore, kill every male among the
little ones, and kill every woman who has slept with a
man (has known a man intimately)

Verse 18 : “But keep alive for yourselves all the
young girls who have not known a man intimately.

1 KINGS Chapter 11 – Genocide?

Verse 15 “For it happened when David was in Edom and
JOAB , the commander of the army had gone up to bury
the slain, after he had killed every male in Edom.

Verse 16 : (Because for six months JOAB remained there
with all Israel, until he had cut down every male in
These are the guidelines used by Kings and Queens of Europe as they ruled countries in Europe by Gods will for best prt of 2,000 years.