The Catholic Church In North Is In League With The Devil (Ltte+Church+Misanarie)

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The Catholic Church In North

Is In League With The Devil

And Seems To Have Made A Pact With Prabakaran?

Created 2008-04-09,

Los Angeles, 09 April, ( The Catholics living outside Sri Lanka are beginning to question the failed spiritual leadership of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka . As they are able to see through the evil design of the Catholic Bishops and Fathers in the North as well as in the country in general has begun to question their role.

In a letter written by Stephen Long, who is an American businessman, screen writer, published novelist, and film producer and who has visited Sri Lanka , loves it dearly, and cares about our country finding a lasting peace has posed a serious questions.

Stephen Long has questioned the action of the Catholic Church as follows:

* The Catholic Church in the north of Sri Lanka should seriously re-think its role in the civil conflict, and decide once and for all which side it’s actually on the side of Jesus Christ and his peace – or the side of Prabhakaran and his murderous terrorists. ”

* In addition, the Tamil people under the influence of the LTTE should wake up and realize the way they are blatantly being used by the Bishop of Mannar; they should see how they are pawns in his apparent and dubious schemes of further eroding the Buddhist presence on the island.”

* Shame on you, Bishop Joseph! You have put yourselves under a microscope for unnecessary scrutiny by both your parishioners and your Government, and you are giving the people under your influence a just cause to question their faith.

* Declaring protective motives, they moved the sacred statue of the Virgin Mary from the shrine at Madhu to the church at Thevanpitti, which is in the LTTE zone. They chose to move it to Thevanpitti this site rather than someplace in an area already cleared by the Government forces, and by doing so they have made the statue a symbol and rallying point for the LTTE.

* You are also bringing back the Dark Ages of the Inquisition by inappropriately – and dangerously – tacitly condoning the mixing of religion with violence. As we say here in America , when are you going to learn how to “walk your talk?”
