13th. June ­ Feast Day of St. Anthony

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13th. June ­ Feast Day of St. Anthony

St. Anthony – Hammer of the Heretics

The Christian publicity machine is so powerful that
the whole world thinks that a saint was someone noble, honorable and to be revered.

Not so.

There is irrefutable evidence that at least one saint
was associated, if not directly implicated, with the
most horrendous massacres of innocent people for
religious purposes,­ and perversely, modern Christians are required to worship him!

Such a ‘saint’ was St Anthony, the ‘Hammer of the

Some historical background

St. Anthony (1195 -1231CE.) of Padua, was a Franciscan Friar ­ the order of monks most feared by Europeans along with the Domini Canus (Dominicans) during the long European “Dark Age.” This man gained his infamy by his misguided efforts to convert the Albigensians (Cathars) of Languedoc in Southern France to Catholicism.

The problem here is that the Albigensian Christians
were a large Christian group established BEFORE
Catholicism came into existence at the Council of
Nicaea in 325! Although all non-Catholic groups were declared heretic by Catholics after the Council ended, the Albigensians continued on undisturbed, as before!

At the root of Christianity is the demand for unity in
belief in one God, and unity and conformity in its
struggle for supremacy and power (- and its ability to re-write history in its favour.)

This policy first paid handsome dividends early in the rule of Emperor Constantine II. He required unity and conformity in order to control his enormous empire; he wanted one emperor and one empire, one God and one religion – the mainspring of Fascism!
He ruthlessly destroyed all opposition including
people declared as heretics to Catholicism ­ the
“universal” church. (One size fits all!)

Christians of Languodoc Pronounced Heretical

In contrast to the Catholics, the Albigensians (Cathars)were a model of good moral standing, but they refused the dogmas and sacraments of the behemoth Catholic Church. It was St Anthony who attempted to bring these Albigensians into Catholicism, but they refused emphatically.

He then declared them heretical.

Papal Decision to Eliminate All Heretics

The reaction of Pope Innocent III was severe. In 1209 CE. the violence began against them. The order was: “Kill them  ALL – God will know his own!”

On that order, the rag-tag army of mercenaries, ruffians and soldiers moved through the whole of Languedoc province, southern France .

Firstly, the town of Beziers was attacked.  They killed all even those loyal to Catholicism – God would know his own! The whole population was exterminated;­ men, women and children!

The Pope had offered as inducements – prizes of all the land and other booty these ruffians could collect for 40 days of killing.

All fighters were also given a special indulgence of
forgiveness for all crimes they committed.

The killing went on for twenty years until all the Heretics were dead and the Vatican much enriched!  This meant that half the population of Languedoc in Southern France , including all the Cathar sect, too, were all killed.

An Inquisition was established to search out and destroy the last surviving, hiding heretics. The last of the Cathars was captured, and as per standard practice, made to confess under torture and was burned alive at the stake in 1324 CE.

An estimate that about one million people were killed is given by H. Wollshlager in his book: Die Bewaffneten Walifahten gen Gerusalem. Zurich 1973.

Pope Innocent III  – the greatest single, mass-murderer in all of history – up to that time

As a result, Friar Anthony’s pope at that time, Pope
Innocent III is attributed to have been the greatest
single, mass-murderer in all of history up to that time, unsurpassed until the fascist era! And St Anthony was part of it!

No Teaching, No Publicity Given to this Atrocity

Now stands exposed some unpleasant Catholic history that has been carefully hidden from you.

This most ugly event is never given publicity! Who
cares about this deliberate and unprovoked atrocity
committed against people of good moral standing
practicing their religion for longer than the Catholics?

More details of this bloodbath are given in Peter Da
Rosa’s book “Vicars of Christ.”

Quote :

“To know your history is to know who you are”