A Refresher on Catholic Action in Sri Lanka

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A Refresher on Catholic Action in Sri Lanka

The objectives of this group dictate its nature and operations to be that of a secret society working towards its own objectives within the unsuspecting host society.

Catholic Action, or ‘Apostolate of the Laity’, seems to be the most powerful, the most active group and the most committed to their cause of all social religious groups in Sri Lanka.

Their stated objective is to conquer the world for Christ – Consecratio Mundi. Indeed, nearly the words used by HD. Gunewardena in one of his recent E-mails.

However, they are very careful to remain anonymous, out of the glare of publicity, as they plot and execute their plans. To the Buddhists, it is all setbacks and so much bad news; but to the Catholics, it is all so much careful planning and skillful execution of their schemes.

It has slowly become clear to myself and my staff, in the execution of their assaults on us that there is a considerable network of Catholic activists with experience and skills willing to do the various types of work required to demoralize, discredit, de-motivate and generally undermine active Buddhists.

Personally, they turned their attention to me as soon as I worked, with others, to launch the ‘Centre for Buddhism (I)’ in Kandy in 1999. This took the form of telephone calls, following me and setting traps of many inventive sorts, even, recently making a 119 emergency hotline call to the police complaining that I was harbouring LTTE terrorists!

I have been subjected to four such calls! The police are now well aware of these malicious calls and even sympathize with us. Violence has been used, and many other kinds of trick – including calls to my friends twisting information to untruth and distorted allegations.

After working to start the “Centre for Buddhist Action” in Colombo I received harassing E-mails from a Joseph Perera. Many revealed private and confidential information about our Centre’s activities. There was an informant in the group! But who?

Soon, a stranger came asking questions about me in the village where I lived. He was not Buddhist. As a result of all this hostile activity, I have become increasingly interested in this group.

It can be reasonably assumed that this network is operating in most if not all provinces in Sri Lanka . Supposing the central committee of a province has a target of ten managers and each manager runs ten operatives, each Province and major town has 110 activists.

This amounts to a lot of people swearing allegiance, not to Sri Lanka but to Rome .

At the head of this hierarchy, it must be assumed for now, is Mr. HD. Gunawardena.

It is thought very likely that this man will have sworn allegiance to the Black Pope in Rome (the head of the Jesuit order, founded by Ignacio Loyola) their commander in chief – as everyone knows from taking an interest in what ails Sri Lanka, of course.

The Jesuit Oath has been circulated and as you saw, it is a very special document which details the oath taken, gives the aims, methods to be used in bringing Christ to new lands.

It presents amazing, subversive ideas use of which is to destroy the unsuspecting enemy and its defences – an undeclared war.

Gunaseela Vitanage has written about Buddhist criticism of Catholic Action activities in Sri Lanka in the 1960’s and even mentions an unsuccessful coup by Catholic Action against the state – all of which you are familiar, I’m sure.

ROSmith, July 2007