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All through Christian history those persons who gave outstanding service to the world power that is popularly known as the Catholic Church, were elevated after their death to “sainthood.” In fact, you should correctly see this as the reward for services rendered, just as “lord” is awarded to military generals after a successful battle. Everyone thinks that a Saint is someone who is morally good – someone who does good works, etc. This is not necessarily so – “Saint” Anthony who labeled a million French Albigensians as heretic and contributed, of not actually participated in their slaughter and extermination, is a good example of that! Bishops rode horses into battle in continuation of the long tradition of the rich upper classes of the Roman Empire fighting and suppressing the uprisings of slaves all fed only on watery gruel soup. On Saint Valentine’s day 2006, the BBC interviewed an Italian historian living in Turin concerning the truth of Saint Valentine. She gave the real story as that he was a Christian priest who was imprisoned by the Pagan Roman Claudius II for arranging marriages between the children of the rich upper classes just at a time when the Army needed single men to fight the Empire’s uprisings. They had to go and fight to put down the continual uprisings in different places, of the thousands of slaves working for the Empire. That is, he was directly undermining the power of Pagan Rome, but gently, at its weak spot! They imprisoned him and during his period of imprisonment he met the daughter of his guardian – the man made responsible for his secure captivity, probably a high official in Rome . He claimed to have fallen in love with this man’s daughter, etc. (The power of Love, one of the four great Powers used by Christianity). He had a quarrel over the matter with his guard, the high official and he killed him! The Pagan Romans were so angry with this man that they wanted to deny him the Pagan day of Love – February 15th, so they arranged to execute him on the day before, February 14th in the year 200CE. Just before his execution he passed to his sweetheart an elaborately decorated love message, signed “Your Valentine.” That is how Valentine’s Day cards came into being – as a result of a cunning, murderous priest!

ROS. February, 2006ce.