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This ceremony is where the woman (the bride) is given to the man (bridegroom)  – by her parents in front of a priest officiating on behalf of GOD as a union joined together permanently in the eyes of GOD and witnessed by the assembled congregation.

That is, the bride’s parents give her away – for life, for ever, sanctified and blessed in the eyes of GOD.

This is a permanent, legal union of man and wife all blessed by GOD.

The wife takes a vow, publicly to love, honour and obey her husband to the end of her days.

The bride becomes the property of the bridegroom – just as in the Muslim Abrahamic religion.

(The Muslim parents ask for a dowry payment in return for their daughter, the amount varies according to her education, training and other qualities.)

This has been the union by marriage, supported and approved in law under Christianity during the past thousands of years.

It is all derived from the Abrahamic system of beliefs as laid out in the Bible and is very similar to the other Abrahamic religion – Islam.

Modern Developments

With the slow emancipation of women, starting in the 1930’s in Britain, where women demanded equal rights to men in all areas of life, divorces have now become common. Although painful, even traumatic, they free the unhappy couple from this terrible Abrahamic bond.

It can be observed that people in the Christian “west” are reverting to their natural, more human-friendly condition, but where most relationships are short and sweet.


Pagan religions are informal and much more human friendly – if disorganized and even chaotic. For example, Buddhism has never had such ceremonies based on these most unreasonable ideas.

Unbelievably, Buddhists now copy the west on this matter and have formal ceremonies, even asking Monks to perform such ceremonies (Negombo 2001) – as the women are brainwashed by all the glamour photos in the newspapers, little knowing the facts of the matter.

Women and men are equal in Buddhism all throughout history.

There are no great movements of emancipation of women, etc., in Buddhism. They are already free, to buy land, drive a car, travel and access all levels of education!

In fact, you and ALL men and women, are unknowingly struggling to free yourself of much damaging Christian/Abrahamic Biblical Thinking.

See how harmful Christianity was and still is??