Forces at play and the President

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Wednesday, 28 March 2007


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light and there was light. God saw that the light was good and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day”, and the darkness he called “night”. And there was evening and there was morning – the first day. To cut a long story short the Sun, Moon and the stars were created later to govern the days and nights and perhaps beautify the landscape.

The above mentioned model of the world fell by the way side nearly 500 years ago. Galileo, Copernicus, Tyco Brahe and Johannes Kepler advanced models and laws that were more in tune with what is seen. Finally Issac Newton compressed those models into his Laws of motion and the theory of gravitation and 99% of what we observe in the Universe fell into place. All these shows that better our model, the better are the predictions we can make to explain the phenomenal world. If not for the Newtonian model, most of the modern day engineering and the comforts that we enjoy today wouldn’t be possible.

If we understand the forces at play and the actors on stage, then we can understand what countries are experiencing today, in Sri Lanka, in South Asia and elsewhere.

It is obvious that following are the major forces at play in the Sri Lankan context.

  • ” Western world is seeking political and economic hegemony over the third world. For them, balkanization is part of the solution. Western world represents the power and the Third World the resources they are after.
  • ” Christian Church and all its manifestations is the new face of the Old Roman Empire. Their quest is not about Peace and Goodwill to all mankind. It is about the power that the Christian Church can wield in the world. It has substituted moral enslavement in place of physical enslavement. The new converts and their progeny are the most reactionary and they are a great boon to the proselytizers. The Fascist Tamil Tiger Terrorism is a manifestation of the Christian Church. It is mainly a surreptitiously Church funded Terrorist movement. What we see in Sri Lanka is not a fight between Sinhala Buddhists and Tamil Hindus. Tiger Terrorism is just the tool they use to kill many birds with one stone – to balkanize and evangelize Sri Lanka while setting up Sinhala Buddhists against Tamil Hindus. There is a streak of Chola Tamil fanaticism that has surfaced during the current conflict. This is the font that provides the suicide bombers.
  • ” Democracy and Human Rights. These are the smoke screen distracters used to create confusion in third world countries. These ideals are there to mislead and make third world countries look small, inferior and guilty in the eyes of the world. No country including the so-called 5 star democracies in the world respect human rights or democracy when all the chips are down and direct action is called to deal with difficult situations such as Terrorism.
  • ” Corrupt and selfish local politicians and business interests are the foot soldiers of this political and economic subjugation. They represent broadly the selfish Colombo Terrorist Appeasement Mindset and their lackeys distributed throughout the country – the Brown Sahibs. The worst are the new rich. As the petit bourgeoisie they are ultra reactionaries who will sell the nation to profit by it.
  • ” Vast majority of Patriotic Sri Lankans who believe that appeasing the racists and terrorists will not bring peace to Sri Lanka. They know in their guts it cannot happen. They know that any form of appeasement with the terrorists and federalists can bring only continued war far into the future. Mahaveli Oya – Mavil Aru was a shining example of what is in store for Sri Lanka. The Patriotic Sri Lankans are the only bulwark against the designs of the neocolonial and Christian forces trying to balkanize and evangelize Sri Lanka.

The NGOs and INGOs are the ‘cats paws’ of the Western World and the Christian Church. Although outwardly on humanitarian missions, their ulterior motives are clearly seen by their evangelizing and globalizing actions.
With the above mentioned forces operating in the background, it is possible to understand the happenings in Sri Lanka and by extension in Asia. The western world in their rush to grab resources of developing countries is seeking to balkanize mega countries like India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan and Burma and others for this purpose. China put paid to their efforts with a fully orchestrated bloody show in Tiananmen Square. They killed nearly 100 dissenters and stopped the dismemberment of China. This in perspective served a larger cause than the massacre of Branch Davidians in the US at Waco, Texas in 1993 for a much lesser offense. They failed with China and succeeded with the Soviet Union; but the unceasing efforts go on relentlessly. Fortunately for Russia, President Putin is doing his best to stop the balkanization of what is left of the old Soviet Union, Russia. Democracy and human rights can wait; political and economic independence and dignity of Mother Russia are more important.

Minority Christians well placed, are used to subvert power; India and Sri Lanka are good examples. The Church and the Western powers are trying hard for India and already cracks are opening with Christian led insurgencies in North East India. Ealam is only the stepping stone for their agenda for India.

Christian Church’s involvement with proselytization is about power over the converted and not about the welfare of the converted. They are not there to look after the poor Christians in Latin America and in Africa. Do we see the Vatican sending millions to those affected by the Typhoon Durian in the Phillipines, a very Catholic country?

The world Christian Churches and the Western Powers are in a symbiotic relationship and profit from each other. The Church provides moral enslavement; western powers the economic exploitation. Together they share the bounty. It is this relationship that is preventing Western countries from confronting the LTTE in a meaningful way. Proscription measures promulgated by Britain, Canada and the EU against the LTTE are toothless because of the pressure that the Christian Church is able to bear on these countries.

The minority Christian hold on power is absolute in both India and Sri Lanka. They enter households and the corridors of power if not through the man – then through the wife which is even worse. A close look at the families of political and business leaders will expose this truth. How many wives are born Christians and how many are “born again” Christians? Christians have infiltrated the higher echelons of politics and business. From behind the scenes they guide and misguide as necessary, the governments in power. Christians have infiltrated the higher echelons of the armed forces and the police and they form a formidable ‘Palace Guard’ that safeguard the Christian usurpers and maintain the Christian hold on the power structure. From the time Buveneka Bahu VI took the despicable Portuguese into his confidence, Christian power remains entrenched in the corridors of power in Sri Lanka. This is why the Bishops Conference in Sri Lanka was able to ban the book Da Vinci Code in Sri Lanka and put Sri Lanka in the lonely and comic company of the pacific islands – Samoa and Solomon Islands. They just tested the mettle of the new President to find out how malleable he is. The Bishops Conference should have had the decency to get such a ban first implemented in the Christian majority countries before they try Sri Lanka – a majority Buddhist country.

In advancing solutions to the current Tamil racist separatism, it is easy to find out who is speaking for whom. When R M B Senanayake speaks about devolving power to Ealamists it is easy to see the hands of the Catholic Church behind him. When he prescribes the Province as the unit of devolution he is he is thinking about the ‘Kristu Rajya’ in the North Western province. The Catholic Church wants a Federal setup instituted in Sri Lanka for their ‘divide and evangelize’ policy.

Who gives protection to the terrorist in the south? What is the connection between the Negombo Christian fishermen and the LTTE? Who supports the terrorist agenda in the south? Who provides intelligence to the LTTE? Who gives excuses for the terrorist activities? Who denigrates the democratically elected government and make it look worse than the terrorists? This becomes clear once we identify the of the forces at play and from where they originate. Bishop Oswald Gomis, Bishop Chikera, Jayalath Jayewardene, Lalith Kotelawala, Prof Carlo Fonseka, Ravi Karunanayake, Kumar Rupasinghe are all singing off the same hymn sheet – one that has been given to them by their master the Christian Church to dismember Sri Lanka.

The day is not that far away when the Christian Palace guard will completely encircle the President and he will become their virtual prisoner. Nothing will come to him without their knowing and scrutiny and nothing will go out from him without their knowing and scrutiny. Christian Church is working around the clock to give a breather to the LTTE to achieve Ealam; this they have done in the past and will do it again if the patriotic forces let down their guard!

President Rajapakse has completed 12 months in power as President. Coming together of the SLFP and the UNP is not an entirely bad development. It will undo the damage SWRD B did to the Sinhalese half a century ago by dividing the Sinhala polity in the middle and making a mockery of the Sinhala vote. SWRD unleashed the communal forces and what happened next is history. It is best for a single party or a single minded coalition of parties to run the nation till we are out of the terrorist dominated woods. India, Singapore, Malaysia wouldn’t have ended up as great nations and economies in the region if not for the early Congress Party of India , the UMNO of Malaysia and the PAP of Singapore respectively.

The President is on the right track in understanding that terrorism should be eradicated from Sri Lanka to bring in peace. He should continue to take the patriotic people into his confidence and to sensitize the country to the security needs it requires. In every village and town organizations for the security and defense of their localities should be established and people made to own the means to their own safety. This is happening and more and more people are bringing in valuable information about terrorist activities in their neighborhoods. . If the President has the people’s power behind him he need not run to India for help. India has never been a good neighbor to any of her neighbors. If only the President can consolidate the country behind him for a definitive course of action against Terrorism then the rest of the world including India and the Western powers will deal with him seriously.

The President must take his personal security seriously. If at the current juncture disaster were to strike, what the President and the Armed Forces have accomplished in the last few months will fall away like a house of cards. It is of paramount importance, knowing the forces at play to safeguard the person of the President, the other key member of his administration and the armed forces. The nation depends on them and any silly let up to gain cheap popularity can put the whole country in a tailspin to end up in disaster. The Commander in Chief should know how to stay alive to win the war. Great leaders live to win their wars and savor the glory.

The parasitic forces of the LTTE appeasers, the Chrisian Church and foreign agents are gnawing at his power base to weaken him. They want General Sarath Fonseka and other proven leaders removed from their positions of power. We have already seen how, after the liberation of Jaffna, General Janaka Perera was sidelined immediately by Chandrika. We have seen the pressure General Kobbekaduwa had to endure under Premadasa. Today the shining gleam in President’s armor is the continued successes of our Armed Forces against Tiger Terrorists.

It is a rarity for a person to finds himself at the helm of affairs in a country. It is a rare privilege and a historical opportunity. So far all those who held the high office has squandered this golden opportunity by going for self aggrandizement and selfish goals and last but not least by being subservient to external forces inimical to the existent of the Sri Lankan state. How they came to these ignoble ends is not difficult to surmise. They all had skeletons in their cupboards and blackmailing them, would have been quite easy. The last incumbent to hold this office is now even referred to as the “Robber Queen” by those who know her closely. How she came to amass a vast wealth from her Presidential salary needs to be investigated. The President must learn from his predecessors what not to do as a President for there is little that one can emulate from the past Presidents of Sri Lanka. Last but not least he must desist from trying to bring up another dynasty. Sri Lanka has enough sons and daughters who are equally entitled to lead our nation into the future. Let the best find their calling without undue patronage.

The current situation in our country is no different to the situation in Iraq and the Middle-East. Western Powers are clamoring to get a foot hold in Sri Lanka to exploit our natural resources. We alone cannot make use of our resources and we do need their assistance. If we can enlist their assistance from a position of strength then all can profit and prosper in peace.

Because of weak leadership we were saddled with in the past, these powers have helped and sustained the whims and fancies of the LTTE. These countries pontificate the values of democracy and human rights to third world countries. In the past they have entertained dictatorial regimes far more than suffer association with weak and leaderless democracies. If only Sri Lanka can show that they are a regional player that can be relied upon they will be with us not only to help us exploit our resources but also to put an end to Tamil racist terrorism.

A war situation gives any country vast opportunities to rise and shine. It forces the nation to act. We should not blindly react but proactively act to contain and manipulate the forces at play to our advantage. This very process exposes the true nature of its citizenry. It brings to surface all the actors and makes it easy to identify the forces at play; the traitors and the patriots. The war situation should make us stop being lotus eaters and lead us forward to greater discipline in all our affairs and finally make us a mature nation. Every citizen of a nation has a social contract with his land and it is this contract that calls them to take up arms. Every son and daughter of mother Lanka has a role to play in this war wherever he or she is stationed in the world. The war front is not only in the jungles of Vanni and Thoppigala; it is just two feet in front of every patriot. He or she must find it in their hearts what they can do to help Sri Lanka win the war. The war situation should be made to mould our character and aspirations for the foreseeable future. It is also a war situation that gives rise to a stronger sense of nationhood. It helps the citizenry to understand, respect and accommodate each other’s, hopes and realistic aspirations. If in the process of finding solutions to the conflict situation in Sri Lanka we leave separatist forces still intact, it would be tantamount to the doctors closing a festering wound with plaster only for the patient to die of septicemia eventually in a slow and painful manner.

Sri Lanka should take the current war situation as an opportunity to bring up a strong and determined nation that can march with the rest of the progressive world. Many countries have come up from war situations as winners. It is up to Sri Lanka and her chosen leaders to make it happen. In the hand of enlightened leaders war is an act of compassion to reduce overall bloodshed now and in the future. History shows us that it is the youth of a country who are called upon to shoulder this responsibility. It is a part and parcel of their social contract. All wars are cruel and bad situations. Those caught up cannot just walk away. This is similar to where the American and British forces are in the Middle East. Many sons and daughters of these countries will die before they can extricate themselves from the Middle East quagmire.

Regardless of what our distracters say, we must persevere on a course of action that will finally convince the world that Sri Lanka means business not only in the economic front but also in the war front. Sri Lanka today is 20 million strong and must be seen as a reliable partner who can be counted upon to provide security not only to the territory under her jurisdiction but also to the surrounding Indian Ocean region. Sri Lanka straddles major shipping lanes in the Indian Ocean and should be the major player in the region in providing requisite security in the areas that come under her jurisdiction just as Singapore does in the Malacca Straits.

The President and his government must manipulate the forces at play for Sri Lanka and her people’s advantage and for a definitive Sri Lankan identity. Sri Lanka must be a force to reckon with in the region and if necessary the ‘poison shrimp’ of the Indian Ocean – those who try to devour Sri Lanka must do it at their own peril. Mr President consolidate your victory a year ago by getting the nation behind you.
(not the political turncoats and other Ealam apologist scum bags) Then get the country mobilized and march forward with the valiant Armed Forces to make Terrorism history in Sri Lanka. Then and only then will you be able to stand apart from your unworthy predecessors.

20 February 2007

Source:crusade, Lankaweb, Feburary 20, 2007