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See The Marketing Miracle – The Magic!

The BBC’s reporter Emma Jane Kirby visited Lourdes , France . The programme was entitled ‘Make a pilgrimage to Lourdes for your fast track to heaven’.
Catholic devotees are urged to come and hear the word of GOD in six different tongues (languages!) and get a reward for this. They earn an indulgence – or reward for a good deed done!

Catholic Fast Track To Heaven
Lourdes is where Catholics can earn their plenary indulgences. One such indulgence is that after visiting Lourdes they spend no time in Purgatory after death.
The grotto calls people to light candles and have the sense that God is not lost.
To get round quickly, take your wheelchair.
* * *
* Eight million tourists visit each year.
* There are around two hundred and twenty souvenir shops.
It is a Miracle Factory for Catholic pilgrims; or rather it displays the true miracle of modern marketing on the ignorant and gullible faithful.

Old Proverb:
The Wise search for wisdom, others follow in blind belief.