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Tuesday, 13 December 2005
Misconceptions and questions about missionaries and Christianity

1. Christianity was started by Jesus
2. How did Pauline Christianity become so popular?
3. Does the Bible contain what Jesus preached?
4. I can’t believe that Bible has been manipulated to suit vested interests.  Are there any examples?
5. I have some very good Christian friends and they are very nice.  Are all Christians the same?
6. Many Christians practice yoga and they appreciate Hinduism
7. Missionaries do a lot of charity work like setting up schools, hospitals, orphanages etc.  People are unnecessarily bad mouthing them.
8. Missionaries usually convert poor people or tribals by giving money, school education etc.
9. Head/Leader of Christians is Pope
10. All Christian denominations convert
11. Missionaries are spiritual people sent around by Churches.
12. What are the primary differences between Christian and Eastern (Hindu or Buddhist) philosophies?
13.What is wrong with conversion?  What is wrong in worshipping Jesus whom Hindus also consider as GOD and 11th incarnation of Lord Vishnu?
14. Hindus want equality with all religions
15. Are Hindus prepared to fight missionary activity?
16. Bharath survived for 5000 years and nothing will happen to us
17. Dalits convert to avoid caste discrimination and ill treatment.  Hindus should be ashamed of the caste system!
18.Dalits are empowered by conversion
19. Missionaries go around teaching the bible and their religion and they are driven by love for their religion
20. Missionary problem existed for a long time but why is this problem important now? We have so many other problems in hand to deal with
21. Can the problem be solved?

1.     Christianity was started by Jesus

After Jesus’ departure (death??) (Who was Jesus? Did Jesus ever exist? are still open questions) from Jerusalem three groups started preaching Jesus’ teachings.

  1. Jewish-Christian movement Jesus’ 12 apostles started this. .They followed Judaism but preached Jesus’ spirituality.  Later this group died out due to attacks from Pauline Christians and Romans.
  2. Pauline Christianity:  This was started by Paul, a former policeman, who had never met  Jesus .  His group used to persecute Jewish-Christians. This group appropriated symbols, culture and teachings of various other tribes such as Pagans, Pharisees, Mithraism, Jews.  This group made December 25th ,, which  happens to be Mithra’s birth date  as Jesus’ birth date since nobody knew Jesus’ exact birth date.  This group  is the present day Christianity.
  3. Gnostic Christianity.  A very spiritual movement which attempted to understand spirituality from various religions along with Jesus’ teachings.  They were practitioners rather than an organized religion.  This group soon died out partly due to Pauline Christianity.

2.     How did Pauline Christianity become so popular?

Many reasons can be attributed to the growth of Pauline Christianity.  First is the appropriation of beliefs from various cultures  which they encountered.  Jews were waiting for a Messiah .So Pauline Christianity smartly marketed Jesus as the Messiah that the Jews were looking for.  Second is tailoring the movement  to match  people’s needs.  For example, while Romans banned marriages between commons and slaves ,Pauline Christianity performed those marriages in return for conversion. Later rulers used Christianity and conversion as a tool to expand empires and kill enemies.

3.      Does the Bible contain what Jesus preached?

Nobody knows exactly what Jesus preached(Many non-Christians proofs show that he was teaching Buddhism and Hindu principles to Jews).  There were more than 80 Gospels and many letters about Jesus’ life and teachings written after Jesus’ death. The council of Nicea (325) under the intense pressure and shadow of Emperor Constantine declared “ Jesus ‘divine”.  Any other view (prominently Arius view) was declared heretic.  All the books and documents that countered the official  view were burned. Finally four Gospels became the Holy Bible, which again was rewritten several times over the centuries to suit the vested interests Dead Sea scrolls and Nag Hammadi findings confirm that Jesus’ teachings are quite contrary to present day Christian Bible.

4.      I can’t believe that Bible has been manipulated to suit vested interests.  Are there any examples?

Yes there are numerous examples!

Luke 17:20-21 original document says   ‘Kingdom of God is within you. (Talking of spiritual component)Church rewrote as ‘Kingdom of God is this whole physical world

Churches and several powers behind the game   are using the aforementioned statement to establish a ‘Christendom’ (a world with nothing but its flavor of Christianity). This  in turn is primarily done through  Evangelical/missionary movements.

5.      I have some very good Christian friends and they are very nice.  Are all Christians the same?

No! All Christians are not the same.  Christians  can be broadly classified into two groups namely liberal and conservative . Fundamentalist/evangelical Christians form a subset of conservative Christians.  They are responsible for the carnage going around the world.

6.      Many Christians practice yoga and they appreciate Hinduism

Liberal Christians appreciate goodness in any religion. Fundamentalist Christians look upon yoga purely as a physical exercise, and reject its spirituality. They consider all other religions to be  works of Satan.  As expected they are trying to appropriate Yoga due to its popularity using a strategy  called ‘appropriation’ which is different from contextualization.    Their new slogan is ” Yoga doesn’t belong to Hinduism but to “world spirituality.”   When questioned about Hindu elements (like Suryanamaskara etc..) they said “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water Let it be “sanctified”, that’s why they  have a brand called “Christian yoga.”

7.   Missionaries do a lot of charity work like setting up schools, hospitals, orphanages etc.  People are unnecessarily bad mouthing them.

The fundamental fallacy with this argument is lack of sense of differentiation between processes vs. goal. Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario where a man called Robert is trying to kidnap a school boy by offering the kid a bunch of toys, candy etc.  Do you call Robert a bad man or a good man?  Only a fool who sees only toys offere calls Robert a good man.  Anybody in his/her right senses would first question the motive for such goodies before accepting them.  Please remember- ‘There is nothing called free lunch’.   Even churches and mission agencies claim without hindrance that they are doing ‘Education evangelism’, ‘Medical evangelism’, ‘Orphanage evangelism’ etc. when they set up these institutions. An example of the latter is that all the kids in Christian orphanages are raised as Christians and trained to become Christian workers whe they grow up. In most of the third world countries missionary school education results in inevitable conversion to Christianity though the situation is different in India. In India due to the strong family ties and religious upbringing in the families students develop a very positive tendency about anything Christian.   A true charity helps people  without conditions attached.

8.      Missionaries usually convert poor people or tribals by giving money, school education etc.Missionaries want to convert everybody.

They don’t have any restricted list of groups.  They are far more successful in converting poor people because money easily buys the same.  There are different strategies for converting all classes of people (called people groups).  For example, old and sick people in India particularly when they are in distress are told that Conversion and burial of their body in a grave would automatically take them to heaven.

9.   Head/Leader of Christians is Pope

There are 3 dominant denominations in Christianity i.e., Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. Pope represents Roman Catholicism.  Far more lethal are some protestant groups like Baptists, Seventh day Adventists etc that are ruthless in their conversion mechanism.  Recently one such mission group visited a Tsunami affected village in Tamil Nadu, India and refused food packets to hapless victims because the villagers refused to convert.

10.  All Christian denominations convert

Not all! Many orthodox and a very few protestant denominations do not believe in proselytism.  In their belief conversion is voluntary to somebody who has truly understood his/her native religion and the new religion.  They don’t actively seek converts.   Catholics and Protestant groups are the leaders in the business of conversion. Indian Orthodox Church is very spiritual and doesn’t involve in active proselytism.

11.  Missionaries are spiritual people sent around by Churches.

Missionaries are plain salespeople working to achieve a fixed target for their paycheck and bonus.  They are sent primarily by mission agencies and  sometimes  by churches. They are trained on specific ‘sales pitches’.  Just as a detergent salesman, they go around houses selling a solution (called Jesus) which would solve all their problems.  They are neither spiritual seekers nor  teachers of the spiritual aspect of Christianity.. They cannot and do not engage in any philosophical debate.  They are trained in Bible schools in selling solutions for their target market. Thus missionary work has solely become a “for profit” activity. For example, in South India, while a school dropout can earn Rs. 10,000/month+bonus by becoming a missionary, he can earn mere Rs. 2000/month by becoming an office boy .

12.  What are the primary differences between Christian and Eastern (Hindu or Buddhist) philosophies?

Christian theology is based on cherry picked stanzas whereas Eastern philosophies have to be studied in a context to interpret.  For example “Mark 16:15-16 15He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” According to Christian theology this standalone statement is valid and its interpretation is left to author’s discretion.  This is an English interpretation by some author  whereas the original authors according to Hebrew interpretation  ‘nations’ meant tribes in Jerusalem.This form of interpretation is the result of the author’s interests while writing the Bible and the  powers promoting that interpretation.  This form of error would not happen in Eastern philosophies because everything has to be studied and defined in a context.  A single stanza out of context is not applicable.

13.  What is wrong with conversion?  What is wrong in worshipping Jesus whom Hindus also consider as GOD and 11th incarnation of Lord Vishnu?

This form of   reasoning is due to a syndrome called ‘Compulsive Radical Universalism’ (CRU) i.e., All religions are equally valid and lead to the same God. Protagonists of this line of thought often cite the Hindu thought of ‘’Ekam Sat Vipra Bahuda Vadantu.(but intentionally ignore the rest citing Indra, Varuna…)’ (All paths will lead to same God)  to justify their claim and anybody who opposes this view is called a fundamentalist.  This reasoning is following the

Christian philosophy of cherry picking parts of sentences out of context.   For example consider the following three statements;Jo shin (A Malaysian farmer in village Jalan)  —   “I am going on a bicycle   to Klang to meet a  great person” (traveling 15 kms to meet  a bank clerk for a loan.) Mukul Shah (A businessman in Ahmedabad, India)  —   “I am going  by train  to Mumbai to meet a  great person”. ( a garment exporter)(President of Swaziland) said —“  I am going over a long distance by plane to New York to meet a great person”. (President of World Bank)According to CRU    ‘because all are going over long distances to meet a great person, they all are going to the same place to meet the same person’.But in reality, neither Mukul shah will bicycle to Mumbai  nor Jo Shin takes a airplane to go to Klang. This is the prime fallacy in the CRU line of reasoning .

All religions define different paths and different goals (salvation, moksha, heaven, eternal paradise) but they are not same.  Hindus respect other religions but also accept the fact that all religions are not same..

14.  Hindus want equality with all religions

This is a major handicap of many Hindu leaders.  They respect a religion by its headcount rather than by it’s spiritual progress. Some Hindu leaders even went to the extent of requesting the  Pope to announce that ‘ Hinduism and Christianity are equal paths to salvation! But the reality is that both the religions define different goals (Moksha vs. salvation) and different paths.  Hence it’s a tragedy that Hindu leaders degrade Hinduism by equating it with Christianity.  Would Mukul Shah agree that he and Jo Shin are going to the same place? If Hindu leaders equate Hinduism with Christianity why are they promoting Hinduism?   This  argument of equality is filled with fallacy.  Religions are different but Hindus respect other religions.

15.  Are Hindus prepared to fight missionary activity?

Let’s take a hypothetical detergent market scenario.  A multinational company introduced a soap called ‘Burf’ in a market traditionally dominated by a ‘Girma’, made by a local manufacturer.  Burf runs a TV advertisement in which a totally soiled shirt touched by Burf turns white whereas a white shirt touched by Girma turns dirty.  Though Girma is a superior product and the TV promotion is a scam,Girma mildly condemns the advertisement but doesn’t counter  Burf as a product because Girmaowners do not know anything about Burf as a product.  They are scared to evaluate Burf because it is made by a multinational.  Furthermore Girma owners request Burf owners to declare that ‘Girma is also a equally good soap.’   This is exactly the scenario with Hinduism vs. Christianity.  Because of the bankruptcy of knowledge about Christianity, Hindus accept Jesus as a God and immediately make him a Vishnu avatar.  Hindus are not countering the product (Christianity) but on the other hand are just questioning their sales tactics (missionary tactics).  As long as the product is not questioned Hindus are not targeting the root cause and not prepared for the battle

16.  Hinduism & Indian culture survived for 5000 years and nothing will happen to them

A person can be called dead if he has lost the capacity (psychological, physical & spiritual) to uphold Dharma. Hindus are losing their character and fast losing the meaning of Dharma. A hypothetical character Mr. Raj is amputated, hands chopped off, tongue severed and psychologically so weak that he shivers by looking at an ant.  Do you call Mr. Raj alive or dead?  He is medically alive but functionally dead.  Hindus are getting into that situation regarding Hinduism. Geographically 40% of original Bharat is  officially known as ‘India’ not even as ‘Bharath’.  Our thought process and culture are prisoners of west.

17.  Dalits convert to avoid caste discrimination and ill treatment.  Hindus should be ashamed of the caste system!

This is a major strategy adopted by missionaries.  It is an example of divide-and-rule policy.  A dalit remains a dalit even after conversion to Christianity and  his situation gets worse after conversion.

  • Hindus don’t have separate burial grounds for different castes whereas Christians have.  Poor dalits who cannot afford  grave land bury their dead in their backyard.
  • Lower caste Christians have to stand in the back during church service. Does anybody have any such experience in a Hindu temple?
  • Though officially Christians  may claim non-existence of caste system, casteism very much exists in Christianity. The truth shows up at the time of marriages . Over 85% of Christians mention/request caste details..  Here are some real matrimonial advertisements from  ‘The Hindu’ newspaper May/2005
    • ALLIANCE SOUGHT only from Professional Bachelors for 30/157cms/Ph.D. Protestant Christian Devendra Kula Vellalar Bride. Box No. HB3737, THE HINDU, Chennai-600002.
    • SAVED CHRISTIAN Nadar 29/180 BE PGDMPM IR (XLRI Jamshedpur) employed Hyderabad seeks tall fair well qualified girl same caste no dowry Dr John Shinde Hospital Raxaul Bihar 845305 Cell 09835488872
    • TAMIL GAVARA Naidu,31/171/4.2 lacs P.A. GNIIT, D.M. Mgt., M.Com., MNC MNGR, innocent issueless divorcee, decent family short lived marriage for 1 month seeks broadminded, educated, good-looking bride. Lang, caste, religion no bar. SC, ST excuse. Box No. M A-455, THE HINDU, Madurai-625020

18.  Dalits are empowered by conversion

Here are some self-explanatory facts

  1. Over 95% of  upper Church hierarchy  is made of upper caste Christians
  2. Dalits are confined to  low-level pastors whose primary job is harvesting the souls for a little stipend
  3. Recently there was a big furor by upper caste clergy when a tribal was to be recommended to be promoted a bishop

19.  Missionaries go around teaching the bible and their religion and they are driven by love for their religion

Primary motivation for missionaries (other than money) is hatred towards non-Christians.  Their activities are driven by hate. Scholars in west call evangelism a perfect hate crime.   In India, missionaries and converts break temples.  They have been brainwashed that non-Christian religions are works of Satan and there are specific references to such teachings in Bible.  Some examples

Corinthians 10:20-21: Paul wrote that Gentiles worship devils. In modern terms, they would be considered Satanists: “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.”

Here, Paul writes that the Gods and Goddesses of other religions are actually demons. Christians are to completely isolate themselves from non-Christians.

2 Corinthians 6:14: Paul requires that his followers separate from “unbelievers:”  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

The author of this biblical passage recommends that Christians avoid close relationships with non-Christians. He implies that non-Christians are automatically unrighteous. He associates Christianity with “light” and other religions with “darkness.

20.  Missionary problem existed for a long time but why is this problem important now? We have so many other problems in hand to deal with

Hypothetically, lets consider that  you are arguing with  an unruly tenant trying to vacate him from your house. Suddenly  you find that there is fire in your kitchen, which if not controlled will burn your entire house.  Would you continue arguing with him or spend some energy in fighting the fire?  Missionary Christianity is that fire which has the history, potential, goal at destroying anything non-Christian. They did and  will destroy India/world  if not controlled.   Missionaries were already successful Missionary Christianity got more organized since 1988 and turned more dangerous since 2001 with the introduction of Joshua project-II (Adopt a people strategy).  You have to ensure that yours as well as your neighbor’s house is not burned..  Hindus have to work together with Buddhists, Jews or any other group victimized by evangelism.

21.  Can the problem be solved?

Yes!  There is no one solution for all.