A War Against Islam

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A War Against Islam

1:46 pm, Tue 27 Apr 2010

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The Muslims are under attack both militarily and ideologically – that is self evident and a fact that only hard-line Zionist and Western ideological propagandists seek to dismiss.

The real question is not whether we are being attacked but why.

The main narrative that supportive left wing liberals put forward is to steal oil from the Muslim world. This sounds plausible in Iraq, but how does that explain Palestine, Afghanistan or the backing of Israel to attack Lebanon which Condi Rice spookily called ‘Birth Pangs’ of a new Middle East?

Why sanction Iran or seek regime change there when it sells oil at the market rate already? The oil lobby in Washington, ‘Big Oil’, lobbied and lost against the neo-con plan for Iraq, suggesting Big Oil had nothing to gain from a destroyed and destabilised Iraq. Something was missing and oil security alone could not explain it.

A possible clue was given in George Bush’s speech when he spoke of a ‘Crusade’. It was quickly brushed off by the corporate Media as a ‘mistake’. Others however believed it was something more sinister and far more intelligent than a slip of the tongue. It was, in fact, a ‘dog whistle’ to Christian right wing voters who were seeking exactly that: a Crusade against the Muslims to hasten the return of the Messiah and the final battle between good and evil.

If that was indeed the first clue, more were to follow. The largest private army in the world, Blackwater, was then sent to ‘stabilise’ the ‘freedom’ America had given to the Muslims. It later emerged that it was headed (again by chance some would argue) by a devout Christian who hired those who followed his faith.

His mission, he told his high ranking team, was to ‘wipe the Muslims off the faith of this earth’.

The neo-conservatives, of course, that paid for and sent Blackwater into the Muslim world were, you guessed it, by-and large, Jewish and Christian Zionists.

Yes, there were pieces of evidence littered everywhere that those who were pushing for war in Muslim countries in particular held deep-seated religious convictions, not just financial ones. Remember how Tony Blair famously remarked ‘How God would judge him’ when talking of the invasion of Iraq? Many have asked did Blair’s Christianity play a part in his push for war?

General Wesley Clark reported in his latest book that the White House had drawn up a list of exclusively Muslim nations to target as enemies over the next four years (Afghanistan, Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and the Sudan).

Strange stories surfaced about the military and its Christian revival. In Iraq for example, a government-paid chaplain had been baptizing American soldiers as Christians in exchange for giving them water to take showers.

Others were more chilling. Whilst serving under Bush, General William G. Boykin believed that these wars were being fought against Satan himself. In public, this military officer and aide to Bush insisted that the mission of the American military was to defeat Islam in the name of Christianity. The Bush White House refused to distance itself from Boykin’s claim and defended Boykin’s appropriation of the American military for religious purposes as “free speech”.

Preaching in his military uniform before a religious congregation in Oregon, General Boykin proclaimed, “We’re a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian. Did I say Judeo-Christian? Yes. Judeo-Christian.”

He continued, “The enemy that has come against our nation is a spiritual enemy. His name is Satan. And if you do not believe that Satan is real, you are ignoring the same Bible that tells you about God.”

Just in case you did not know who Satan was, he explained, comparing himself to Muslims, General Boykin offered this taunt “My God is bigger than his.” His other comments in further interviews proved his barely concealed hatred towards Muslims and Islam.

To that same congregation, still in military uniform, General Boykin said of George W. Bush that, “He was appointed by God” to be leader of the United States.

And what was he appointed to do? Boykin expands, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we will never abandon Israel, we will never walk away from our commitment to Israel because our roots are there. Our religion came from Judaism and therefore these radicals will hate us forever.”

But he is not of course the only religious fanatic in a position within the military establishment of the US.

James Woolsey the Director of Central Intelligence in a little known speech in Israel talking about Iran and Syria was quoted saying:

“If we use force, we should use it decisively, not execute some surgical strike. It is a shame that Israel and the US have so far failed in participating in a move against Syria and Iran last summer’. He paused. ‘Finally’ he said looking into the eyes of the audience, ‘we must not forget who we are. We, as Jews and Christians are heirs of the tradition deriving from Judaism.’

Something not lost on Donald Rumsfeld, the then Secretary of Defence, who ensured biblical quotes were used in all the war briefings to the President. Which no doubt were given after the now infamous prayer sessions in the Oval office by Bush and his advisors so that God would help them win the war.

The most recent and perhaps the most telling clue that those behind the wars being waged and being pushed were in fact waging a Christian and Jewish Crusade against the Muslim world was a small under-reported story that appeared on the ABC news website.

It revealed that the guns used by American forces had Bible codes on them, referring to the digits imprinted onto the gun sights that referred to passages in the Bible. The codes had been put there before Iraq they claimed. Perhaps so, but again at the very least it showed the link between the military and the Christian right, and to the Christian right Muslims are the enemy of Jesus.

Of course it is not just driven by right wing Christians but also by a very large part Jewish Zionists who see Muslims as an enemy that must be destroyed. Zionism has given birth to a growing militancy within the Jewish community.

Whether or not this ideological and military war is driven solely by religious extremists within America, Tel Aviv & European political circles is a matter of debate. However no one can deny that they are playing a large and secretive part in the push for war. The question is how large a part it is.

Bush has gone, but the fanatical machine that sees Islam as a religion that must be destroyed, still has tremendous power within western capitals and has lost none of its potency. The push for war is as strong as ever.

The real religious extremism, then, does not primarily come from the Muslims who are taking up arms in a bid to stop their own occupation and slaughter but the trillion dollar war machine run by men in suits who talk of ‘freedom’ in public but who follow their religious books of war in secret.

For further research into this we recommend the superb books Israel Clash of Civilisation by Jonathan Cooke and The Last Crusade by Barbara Victor. Alternatively, come to our discussion groups around the UK and discuss this and other matters…we would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.


Read more: http://www.mpacuk.org/story/250110/there-religious-war-being-waged-against-islam.html#ixzz1G2JLLArj