Rebutting the HRC resolution against Sri Lanka, at Geneva, sponsored by UK “The Mother of all things evil” in the colonial world. UK The pot calling the kettle black?.

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Dr. Sudath Gunasekara

Mahanuwara, Sri Lanka

22. 3.2021.

Today is the D day for Sri Lanka at Geneva. The chief sponsor of the Human rights resolution is UK.UK is the evil number one in the entire gang of European colonial aggressors. Judging by the atrocities and brutalities committed against the Sinhala natives in this country during the 1817-1818 and 1848  freedom struggles by the British, of all colonial aggressors UK stands out as the most savages and brutal and inhuman colonial power who has violated human rights all over the world during the period of Western Colonial Expansion during the 14th to 20th Century period. That was how UK an isolate small Island in a corner of the world became the world Empire whose sun never set as the say goes. In this horrendous, savages and brutal record of mass murder by the guns, swords, arson, poison and all other crimes inflicted against the defenseless natives of countries all over the world  to rob their lands, wealth and the spirit of their civilizations, the British always top the list in world history, may be followed by Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italians and Germans, birds of a feather flocked together in the European countries unified by the white colour and religion (variants of Catholicism) with the common objective of capturing the Asian and African countries and their enormously rich wealth  to build up their respective Colonial Empires. In this list of plunderers and murderers Britain came on the top defeating all neihgbouring European nations.

To give two classic example of how they have destroyed the Afro Asia continents I cite two cases. It was in 1884 African continent was parceled out among the European invaders like a pitza laid on a table, at a meeting of 13 European nations at a meeting held in Berlin presided over by  Sir Edward Mallet Ambassador to German Empire attended by Henry Morton Stanley, the delegate from USA. This was how the map of the African continent was redrawn and lands divided among them, thus scrambling the African Continent, as one writer had said. Resistance was met with brutal gun power. The second example is India. It was divided in to two ethnic and religious rival blocks . Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan (East and West) Fortunately the British could not do that here.  But they planted the poison seeds of ethnicity and religion to promote division in future. In addition to these shameful crimes they also left behind a generation of Black white colonial lackeys trained and armed with Westminster model of Governments with their political, legal, administrative and social, religious, cultural and ethical traits including their language and soaked with practically everything European as their proxies to complete the annihilation which they failed to do    Is it not this vision that they could not achieve before they left our shores, after nearly 500 years of suppression, oppression and plundering  they are desperately trying to fulfill at Geneva today. And that is how they finally became Great Briton, the greatest thief, murderer and human rights violator in the annals of human history. In addition to these horrendous crimes they also destabilized all native civilization all over the world by planting the seeds of ethnic, communal and religious hatred and destroyed all these countries by planting their divide and rule Machiavellian political strategies, converting these countries to eternal economic dependencies by transforming their native economies in to dependencies of Great Briton and the so-called British Commonwealth of Nations with the Queen as the Head. The net of the political, economic, trade and financial system linked to London was meticulously woven to last for centuries and left for home only when they found things were getting out of control after the 2nd World War.

Isn’t it this Great Briton, supported by its own white pack of European invaders in Canada, USA, South America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the cohorts who have together plundered the whole world and conquered by murder and arson  who are collectively and singularly responsible for horrendous  crimes against humanity,  now jointly gunning at this small Island nation for human rights violation not knowing or pretending not to know that Sri Lanka, being a country with a refined  and unique culture based on  Buddhist teachings was, a country that has never violated even animal rights, no to talk of human rights.

 When these ugly colonial invaders, with their indelible records of stinking colonial aggression point their finger to us, they little realize that five fingers are pointing towards them. Isn’t it a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Is it not Ironical this pack of global thieves and murderers, led by UK ”The Mother of all things evil” as one writer called it, trying to harass small nations like us in the so called Third World to retain their global hegemony, or rather fast waning their power and prestige at the doors of emerging Indo-Pacific civilization of  the 21st century  as people like Samuel Johnson (Crisis of Civilization ) and Martin Jacques.(20 09) in his “When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order.

I would like to request my readers and those in authority in Government to read the following write up (attached) published in Lankaweb to cull out further material in support of this argument.

Also I would like to call upon the government to refer to the horrendous human rights violations committed by UK against the Sinhalese during the freedom struggles of 1817-1818 (wellassa)and 1848 (Matale)  by murderers such as Brownwrigg , Torrington and their armies and what they continue to do up to date by promoting disention and separatism among the different ethnic and religious groups within this country to fulfill their ulterior objectives.

Finally I would like to ask those sponsors of this resolution to throw the first stone unto themselves before they try to fix responsibility on us who had done no wrong and no violation of any conceivable human right in 2009 or thereafter against any community in this country whereas we have fought only a battle against a misguided group of terrorist aided, abetted, funded and trained by these colonial elements and India to destabilize the democratically elected Government of the country and trying to divide this small Island in to separate ethnic states, thereby threatening the territorial integrity sovereignty and the freedom of this Island nation.