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While UK MPs are doing their best to save the LTTE and even deproscribe it, UK Metropolitan Police ended up clashing with pro-LTTE demonstrators in Kenton North-West, Harrow, London on Sunday 14 March 2021. The protest only showcases the true colours of the pro-LTTE elements overseas. All that was missing was the AK47 and LTTE uniform. How many of these protestors were from LTTE families or even runaway asylum seeking LTTE is something for UK Govt to now investigate, unless it still wishes to continue to pooh pooh the tiger! As far as we know UK banned LTTE under UK Terrorism Act in 2001. If LTTE is banned, everything associated with LTTE must also be banned. Days ahead of UK spearheaded resolution against Sri Lanka in Geneva, these are good lessons for UK. It only showcased the unruly mob behavior of pro-LTTE elements living in the UK and asks the question – what kind of Tamil Eelam are they demanding while living and working in the UK? These theatrics just highlights the absurdity of this Tamil Eelam quest and should seriously make the UK Govt take the advice of Lord Naseby – round up all LTTE in UK, especially AdeleB, charge them for aiding and abetting terrorism and go after the LTTE funding money trail. The UK and EU Govts may be shocked at the number of foreign MPs on LTTE payroll not to mention other pro-LTTE international individuals too! Some of these protestors look more Indian than Sri Lankan! Whats the scene here! 


UK Terrorism Act of 2000 declares it a crime to wear or carry any item portraying REASONABLE SUSPICION of support to a proscribed organization. UK cannot be babies not to identify the LTTE flag.

LTTE Diaspora carrying LTTE flags constitute a clear violation. 

Section 12 (1) A of the UK Terror Actdisallows support for a proscribed organization not necessarily only by giving money or property.

Section (2) Aconsiders as offence if anyone ARRANGES, MANAGES or ASSISTS in arranging or managing a meeting supporting a proscribed organization, helping activities of a proscribed organization, or attending a meeting that a proscribed person is addressing (where does that put the UK MPs attending pro-LTTE events)

Section (3) Aconsiders it an office if anyone addresses a meeting with intent to encourage support for a proscribed organization

Section 13 (1)considers it an offence to WEAR an item of clothing, CARRY or DISPLAY an article that arouses REASONABLE SUSPICIOUN to show him/her a MEMBER or SUPPORTER of a proscribed organization.

In 2007 – UK police investigated MPs Keith Vaz & Virendra Sharma attending pro-LTTE rally & issuing messages of ‘support’ by London Mayor Ken Livingston & MP Simon Hughes (what happened to this investigation)


In 2009 – Tamil demonstrators in London carried Tamil Eelam flags & were arrested by UK police. UK Metropolitan police had even confiscated LTTE flags. The police spokesman had made ‘repeated requests’ for flags bearing images representing the LTTE to be removed. 2 protestors were arrested under UK Terrorism Act 2000. What happened thereafter?

4 February 2018 – Tamil demonstrators in London carried same LTTE flags but are not arrested! WHY?


Investigate these UK MPs – why are they so pre-occupied with Sri Lanka more than looking after their own constituencies? Very strange behavior indeed!

Labor MP Sam Terry


UK Liberal Democratic party, Ed Davey


UK Shadow Minister for Asia and the Pacific, Stephen Kinnock,


Virendra Sharma, MP for Ealing South


Sri Lanka High Commission in UK must compile and present a list of pro-LTTE organizations operating in the UK that have LTTE logo and LTTE insignia on their websites etc

Sri Lankan High Commission in UK must requested UK Govt & UK Metropolitan Police/Scotland Yard to investigate if these pro-LTTE fronts have breached UK laws or swindled UK tax payers money

Sri Lankan High Commission in UK must demand a list of Sri Lankans seeking asylum/political asylum/refugee status in the UK and use this information to cross-check against the names of supposed ‘dead’ Tamil civilians?

If countries ban a terrorist organization and issue reports claiming that the terrorist network is alive and funding continues the onus is on these countries to assist to curtail funding and promotion of a banned terrorist movement. UK Govt stands exposed.


On Sri Lanka’s part it is opportune to legally declare proscribed insignia & share with diplomatic channels and demand action by countries that continue to ban LTTE.