The truth behind the silence

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The truth behind the silence

R L Francis
September 16, 2010

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Bishop of Catholic diocese in Ernakulum district of Kerala George Punnakottil has completely turned deaf ears to the demands of restoring job of Professor T J Joseph. Professor T J Joseph was employed by Newman College being run by diocese. Considering resentment in the larger section of minorities Professor Joseph has been suspended for one year. Leftist government of Kerala had registered case under section 275 accusing him of spreading communal disharmony. He was sent to jail and subsequently released on the bail.

On 4th July while returning from Muvatatupujha church activists of Popular Front of India (PFI) had cut his right hand from the body. This happened because of he had used word ‘Mohammad’ in B.Com question paper in an indecent way. Fanatics had accused him of blasphemy and punished him in their way. Church was shocked and due to fear it did not speak a single line against this act. However, same church has always been vocal against Hindu extremist organisations. The church that had run an agitation against Love Jihad is biting dust on this issue.

As per V S Achutanandan whos is currently CM of the state; Kerala is fast becoming hub of extremism. a Muslim fanatics wants to establish a nation in next 20 years. Youths are being offered money for conversion and some of the Jihad organisations have encouraged Muslim youths to marry Non-Muslim girls. The entire cost is bore by Jihadi organisations. Kerala church has accused that a large section of Christian girls have been targeted of this Love Jihad. These girls after marriage are being sent to gulf countries. Both Muslims and Christians are competing with each-other in the race of growing their population in the state. Few years back some of the Catholic dioceses had issued an appeal to people of the state to give birth to more and more children and had given assurance that church will bear the entire cost of running a family.

For the last few decades state is patronising extremism of Muslims and Christians. Hindus are being divided in many ways and government has helped in this process. There has been violent struggle between RSS and people associated with them. Population of Hindus is dwindling due to fear. They have more population than Muslims and Christians but since they are not vote-banks so their reach and say in government is limited. Muslims and Christians have more impact on Kerala politics.

From the statement of Achutanandan it is evident that even leftist are aware of impending danger. Those who had cut hand of Professor Joseph have told that Taliban style courts are being run in the state and where decisions are taken only on the basis of Shariyat. The decision to disjoint the hand was taken by one such court. As per intelligence reports Popular Front of India  is new face of National Democratic Front. PFI is being seen as suspected organization since its establishment. Home Ministry had sent letters state home departments and respective Director Generals of Police to keep an eye on the activities.  Independent writer and experts on Muslim issues Mujaffar Hussain says that Popular Front of India is trying to increase Muslim population in entire Kerala as is the situation in Mallapuram district. They are getting lots of foreign donations from Amirat countries. Laksdweep is very close to Kerala which is a Muslim dominated Island. US, Pakistan and Srilanka want !
their influence on the island. Muslims from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are settling on the island in large number. Popular Front is very active on this front. They feel that Love Jihad has been pin-pricked so only other ways left are terror, infiltration and conversion are the only ways left to make Kerala Muslim dominated state.

Church has started playing highly active role state politics. In the last election it has indirectly grabbed five Loksabha seats from Congress and had issued Fatwa to Christian community not to vote Leftists in the election. What will be the outcome of next assembly election is clear from local election results.  Left government in the state had tried to tighten the noose of Church many times in the last four years. On the issue of suicides of Nuns government had taken strict view which enraged Church. Church has decided to oust Left government at any cost. They do not want any check on conversion and education business.

The main roadblock for the Church is Jihadi terrorism. Church and Muslim organizations are flexing their muscles to have more say in the politics. Hindus are nowhere in this process as they are not an effective vote-bank. In the north part of Kerala minor incidents of conflicts have been reported. Despite this fact Church has shown great restraint e in the matter of Professor T J Joseph. To appease the hardliners in the state they turned down the appeal of Christian intelligentsia. Appeal of Retired Chief Justice V R Krishna Iyer has been rejected by Church.  Iyer had even told to an extent that Church administration is playing on the tunes of extremists and it has distanced itself from the message of Kindness, love and humanity by Jesus.

Professor George Punnakotil has justified suspension of of Professor T J Joseph. It wants to reflect that Church was not a partner in this act. Church does not say same things about Hindu Gods who are always derided by Christian Priests. Is Church not aware of all these facts?

It seems in order to expand their territory Church has shaken hands with Muslim extremists and both them consider Hindus as their main enemy. Indian Church had condemned the decision of burning of Holy Quran in Florida. Both have only target to convert as many Hindus as they can. In order to achieve tits objective it is demanding to implement Rangnath Mishra Commission Report.  Church can bet many Joseph in order to achieve its objective. This strategy of Church is backfired. It is better to turn towards Jesus humanitarian principles. If Church does not mend its way it will only lead them to darkness.

R L Francis

President – Poor Christian Liberation Movement

Email: [email protected]