A call for an urgent meeting of the Finance Ministers of the SAARC countries immediately to be held in Colombo to discuss the Sri Lanka Crisis.

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara

I suggest Sri Lanka call for an urgent meeting of the Finance Ministers of the SAARC countries immediately to be held in Colombo to discuss how they can help Sri Lanaka to get out of its present economic crisis in the country and build up a new tradition of region corporation and also find out who our good Samaritans are, as well.  This I think is a more welcome departure from the normal going round the world with the begging bowl undermining one’s own self- respect.

I am making this proposal in the wake of India’s imposing tough conditions for US$ 1 billion loan requested by Sri Lanka, trying to impose its hegemony on the peripheral nations of the Indian sub- continent giving priority to for its own self-interest, blatantly ignoring the high principles of the SAARC Charter. This could also be a good opportunity to test the effectiveness of the SAARC Charter for Regional corporation and it could be a very good opportunity to find out who our true friends are, as well. Also let us see how each country can contribute for regional corporation within the SAARC region and together they can build up as a strong regional economic power within the emerging strategic Indo Pacific region.

The last summit of the eight-nation grouping was held in Nepal in November 2014. This shows the inactivity of this organization that have killed mutual corporation within the region due to self- interest on the part of some members.

Over to you the Government of Sri Lanka , if there is one?

The proposed meeting could also be a golden opportunity to give a new life and a new meaning to the objectives of the SAARC Charter.