Krishna Iyer lashes out at Pastoral letter

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Krishna Iyer lashes out at Pastoral letter
17 March 2009

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Kochi, Mar 17 : Canonical papal control over Church properties in Kerala will be a new imperialism repugnant to the secular character and sovereign authority of ‘ We the People of India’, opined Justice (Rtd.) V R Krishna Iyer here today.

Apparently with the approval of the ‘Christian High Command’ a pastoral letter is in circulation in chapels and other biblical institutions criticizing a few Bills of the Law Reforms Commission, Kerala which advocate hundred percent secular reforms in the Christian, Islamic and Hindu theological rituals, said the noted jurist, who is the Chairman of the Commission, in a statement.

Urging the Bishops to withdraw the pastoral letter, Justice Iyer said the vast properties of the Church in the State were the product of parishioner’s contributions and naturally the management of the estate must have democratic dimensions giving a voice to the Christian parishioners.

This was the basis of one Bill objected to by the Bishops who now enjoy the power over the properties and ultimately it is claimed that the Pope controls the Bishops on the basis of Canonical Law.

In India, law making is not left to Vatican but to the constitutional agencies under the authority of our sovereign suprema lex.

” Further, it was also relevant to note that the Christian Trust dimension recommended by the Commission was at the instance of many representations made by sincere Christians. That is why leading thinkers like Justice K.T. Thomas, former judge of the Supreme Court, and Dr M V Pylee, former Vice Chancellor of Cochin University, great Christians and believers, have fully supported the Commission’s recommendations,” Justice Iyer noted.

The second objection raised was to a bill recommending state grants for any Indian family below the poverty line and conforms to the family norm of not having more than two children.

No limitation whatever is put on the number of children nor is there any restraint on the rights of every child whatever be the number, which belongs to every Indian child Christian or non Christian.

The disqualification prescribed for violation of the family norm of not having more than two children prescribed by the Bill, was only for claiming grants and benefits allowed specially by the Bill for families conforming to the mentioned family norm, he pointed out.

The third Bill recommended is wholly out of humanitarian and compassionate considerations rooted on the basis of the humanist compassionate provisions of the Constitution (Article 51 A) that Euthanasia be given support by the State and not confined to any particular religion or community.

” You may agree or disagree but Euthanasia has nothing to do with Christian number of children is beyond the Commission’s comprehension. Family planning and Euthanasia are matters of national concern, not chapel or Church indoctrination. The Commission has taken a benignant view and it is improper and unfair to accuse it as propaganda of the Marxist Government interfering with Christian religion,” Justice Iyer pionted out.