Both the President and the PM should resign immediately and pave the way for the Parliament to elect a New President and a PM. For the rest of the 2year term of the Present Parliament that should be run by an Interim all -party Cabinet of about 12..

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Dr. Sudath Gunasekara. Mahanuwara 8.7.2022.
Why The President should resign immediately
1Gota Go home protest was started on 9 th April 2022 at Gall Face in front of the Presidential
2 The first Massive public protest at Jubilee post demanding him to resign was held on May 31.
2022 at Mirihana near the President’s house. Instead of resigning, The President, shifted to the
Presidential House, in Fort next morning
3Leading Monks have started a death-unto-fast on 8th July in Fort
4 The Fort and Cinnamon Garden Courts have turned down a request by Police to ban public
protest in Fort on 7 th July.
5 GoTabhaya has failed to fulfilled all the 3 basic functions of the State namely 1) Raksha
(protection of the State from external aggression), 2) Paalana (maintenance of law and order
within the country and 3) Yogakshema (safeguarding the welfare of the people)
6 On the 6 th of July he had to leave the Parliament as a failed President and due to protests by
the members against his presence in the House and one who has lost the faith of the
7 Today the whole country has invaded his official residence and the Presidential Secretariate
and already ousted him as the President of this country. Therefore, now he has no mandate to
8 The massive media campaign requesting the General Public to join the Gota Go Home
Campaign at the Galle face on 9 th
9 About 100 monks of the Three Chapters walking from Wattala to Fort asking the President to
quit on the 8 th
10 The Mahanayaka Theras of the three Chapters and the Archbishop of Colombo Asking him to
resign as he has failed as the President
11, As a person who had voted him with high hope on 26 th Nov 2019 and campaign for his
massive victory, my serious doubts on his capacity and ability, to run the country began to
surface on the first day he visited the Motor Commissioners Dept with prior notice as his first
official visit as the President of the country to inspect its day- to -day work. This is a funny
situation for a Head of a State to engage when there is a well- established mechanism to do this
routine work with a Cabinet Minister, a Ministry headed by a Secretary and a Head of that


particular Department at the top to get the work done efficiently without corruption and to
guarantee delivery of services to the general public under the supervision of a Commissioner
General. If at all the purpose of his visit was to make a visit to check whether things are
happening the correct way, he should have made a surprise visit without informing any one or
gone there incognito as it was done by our ancient Kings and even by President Premadasa.

  1. This incident clearly demonstrates the ignorance of the President of the Country on the
    ABCD of Governance and Public Administration of the country.
    13.The same kind of inspections continued even thereafter most probably as advised by his
    Chief Advisor Lalith Weeratunga spending millions with zero result all over the Island
    14His Gamasamanga PilIsandarak was another big fast According to my personal experience at
    my own village on 13 th Feb 2002 Gamasamanga Pilisandark, that was another dead rope given
    to Gotabhaya probably by his Chief adviser Lalith Weeratunga to build up direct contact with
    the villagers, through the Pradhesiya Sbaha Memebers bypassing the Mahinda loyal Members
    of Parliament and also the Public Servants on whom he never had any trust as he has selected
    all army men to man all the Key Ministries and State Corporation and ruined them thersby..
    Although, he came to Meemure, my village. on my invitation dated 25 th Dec 2021 not only he
    did not say that but he also completely ignored me on the advice of local politicians and when
    he saw me, he asked me “Obatumaath mei Gamed’a’? After he finished his going round and
    started the meeting I sent a note to Laith requesting for five minutes to welcome the President
    to my native village. But that ungrateful man whom I recommended as my Additional Secretary
    to PM Mrs Bandaranayaka in Sept 1994, that paved the way up for him as Secretary to Prime
    Minister and Secretary to the President and still later Chief Adviser to the President, which post
    he continues to hold up to date did not give me that five minutes. Had it been President
    Premadasa he would have invited me to the stage and given the first Chair on his right and
    asked the younger generation to take me as the example of a son of that village who having
    read the alphabet in that village school rose up to be the Permanent Secretary to the Prime
    Minister in this country.
    14 The way he humiliated me in my own village on that day took my mind back to the vow
    Kautilya took on the day he was humiliated by Dhananandha, not to tie his forelock knot
    again until the Dhananandanas are no more.
    15 Today, now that all the 6.9 million who voted for him in, as the President (including me and
    my wife) by mis-calculations have risen against him and chased him out of his private
    house, Presidential Secretariate and finally the Presidential House, I am happy to see that
    my dream and wish I conceived that day on the compound of my own village school has
    come true.
    16 Since then, I have warned him several times to correct himself “lest the angry people of this
    country who put him on that thrown will come and pull him down and drag him on the
    road” as Mao Tsetung has once said


17 That day I determined to see him is out recollecting the vow By Kautilya “That he will not tie
his forelock not until Dhananada is no mor, the Emperor of Bharath.
18 Today the whole country has completely lost trust in him as a failed man. Therefore, he has
no legal or moral right to remain in power any more. As such he should resign forthwith.

Why Ranil Wickramasinha should also resign immediately
1 His appointment as PM was unconstitutional and therefore, illegal and he has no mandate
from the people or the Parliament to continue as the Prime Minister.
2 He has miserably failed during the last two months Prime and Minister of Finance Minister.
3 He has failed in his entire political carrier for the last 52 years.
4He has a notorious record as the only Prime Minister of a country who planned to rob the
Nation’s Central Bank twice in 2015 and 2016. and thereafter send his agent to safe hiding in
Singapore and has not helped the Government to get him down to be produced in 0curt.
5 He does not represent an electorate and as such he has no legal mandate to be in Parliament
6 Above all he does not have the qualities of a national leader to lead this nation, neither he has
a vision on nation building
7 He is also the man who is responsible for the nemesis of the classical political Party UNP in
this country.