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The Nalanda campus was a exceptionally impressive place, which included of majestic buildings of chetiyas, temples, monasteries, hostels, lecture halls, meditation halls, libraries, lakes and parks. The three great libraries of Nalanda were Ratnasagara, Ratnadadhi, and Ratnaranjaka. Inscriptional evidence (Yasovarmadeva) reveals that these were nine storey buildings.

It was a great center of learning in ancient India, and was located in the eastern Indian state of Bihar. Today it remains as a small village called Nalanda. It is situated about 72 km off Patna , which is the capital of Bihar . Archeological remains abound of the great university,

More than 1500 years ago, or in the 5th century CE, it became the most illustrious International Buddhist University in the world.

(In terms of Sri Lankan history, this was the time of our illustrious kings such as Dhathusena who built the great Kalawewa and Kasyapa of Sigiriya fame).

Nalanda was a place visited by the Buddha and near the birth places of the Buddha’s two main disciples – Sariyuth and Mugalan Mahatheras. After the Buddha’s passing away, a temple was built here. Emperor Asoka improved this vihara also built a monastery for Bhikkhus. This monastery evolved to become a  well known Buddhist learning Centre in the first century CE. Later it improved to become the illustrious Nalanda university in the 5th century CE.

Fa Hien, the famous Chinese pilgrim visited Nalanda in the first half of the fifth century and has left records of what he saw. Hieuen Tsiang, the other famous Chinese traveler, visited Nalanda in the beginning of the 7th century CE. He provides much information on Nalanda as a university. In fact, he was a student at Nalanda for seven years, before working there as a professor.

Several inscriptions have been discovered among the ruins of Nalanda giving further details.

It is recorded that in the 7th century, there were 10,000 students and 1500 professors in this university. The alumni of Nalanda were highly respected both inside and outside of India . It gathered together some of the best scholars of the country. Among the many outstanding Chancellors of Nalanda were the following:  Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu, Dinnaga, Dharmakirthi, Shantharakshita, Dharmapala and Shilabhadra. It is important to note that, Aryadeva, the favourite disciple of  Nagarjuna, hailed from Sri Lanka . The brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu (4th c.) were successive Abbots of Nalanda. Tibetan sources indicate by name several other great Buddhists associated with Nalanda.

Scholar saints were the greatest attraction of Nalanda. Students from far and near flocked to sit and learn at the feet of these great scholars. There were students from Sri Lanka , Tibet , Nepal , China , Central Asia, Vietnam , Sumatra and Java.  Associated with Nalanda were several thousands of monks who were men of the highest ability and talent. Some of them were from different countries. The international character of Nalanda was quite prominent even during the time of Hieuen Tsiang’s association with Nalanda in the seventh century.  Strict discipline and high academic standards were maintained.

Nalanda became world famous on account of its many brilliant professors and high standard of education. The great scholars of Nalanda, produced a vast literature in all branches of knowledge.  It is said that it is in the field of logic that they made their greatest contribution. It rose up to be a leading and an outstanding center of learning and intellectual activities, and also as a leading center of dissemination of knowledge in various fields.


Nalanda flourished up to the tenth century CE (about the end of the Classical Anuradhapura period of Sri Lanka ). Thereafter, political upheavals in India had serious negative impacts on Nalanda.  Foreigners, the Turk-AfganMuslims who invaded India from the northwest during this period were fanatics who did not respect other people or other cultures. They took delight in destroying Indian cultural edifices and the guardians of this culture.

In the year 1198, the Muslim invaders led by Mohammad Bakhtiar Khilji,  attacked and burnt down this great University. They attacked Nalanda University , this greatest place of learning at the time in the world most mercilessly, destroying its magnificent buildings and massacring all its inmates, who at the time were mostly Buddhist monks.

The ruthless Muslim Bakhtiar Khilji demolished the university to the ground.  Mirjah, a Muslim historian has left a detailed horrid account of Khilji’s vandalism and violence. The gigantic libraries of Nalanda containing invaluable treasures of books were set on fire and burned for months. The library had a total of 9 million books. The great collection of works the result of centuries of scholastic studies-and manuscripts were burnt or destroyed.

Only a few monks managed to escape with a few manuscripts to Tibet , Nepal and other neighboring countries. Buddhism disappeared under the brutal impact of Muslim fanaticism. Nalanda became a deserted and desolate place for several centuries and its ruins were covered by jungle.


In additional we like to add some discussion having been held through out the e mails. E mails sender name and other details hold within NBA TEAM.


To Joe,

1)Thanks for your reply

2) Thanks for your interest in this subject.

3) History is one big caboodle and where only Buddhists remain ‘alive and kicking’ to tell the story.
Otherwise , it is suppressed and kept quiet from Christians and Muslims! They are proud of their history!

4) There are some basic facts that anyone must know:
eg. Abraham’s contract with “GOD” – the root of all the horror religions.

5) Harmless Paganism and the viscious pagan Roman Empire , slavery and all.


6) there were seven great Buddhist universities in North India I read somewhere.

7) The Buddhist treasures and books were secretly taken out up to Lahsa, tibet . (by Marpa and Milarepa??)

8) The Bristish under Captain Younghusband (Fanantic Xian) looted the Potala Palace in about 1908 using the wonderful maxim machine gun – like a neutron weapon – killing people but leaving all the goodies behind to be looted.

9) 22 pack mules made three journies to Potala Palace to carry down all the Gold, silver and jewels offered to Buddha for 2,000years. Then London had its Golden “Edwardian age” of prosperity – on Buddhist treasure!.

7) I think Buddhism has a job to do to unmask all this.
And that is why the Christians desperately want to kill it (& me and my men!) off!

8) Kamma is there. Their hatred for “all things not Muslim” – kaffir – is very dangerous for us all.
Its amazing to see woe theur peronalities are warped and twisted by their brainwashing as a consequence. And there are a couple of Billion of them!

Buddhism has much to do, but Buddhists are corrupted by their colonial masters into fighting and quarrelling and have lost their dirction on these matters is my opinion.

Thanks for your interest,

From Ros…


TO Ros…
To: ros
Date: Thursday, 10 July, 2008, 6:34 PM
Thanks Roger, It’s a great enlightenment on history, before reading this, I
was always questioning why Nalanda University disappeared..

Those ruthless invaders/destroyers, until now, still trying very hard to
convince the world that they are PEACEFUL religion/people (remember FITNA the
movie case).

But, on the lighter side, this clearly shows “Sabbe Sankara ANICCA”,
Buddhist cultural monuments/buildings are also subject to Anicca.

Furthermore, Kamma law works, now people in Middle East (who might be reborn
from those ruthless
invaders/destroyers) are suffering due to opression and
torturing by the Jews.
Form Joe..