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Agent from Berghoff Foundation in Defense Ministry!

March 9, 2008

Agent from Berghoff Foundation in Defense Ministry!
[27th February 2006 – 22:35 S..L.T]


It is reported that political parties supporting the Government and opposing tiger organization are dismayed by the recruitment of a person, handled by Berghoff Foundation, an NGO favourable to tiger organization, as a defense strategic analyzer in the Ministry of Defense.


This person named Bhathiya Sanjaya Kolonna has been assigned a special office in the Defense Ministry. Decision to appoint him for the post had been taken at the latter stages of the UNP government. Minister of Internal Affairs of the then UNP government Mr. John Amaratunga had given in writing that Mr. Sanajaya Kolonna should be appointed for the post. However, the UNP government fell from office in the year 2004 and the relevant appointment was not given.


The UNP government had decided to appoint Mr. Sanjaya Kolonna for a special post in the Defense Ministry after Mr. Tom Braman, a station chief of CIA participated in discussions of government intelligence services. However, UNP government had to refrain from getting Mr. Braman from participating in discussions of government intelligence sections due to opposition from former President Ms. Chandrika Bandaranayke Kumaratunga and disclosure by certain media.


To fill the void of Mr. Braman’s non participation at these discussions the UNP government planned to create a new institution called ‘Intelligence Analysis Centre’ and hand it over to Mr. Bhathiya Sanjaya Kolonna. In a letter dated 25th March, 2003, signed by Minister of Defense Mr. Tilak Marapane and addressed to Mr. John Amaratunga, it had been stated that Mr. Bhathiya Sanjaya Kolonna was proposed to the relevant post with the approval of the Prime Minister. Accordingly, Mr. John Amaratunga had approved the appointment.


However, after Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse was elected the President Mr. Bhathiya Sanjaya Kolonna has been appointed as a Defense Strategy Analyzer. Mr. Merril Gunaratne, who was a chief of national intelligence services, is a close associate of Mr. Bharatha Sanjaya Kolonna.


Meanwhile, Jerry Perera, Denis Perera, Nanda Godage, former heads of defense services who are in the pay lists of ‘BerghoffFoundation’ too are close associates of Mr. Bhathiya Sanjaya Kolonna.


Ms. Ayesha Siddiqui, A Pakistan woman who visited Sri Lanka for a study about defense affairs in Sri Lanka too was met by Mr. Bhathiya Sanjaya Kolonna. Arrangements to meet this suspicious woman by Mr. Kolonna had been done by Mr. Dennis Perera, a former chief of defense. He is a retired security chief in the pay roll of ‘Berghoff Foundation’. Ms. Ayesha Siddiqui had met Mr. Kolonna inside the Ministry of Defense. Mr. Kolonna had divulged many details about National defense to Ms. Siddiqui.


Meanwhile, Messrs. Dennis Perera, Jerry Silva and Nanda Godage who are in the payrolls of ‘Berghoff Foundation’ had asked for funds from the USA and the UK to embark on an institution called United Services Institute to gather, analyze and distribute defense information. This has been secretly backed by Mr. Bhathiya Sanjaya Kolonna. Mr. Kolonna is a close associate of Mr. Rohan Gunaratne as well. Mr. Rohan Gunaratne is said to be a specialist who gather and distribute defense information for foreign organizations including Mozard, MIS, CIA etc.


However, it is reported that political parties supporting the government have expressed their opposition for allowing such a suspicious character to be in the Defense Ministry and gather information regarding security of the country.


Samantha said…

The comments i found in my e mail IS VERY IMPOTENT TO THE YOUR SOCITY… i would like to copy it in your comment box….Thanks! The comments by Circulate e mail—- ===================================== Berghoff Foundation is one crucial example for the perfidious activities of INGOs in Sri Lanka. This organisation is directly backed by Catholic Church in Germany. Its main objective is to discredit the Sinhala-Buddhist culture. A Sinhalese Buddhist guy who escaped to Germany some years ago now appears to be the champion of the Catholic cause in Sri Lanka. Sympathising with the Tamils does not say that they consider the so-called grievances of the Tamils in Sri Lanka, but their ulterior motive is to create a Christian state in Sri Lanka. Mutual co-operation between the LTTE and the Berghoff Foundation had generated lucrative jobs for a few Sri Lankans to continue their traitorous activities after being enrolled on the LTTE payroll list. Edward Germany 08.03.08 [27th February 2006 – 22:35 S..L.T]


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