Dr. Sudath Gunasekara (SLAS)   Mahanuwara    

Santhose Jah Esqr 
Indian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka,
21  Dhrsana,Gemunu Mwatha 

 The Need to change the overall Kautilyan policy of Mathsya nyaaya and the Panikkar policies towards its neighbors, particularly Sri Lanka.

Dr. Sudath Gunasekara (SLAS) Former Secretary to Prime Minister Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranayake and the President of the Sri Lanka Administrative Services Association. (1991-1994)

     Dear Sir,

At the very outset I would like to request India, our big brother, to change the overall Kautilyan perception of Mathsya nyaaya and the Sardhar Panikkar policies towards its neighbors, particularly Sri Lanka, including its meddling with the migrant Tamils living in this country,  who has  a domicile history of less than 350 years in this country (KNL EELAM MYTH EXPOSED 2020), claiming that they are people of Indian origin, should first end, as a prerequisite to heal the wounds it has already inflicted upon this country in the recent past, starting from the infamous Rajeev Gandhi invasion of Sri Lanka 1987”, to open a new chapter  of an everlasting age of goodwill and friendship once again between our two countries, as it was at its peak during the Asokan period, c. 265–238 bce ) going back to the days  of The Gauthama Buddha, the Greatest human being India had ever given to this world in 623 BC.

I shall be grateful to you to advise your government to treat this country as a free and independent sovereign state as much as the India is, as it had been from the inception of history.

However, I must clearly and honestly state here, that the enviable and brotherly good will and the cordial relationship existed between our two countries in that distant past, starting in the classical days of Gautama Buddha and Emperor Asoka and even much later during the days of Nehru – Bandaranayake period (1956-1977) are now gone for good, since the 1987 Rajiv invasion of Sri Lanka.  

The infamous Rajiv/JR Accord of July 29.1987 that was forced on Sri Lanka at gun point, preceded by his shameless Parippu dropping by an Air invasion violating Sri Lankan territorial integrity, sovereignty and the independence, marks the worst invasion in its 2500-year history, as it affected the whole country against all previous foiled South Indian invasions in history, starting in the 2nd century BC that were limited only to the northern parts of the Island. Even Rama’s invasion was confined to only rescuing Sita from where she was said to have been kept in secret by Ravana, but never had any effect on the whole country, other than Ravana’s death at the hands of Rama.  But Rajeev’s invasion had an Island wide and far-reaching effect, declaring 1/3 of its sovereign territory and it set the rhythm for a criminal travesty of the history of this 2500-year-old sovereign Sinhala Kingdom as an invasion of the whole country, while even Tamilnadu with 8.39 Crores of Tamils that had been the true historical homeland of the Tamil race for millennia is not recognized as a Tamil Homeland by India.

The infamous Rajiv/J R Accord of 29th July 1987

  1. It declared the North and East, of the country covering 1/3rd the area of this Island including and 2/3 of the coastal belt with over from Puttalama on the West to Kumana in the South Eastern corner of the Island, as the historical Homeland of the Tamil people who were brought in to this country only in the late 17th century (by Dutch) and by the British through the 19th century. It also merged Northen and Eastern provinces and provided for the amalgamation of 2 or more provinces for less than 12 % of the migrant population of the country, probably with the idea of including the Central, Uva and Sabaragamuwa provinces and even few parts of the Southern province like Rakwana and Deniyaaya, where few Estate Tamils are resident. This is Panikkar theory in fullaction

 Map showing the Provinces of Sri Lanka

2.DeclaringTamil also as an official Language in this country, (while it is not so, even in India where 8. 35b Crore Tamils live);

3 Granted citizenships to all Tamils in Sri Lanka, including even the illicit immigrants on the Street and villages as gypsies without fully adhering to the legal requirements regarding the registration of Citizens in any country.

4 The Accord was signed under pressure from India amid public protests all over the Island culminating with the national protest organized by the Opposition headed by the Leader of the Opposition Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranayaka in Petta Colombo where several participants were killed due to shooting by the armed forces on the orders of the Government.

 It should be noted here that Three prominent Cabinet Ministers including the Prime Minister Premadasa, Lalith Athulathamudali and Gamani Jayasuriya Boycotted the occasion in protest.

 5.Signing of the Accord was followed by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution that ended the unitary character of the state, Sri Lanka that was there for 25 centuries and it laid the foundation for the division of the Island in to 9 semi-autonomous provincial Governments, thereby putting an end to the unitary state of Sri Lanka and (see below for more details)

I have identified the following main reasons as responsible for this sad and unfortunate situation.

1 Wrong attitudes and wrong policies of the Indian government towards this country, born out of fabricated information fed by Tamils in Tamilnadu, Sri Lanka and the so-called Tamil diaspora living all over the world.

2  Ignorance of the true history of this country and the history of Tamils living here,

3 Government of Indias dependence on the Tamilnadu votes to maintain political stability at the center.

4. the influence of the Colonial West

5. Ignorance or deliberate refusal on the part of the Indian Government to accept that Sinhalese are also of Indian origin who have come to this country 25 centuries before these Malaba people were brought here only in the late 17th through the 19th century 

6. Utter disregard to accept the fact that Sri Lanka is a separate sovereign country and not a part of India

7 Reluctance of India to accept this country is also an independent sovereign country of equal status although small in size.

8 Absence of patriotic and strong Sinhala political leadership who can convincingly put the record right and the weakness of the then Sri Lankan senile leadership  

 9 The big brother attitude of India and its reluctance to admit Sri Lanka as an independent sovereign State.

10 Absence of patriotic Sinhala leaders who knows their own history and who have the courage to stand up against this type of Indian invasion and the incompetence of Sri Lanka politician to protect and defend their own motherland

11.The influence of Panikkar policy which India is perusing that will antagonize its all neighbors

It was the British colonial invaders who picked up the EELAM concept from South Indian Eelaamists and introduced this strategy in Sri Lanka with 3 main objectives


To destroy the millennia old Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this island nation, to avenge the humiliating defeats they suffered in Sri Lanka from 1803 to 1848 at the hands of brave Sinhala patriots


To destroy the age old political and cultural good will that exist between two Asian twin brothers, India (the Elder) and Sri Lanka (the younger) and


To divide Sri Lanka in to two rival ethnic States, Sinhalese and Tamils (EELAM) eternally fighting against each other, as they have done all over the world, with a hidden agenda to create a permanent Neocolonial political and strategic base in South Asia for the Westen neo colonial powers, to control the emerging Asia of the 21st century right at the center of the Indian Ocean and to stop the rise of China and India as great powers and also to stop Sri Lanka being developed as the hub of the emerging 21st century Asia. Please remember, then it will be the biggest threat to the independence of India, once the age-old friend Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka state is no more.

In this backdrop, what I have proposed here, I think is the only way to defeat this Church backed Western neo-colonial global control strategy.

The first pre requisite of this master plan, I propose to defeat this vicious neocolonial game is to reinvent the age old, friendly and cordial relationship that was there between India and Sri Lanka as two independent and strong states by defeating the EELAM dream of the Kumari Kandam lobby of the Tamilnadu State and its Church allies in the neo-colonial West. It is extremely disastrous to both Sri Lanka and India as it will end up by balkanizing greater India and divide Sri Lanka also in to two separate ethnic States, eternally fighting each other. This is exactly what the Western neo-colonial world wants done. To destabilize India, Sri Lanka, and make Sri Lanka their hub to stop the emerging twenty first century world around the Indo Pacific Oceans. the QUAD that is called the Asian NATO is already actively engaged in this vicious game; by tactfully getting India and Japan to join this organization to set those two countries against other Asian countries. The chief and dominant members of the QUAD, USA and Australia, both of whom are Church backed powerful white colonial powers of colonial settlements of migrants from Europe who had established their white settlements by annihilating the native owners of those countries.

Building up of an independent and nonaligned India and Sri Lanka is a must to avoid this disaster.

The first step, rather the sine qua non in this long journey is to restore the age old friendly and strong relations between, India and Sri Lanka and create an Asian geopolitical heartland” based in Sri Lanka to realize the dream of the 21st century Asia. Sri Lanka’s geographical location on the globe at the center of the Indian Ocean, where all the world’s busiest naval and air routes meet, confirm the ancient Indian Puranic concept of Lanka as the center of the world (Bhuu madhYayei lankiiyathithi Lanka) becoming a reality in the 21st century. Its global location at the center of the world surrounded by the Indian Ocean extending from Africa in the west to Australia in the east and the Bay of Bengal in the north to Antarctica in the south, open all around to the world, with a long and rich Buddhist culture, makes Sri Lanka the ideal global strategical heartland for this role. With Sir Arthar Clerks prophesy in his Deep Range that by 2050 all religions based on God centered Abrahamic teachings will disappear. Therefore, Buddhism will be the only religion that can inspire the human mind and heart” (1954) and Sri Lanka being the home and the head quarter of the Theravaadha Buddhism in the world, it is not surprising that the Church dominated Westen powers are determined to wipe out Sri Lanka from the world map to avoid this imminent disaster to them.

The close and strong millennia old relationship between Sri Lanka and India underscores this 21st century global geostrategic reality. The need to build up a mutually beneficial and closer and strong bondage between our two countries is therefore, a sine qua non to realize this dream Asia of the 21st century. The iron foundation for this Indo Sri Lanka relationship has to be based on the age-old classical and historical brotherhood that existed for millennia between our two countries. In order to realize this supreme goal, we have to build up the Indo-Sri Lanka connectivity based on the following background, described in detail below.

I don’t think for a moment, I need to elaborate to you, as a distinguished and a veteran officer of the IAS of your caliber, on the unique and close historical, political, the cultural and spiritual relationship that existed between our two countries from the time of Gautama the Buddha, the greatest human being ever given to this world by Bharath Desh. Lord Buddha ‘s first visit to this Island was in 588 BC, in the ninth month after he attained enlightenment, to Mahiyangana to settle a waring dispute between two native tribes Yakkas and Nagas.  On the verge of his attaining Parinibbana, (543) he also selected Sri Lanka as the only land in which his Dhamma will last for 5000 years to come in its purest form, although Jambudviipa was his beloved birth place and it is over 50 times the area of Sri Lanaka. He requested Sakka the King of Gods at the great assembly of devas, to protect Prince Vijaya, an Aryan Sakya Prince from northern Bharath and his retinue of 700 who landed on the same day, Buddha attained Nibbana in Lanka Deepa in 543 BC. The same day, marks the Birthday of the Sinhala Buddhist nation on this Island. Thence forth this country had been named as the land of the Buddha and also the land of the Sinhala race.

It was Emperor Asoka, another great son of Bharatha who was acclaimed as the greatest Emperor the world had ever known, officially gifted the Buddha sasana to this country during the reign of his erstwhile friend King Devaanampiyatissa who was the King here at that time, at the beginning of the 4th century BC (307). Ever since the close political, religious, spiritual and cultural, ties between the two countries were made the stronger, by selecting his own son Mahinda and daughter Sangamittaa as the royal emissaries to bring the Budha’s noble message to this land of the Sinhala people, known as Lanka Deepa at that time.  This close relationship between these two countries laid the foundation for a unique and unmatched human civilization on this resplendent Island. Such was the unique and remarkable level of the close relationship that existed between our two countries, from the time of Gauthama the Buddha.

This however was unfortunately marred later by the successive invasions by the non-Aryans, like Chola a Pandya from south India starting in the 2nd century BC, which culminated and ended up with the Kalinga Maga invasion in the 12th century. The Maga  invasion  left behind an indelible devastations done to the political , social, economic and the cultural landscape of this Island nation that resulted in the inevitable shifting of a glorious Sinhala Buddhist civilization  in Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa Kingdoms of world reputation from the dry zone, the cradle of that great civilization, to the hill country and the South West of the Island, converting the Rajarata in to a vast expansion of sprawling jungle that remained neglected until its reopening began again only after the British took over the governance of the whole island after entering in to a friendly Convention agreed upon between two  Kingdoms of equal status, with this country on 2nd of March 1815,  that is the British Empire and the Kandyan Kingdom of Sinhale, being the only  Kingdom that was not captured by war in the whole British Empire. The Convention referred to here was the Kandyan Convention[S1] .

Thereafter, the cunning and the uncivilized British, having made the Kandyan Convention almost dysfunctional by the famous Royal Proclamation No. 21st of Nov 1818 by Governor Brownrigg, started a period of callous, divisive and repressive 133-year-old exploitation and brutal regime in the whole British Empire, that has gone down in world history as one of the darkest periods, referring to which, John Davy surgeon to Governor Brown Wrigg  had said the history of British rule in Ceylon after the 1818 rebellion cannot be related without shame. None of the members of the leading families (all males over 16 years) in the Kandyan country have survived. Small pox and privation has destroyed those spared by the gun and the sword”.

Meanwhile,  they started a large scale Colonial Settler Colonization” program in this country with poverty stricken Malabar cooly labour gangs from South India, first, in the Islands Northern and Eastern provinces created by them in 1833, that were under dense jungle almost uninhabited, except for few sporadic settlements of native Sinhalese around the neglected Tanks, after the mass exodus of the native Sinhalese to the South West and the hill country, following the Maga devastation in the 13th century AD.

The British colonial intruders got all these Malabar cooly labours gazetted as Ceylon Tamils in 1901 by intrigue having appointing a Malabar man, Ponnambalan Arunachalam, a grandson of a Dutch toilet keeper, who was made the first Ceylon Civil Servant of their Choice, as the first Registrar General of this country. That was how those Malabar labourers became Ceylon Tamils overnight in 1901, who were made aristocratic with one stroke of a Malabar descendant Ponnambalan  Arunaachalam, with the hidden intention of making them the rulers of this millennia old Sinhala Kingdom.

 Second, the same British, started to inundate the central hill country with the second wave of Malaba slave coolies, with the opening up of the Central hill country for largescale Coffee in 1840 s and later Tea plantation in 1870s to settle and work on these lands that were originally owned by the natives Sinhalese from the dawn of history up to 1840. In the post 1840 period, the British imported an army of South Indian Malabar indentured cooly labor nearing 1.2 million and settled them on these newly opened up plantations that were covered with primeval forest from the dawn of history. This opened up a sad period of destruction of forests, land and the rivers of the geographical Heartland (HADABIMA) of this Island followed by a prolonged period of cruel exploitation of natural resources of mother Lanka together with the sweat and blood of the poverty stricken poor South Indian labour, to fill the coffers of England.  

It is very important to be noted here that the Sinhalese also had come to this country 26 centuries before the Malabar who were brought to this country by the Western colonial invaders after 1780s with the triple objectives of a) finding cheap labour for their projects, b) destroy Sri Lanka and finally c) to create a war base in South Asia for them to control emerging future Asia.

Ironically, these immigrants are the people who are now claiming a separate kingdom on the land found, developed, civilization established and defended and protected against 18 South Indian invasions from the 2nd century BC to 13th century AD (ancestors of the same Malabars) and three western invasions from 1505 to 1948) by the native Sinhalese

The British left behind these people who were British citizens until then, as an army of stateless immigrant labour high and dry on this soil, leaving behind a bone of contention and an incurable chronic headache to this country, when they left the shores of the Island in 1948, after conferring the so-called fake Independence to this country, retaining all three cardinal requirements of an independent state, namely, Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers with them. Although countries like Burma and Uganda chased out such Indian immigrant labour gangs from their lands immediately after independence, the Sri Lankan leaders, partly being a product of a rich Buddhist culture and partly as a brain washed compradors of the west did not resort to such inhuman acts, although neither those laborers nor the present day Indian politicians have ever appreciated the benevolence conferred upon this army of immigrant labour by the Sinhalese Buddhist of this country up to date.

Sad colonial legacies

This, briefly summarizes the imposed on this Island nation by the British when they left in 1948 leaving behind their vicious cycle of colonial exploitation with more  ropes all around the neck of Mother Lanka keeping the colonial reins Fastly  holding  in their hands tied on to all techniques of state craft such as legislative, executive and judicial , and all  branches of statecraft like  internal governance, foreign affairs, the Islands security ,the import export economy, the language and the machinery of Public Administration, education while keeping the dependency trap tightly held in their own hands.

It is in this back drop of sad colonial legacies inherited by us, I decided to draw your kind attention to the three articles, already NKL Justice Perera has sent to you which I consider as authoritative master pieces on the artificially created Tamil Problem in Sri Lanka, that pose an intractable and also a big headache to both Sri Lanka and India due to prevailing ignorance on this subject  His book EELAM exposed is a magnum opus on this  subject, which no Tamil scholar or politician has challenge up to now. I have no doubt that his valuable contribution will help us to find a lasting solution to this decades old political impasse created by the crazy Tamil politicians 

These important and authentic articles compiled by an eminent lawyer, L.K.N. PERERA ( LL.B Cey)  Attorney at law,  and a senior Judge, based on the  results of a comprehensive and painstaking study  carried out by him over a long period of time that has covered wider and authentic historical sources that includes valuable, impartial and irreputable and first hand  historical information  on this subject, by Portuguese, Dutch and British authors, deliberately overlooked even by some acclaimed historians, (brain washed products of the colonial education)  for your information, so that you will get a realistic and a rational idea as to how you may address this  Tamil issue in Sri Lanka, impartially, as a true diplomat, in your future diplomatic dealings without getting misled by false propaganda by extremist Tamils, both here and abroad, specially South India who are quarrelling for a separate state and self-determination, for a dream Thamil State called EELAM ( which also means the Land of the Sinhalese, a term coined by South Indian Dravidayan people speaking Tamil language to call this land) on this land of the Sinhala nation, who had been the  sole hereditary owners of this country even before the historic times began, as has beenclearly proved and established beyond all reasonable doubts by the Mahavamsa and accepted by all the renowned historians of the world over, except the EELAMIST of South India, Sri Lanka and the so-called Church backed Tamil Diaspora living in the Western World.

 There is No Tamil nation here

May I add here that, how can there could be a Tamil nation here in Sri Lanka, with less than 350 years of white man’s immigrant labour domicile history, when there is no Tamil nation or an Independent Tamil Eelam even in South India which is said to be the historical Homeland of the Tamil Nation, where over 7 million Tamils live. I don’t think I need to remind you, as a senior officer of the IAS, how Jawar Lal Nehru, the great Statesman of Barath dealt with them when they demanded secession in 1963. Nehru brought in legislation making it illegal to demand secession and introduced the 16th Amendment to the Constitution of India banning secession to protect the territorial integrity of Bharath Desh, in spite of the fact that South India had been the traditional historical homeland of the Tamils from the inception of history, although it is now dominated by the Western Church backed elements, trying to balkanize India. Hilary Clintons visit to Chennai in 2011 is speculated by many as a part of this strategy. But the irony to be noted here is they are not recognized as a nation even in India and nor are they given the status of a separate Independent and sovereign country with special privileges like a separate law similar to Thesavalamei law enjoyed by the Malabar community living in Sri Lanka. The Tamil language is also not given equal status with the official language Hindi in India unlike in this country where it is given equals status with the Sinhala language, the language of the native Sinhalese who had been there from the inception of history. But Rajiv got this too done through the same JR who signed the Indo Lanka Accord, by getting him to amend the Constitution of this country making Tamil also an official language in this country,

Isn’t it a big constitutional tragedy that the 16th amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka in 1988 opened the doors for secession at the instigation of India whereas the 16th Amendment to the Indian Constitution by the same India in 1963 prohibited Tamil secession in India.

Even though Tamil Nadu is the second largest State with a strong economy, the Tamils living there don’t ask for separation at present and even equal status or things such as the right for self-determination, equality, dignity and self-respect etc, as claimed by those who live here even though they are only Malabar immigrants  brought  here in the late 18th century and the 19th century, by the Colonial Dutch and British, as slave labourers to work on their tobacco farms in a foreign country, the Jaffna peninsula and  other activities such as toddy tapping and public works as colonial rulers did in all colonies acquired by them to facilitate their divide and rule policy. Here in Sri Lanka, the Tamils in the North and East who have less than 350 years of domicile history want a separate State with everything such as right for self-determination, equality, dignity and self-respect etc. It is the Tamilnadu based Western church backed Tamils in South India who want an EELAM in Sri Lanka. Their underlying strategy here is to find a lounging pad outside India to capture Tamilnadu so that they can start balkanizing India from here, regardless of the 16th Amendment to the Indian Constitution.

In this backdrop, my question, is why doesn’t the Malabar community living with more privileges here, than in India and the world over, demand the Indian Government to first accept them as a nation and ask India to give them a separate State in Tamilnadu, before they declare war for a separate State in some on else’s country here?  After all South India is the ‘de facto and de Jure’ traditional Homeland and the cradle of Tamils civilization in the world, who were supposed to have Migrated from Sudan through North Western India in prehistoric times.

Way back in 1799 in this country, when the Secretary to Governor North, Cleghorn addressed a brief note where he gave a dead rope to North to win his credentials as a Dutch captive , saying that Sri Lanka or Ceylon as it was called by them at that time “consists of two nations as Tamils and Sinhalese, (even though when there were no Tamils at that time here, as  they were named as Ceylon Tamils only in 1901 by Ponnambalan  Arunachalam). Please note even Cleghorn here has referred to the Tamils as Malabar people and Sinhalese as the natives of this Island. He also went on to say that this country consists of two Districts (countries) the Tamil district or Tamil country starting from Puttalam through-Jaffna-Trinco-Batticaloa to Walawe Ganga in the South. And the Sinhalese the natives on the other hand owned the rest from Walawe to Puttalam and the interior.  The poor Governor North had to depend entirely on this Dutch civil servant as he was only a novice to Sri Lanka at that time. This was a criminal fabrication of the true history of this country on the part of Cleghorne that was known to the whole world as the Sinhala Kingdom, at least from 543 BC.  The Sinhala Kingdom was one of the most ancient in the whole world, that stood in par with the then giants like China, India Greece, Rome and even Egypt. This was a criminal travesty of Sri Lanka history by Cleghorne and is nothing but mere pseudo intellectual bribery made to win the laurels of the new Governor for his survival as a captive of the British.

One more important point I would like to bring to your kind notice in this regard.

 I do not know whether you have seen “The Sinhalese and the Aryan Theory by Sivathiratnam published around 1970 in London, as a series of letters written by a Tamil Father to his Son” probably persuaded and funded by the colonial British who started this dirty game of dividing the land of the Sinhalese, in pursuance of their dirty divide and rule policy. As you know, the British Could never capture this Island nation by war unlike other countries, including India. Therefore, they had a very big issue to settle with the Sinhalese people, more so, with those who lived in the Kandyan kingdom who defeated them in three battles in 1803 and ,1818 and 1848 killing thousands of their men.  These defeats have been described as the most humiliating defeats the British ever have had anywhere in the world. As you probably know as an eminent Officer of the Indian Civil Service.Finally it was only on the shrewd and cunning John Doylies cleverness and intrigue that enabled them to annex the Kandyan Kingdom to the British empire in 1815. But please remember even that was done on equal terms as two sovereign Kingdoms, on the 2nd of March 1815 by a mutually agreed convention, where the conditions of the Buddhist clergy finally prevailed. I am proud as a Sinhalese to say that we were never defeated in war as an Asian nation, in spite of their superior gun power.  It was these Kandyan brave and patriotic men, women and the brave and learned Buddhist clergy like Wariyapola Sumangala and Kadahapola of the Asgiriya Chapter who prevented this Island nation being another America, Australia or New Zealand, that were completely routed and colonized by these invaders after total annihilation of the natives and finally naming those countries after their British sea pirates or some colonial criminals.

In this backdrop I hope you can play a very important role as a distinguished IAS officer at least in future in dealing with  the Sri Lanka-Indian issues, to educate the Indian Government  as a true Indian intellectual and an eminent civil servant hailing from the great Buddhist traditions as left behind by Lord Buddha, the Greatest human being and Teacher India had given to the world as H.G. Wells has once said, in the 6th century BC, and on the foundation of whose teachings this land and the Sinhala nation was built ever since 307 BC.  It is with the greatest adoration I mention here that it was another Great son of Bharath Dhesh, King Asoka the Great, the Greatest Emperor the world had ever known, gifted the Lord’s teachings that laid the eternal foundation for the Sinhala Buddhist civilization of this Island Nation, that will last until the sun and the moon shall shine in the high heavens. You can just see how much these two Great sons of Jambudeepa, Lord Buddha and Emperor Asoka had loved this Island when Buddha had first chosen Lanka as the land where his dispensation will last for 5000 years to come and second Asoka sent both of his own Son and Daughter, by his first Queen Maharani Devi to establish Buddhism as the state religion in this Island to King Devanampiyatissa his erstwhile friend , who was the King ruling over this Island at that time. That was the kind of close relationship that prevailed between this country and the Northern Indian civilization of the great Bharath Dhesh or Jambudweepa as it was known then.

However, the South Indians like Cholas, Pandyans had always been invaders and enemies of this Country from 2nd century BC. They had invaded this Island nation 17 times up to the 13th Century Kalinga Maga devastation, that devastated the entire NCP and even the South Eastern part of the country. But it should be clearly noted that none of these south Indian invaders could capture the whole Kingdom of Sri Lanka. Every time they invaded, they had been defeated by the Sinhale Kings and chased out and all of them had to lick their wounds. Those   who survived the war got integrated with the natives.

The EELAM quest by Prabhakaran assisted by Rajeev Ghandhi’s government

The latest episode was the EELAM quest by Prabhakaran who was heavily assisted by Rajeev Ghandhi’s government and it was on his benevolence that Murderer Prabakaran got the courage and stamina to fight the brave Sinhalese who had never got defeated in war against any invader at any time in known history. I must also mention it here with pride that we as a Buddhist nation had never invaded another country and stayed there to capture new territory as Kautillyan has always advocated in Indian history. There were only two or three occasions where King Parakaramabahu the Great and Gajabahu had done so to South India, Burma and Siam, purely in retaliation against some wrong they had done to our merchants. Apart from the bravery of our rulers coupled with that of the patriotic warriors, it was the blessings of the Triple Gem, Buddha, dhamma and Sangha that had protected this Island throughout history.  The whole world knows what happened at the end, to Rajeev, the benefactor of EELAm criminals was assassinated on his own motherland by Prabhakaran for all the help he gave to him including his own bullet proof jacket to continue the LTTE killings here. This is exactly what will happen at the end to everybody who tries to harm this land of the Buddha. Finally, at the end justice prevailed over injustice in 2009 and this Island nation thrice Blessed and sanctified by the Lord Buddha, was again saved by Mahinda Rajapaksa, by defeating Prabhakarans killer outfit LTTE, known as the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world.  

In this backdrop I would like you to advice the Indian politicians and bureaucrats as a veteran IAS officer to look at this Island nation as the younger brother of Great Bharath Desh admitting it as the land of the Sinhala nation, as it had been so from time immemorial and never a land of Tamils, although the South Indian Cholas and Magas have played hell here in the 2nd BC to 13AD.

 I would also like you and your government to refrain from entertaining mad ethnic lunatics like Vigneshwaran or any other ungrateful men like those of the slave trade leaders of the Thondaman clan who helped the White to tether South Indians in millions and who became rich Maharajas on the sweat and blood of those poor indentured labourers. These so-called saviors of Estate Tamils made their riches here but worship Tamilnadu (not India) like those who praise and worship the ocean after having drunk water from the well, to quench their thirst”.

In the same way, I would like to request you, to earnestly look at Indo-Lanka relationship from a pragmatic and realistic angle and not as a self-seeking and narrow-minded Indian politician or a bureaucrat of the same ilk. At the same time, I would also request you not to entertain the communal minded Sri Lankan Tamil politicians whether they come from the North, East, West or the Center and I would be thankful to you if you can ask them to settle their problems if they have any, with the Sri Lankan government as you are  here only as the representative of the Govt of India and not as a representative of the Tamilnadu  State or a representative of the Tamilnadu film idols like Vijekumar Chandrasekaram,  who has publicly vouched to erase Sri Lanka from the map of the world.  (Pl see Page 14 Aruna Sinhala Paper Sunday Nov 3rd) Meanwhile I also request you to advice the Modi Government firstly, to asks to tender an open apology to the people of this country for what he has said and to stop this kind of aggressive talk at least in future.

One last word of warning about the global Tamil Forums aspiration for an Eelam on this soil.  I would like you   to resist all Tamil attempts to create an EELAM in Sri Lanka, a separate Tamil State on Sri Lanka soil, as the stepping stone for their World Eelam Empire whose Headquarters will be in Tamilnadu, that will finally control the whole of the Indian sub-continent.   This movement will be the biggest threat for the survival of the Hindu Bharath Desh concept you people cherish so much.  As such it is incumbent on the part of the Government of India not to support Tamils in Sri Lanka for a separate as it will pave the way for EELAM which will function as the launching pad for the greater Eeelam in India, that will finally balkanize the subcontinent and draw the curtain on your cherished Mahabharata dream. It is in this backdrop I request you to strongly advice your government in India, not to support these ungrateful Malabar people residents here and ask them to either integrate with the natives or go back to their historical Motherland in India, without trying to be a peg that is inimical to the long-standing friendship between our two countries, which is vital to our cherish and final goal of a greater Asia in future.

The EELam Dream

The EELam concept is a dream of a South Indian Eelaamist, the founders of the Kumari Kandam concept. Their plan was first to create an EELAM in the North and East of Sri Lanka first (EELAM in fact means the land of the Sinhalese as coined by the South Indians to call it in medieval times). Then second, to capture whole of Sri Lanka and call it Tamil EELAM. Third, add Tamilnadu (the first step of balkanization of India supported by the Catholic West) which the Tamils consider as the historical home land of the Tamil Nation and then using it as the lounging pad to capture whole of Indian subcontinent as the greater EELAM to teach a lesson to Nehru and the Indian Government who proscribed separatism spearheaded by the Dravid Munnethra Kasagam movement, by the Anti-secession Amendment No.16 in 1963. Finally, to expand it to all other countries around the globe where Tamils are living, like Fiji and Malaysia and end up with the establishment of their dream World Federation of Greater Tamil EELAM including Mohenjodaro Harappa which they consider as their original center of Eelam in India, after migrating from Sudan. I have no doubt that you fully understand the greater danger of the Eelam Tiger concept paused to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of India.

A historical tragedy for the Indian politicians and mandarins like Dixit to support the cause of EELAM without realizing the greater danger that will befall on India.

It is a pity and a historical tragedy too, for the Indian politicians like Rajiv Ghandhi and mandarins like Dixit former Ambassador to Sri Lanka, the present Prime minister Modi and Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar who is a strong patronizer of the cause of EELAM and supporter of the Sri Lankan Tamil Community, without knowing the greater implications of this vicious Eelam movement that is going to completely   balkanized the Greater Bharat at the end, unless India takes timely action to arrest this tragedy without  supporting Tamils   living in Sri Lanka in forming a separate State.

                Rajiv got killed on 21st My 1991 as he did not accept my warning I posted to him in March 1991. I wrote that letter to PM Rajiv Ghandhi in mid-March 1991 about 2 months before he was assassinated on 21st. May 1991, pleading him not to support LTTE Tigers and also warned him that in the event of his refusal to do so, it will definitely lead to his own assassination very soon. That letter was sent under the Signature of the Most Venerable Mahanaayaka Thero of the Asgiriya Chapter Sri Paliipaana Chandaananda Thero, who was one of the two most powerful national Heads of this country. Two months later as I predicted Rajiv was Assassinated on this own motherland by an agent of Prabhakaran, to whose killer gang, Rajiv had given all support, including money and special military training for the LTTE killer cadre all over India. Finally  he also presented even his own bullet proof security JACKET for him to survive,  to destabilize the Sri Lankan government and achieve his dream of establishing a separate state in this country  without knowing what Prabhakaran was planning to do in pursuit of his vicious move in establishing his World Greater Empire of the lost Tamil Eelam (something never existed on this earth) the day dream of the  inventors of Kumari Kandan, the lost Lemuria a Dravidayan dream land, that is supposed to have existed  billions of years ago according to them, their fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers and the uncles and nephews of this mad idea.

Finally, in this backdrop of such dangers to come, I suppose India will take appropriate measures to protect the disintegration and disappearance of India                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  from the world  map due to the subversive activities of  the Greater World Eelam activists , I appeal to you as the Indian Ambassador to our country to refrain from paying any special attention to these Malabar Tamils   living in Sri Lanka or supporting them in keeping with the highest traditions of diplomatic protocol.

Also, I would like you to strictly adhere to the relevant provisions of the Geneva convention at least in future, keeping with the accepted diplomatic norms enshrined therein. We find that the Ambassadors of USA, UK and even Japan, having taken a lesson from you perhaps, also are now engaged in bilateral dealings directly with the Tamil and sometimes the Muslim community as well, violating the Geneva convention on diplomatic norms. I urge you to kindly refrain from these illegal and unconventional practices and treat this country as an independent sovereign country. That will open their eyes too, I hope. I also request you as a seasoned officer of the IAS to please advise your government as well, that the current policy of your government of taking the side of the Tamil community living in this country and treating them as people of Indian origin and supporting them directly is unconventional, unethical, undiplomatic illegal too, when it comes to diplomatic ethics between two independent sovereign nations. I bring this to your notice as a person who loves his country just like his mother and also sadly as there is no government or a single politician or a single national leader like Mahatma Ghandi, or T Lest Ranasingha Premadasain who declared David Gladstone Uk Ambassador this country, to tell those Ambassadors and their Governments to stop this kind of misbehavior or depart.

 Furthermore, I also would like to bring to your kind notice the following undiplomatic unconventional and suspicious actions currently followed by your government in dealing with the Tamil Community living in this country that impinges seriously on the independence and sovereignty of this Island nation and that thereby creating a reasonable suspicion in the minds of the people of this country that India is trying to consolidate its hold on this Island as well,  as a another State of India like what your country has already done in Bhutan and Nepal.  

I would like to highlight few issues that have drawn our serios concern in this regard

1 Having three Consular Generals Offices in Jaffna, Kandy and Hambanthota as if the High Commission in Colombo is unable to cover this small Island of 25,332 sq miles.  

 2 Your preferential treatment to the Tamil and Malabar community resident in this country by dealing directly with them bypassing the government of this country, by providing them with technical advice, scholarships to Tamils only, financial and political support and even housing and many other social upliftment programmers.

 4 You and your government also deal directly with Tamils instead telling them that they have to settle all their grievances with the Government of this country so long as they remain as citizens of this country where they live and make their living.

5 You and your government also entertain Tamils living in this country to make representations against the government of this country

The sum total of all these activities clearly shows a serios hidden agenda of Indias policy towards this country and also clear sings of territorial expansion behind Indian attitude and actions towards this country, reminding us of the fate of Bhutan and Nepal.

Therefore, I earnestly request you to recommend the closure of the above three Consular Offices with immediate effect and stop all kind of direct dealings with all Tamils living here to better our relationships with India and also to advise the Indian government and politicians to not to have any direct dealings with Tamils here or give any preferential treatment to Tamils and treat them as full citizens of this country and stop all dealings with Tamils living here.

 I also would request you to perform your duties as the Indian Ambassador to Sri Lanka   without going back to the days of Jyotindra Nath Dixit who behaved like the Indian viceroy in Sri Lankan during the times he was here.

And please request your government

6 To stop Illicit poaching by Tamilnadu fishermen in Sri Lanka waters, both in the Manar Bay and the eastern seas violating all accepted and international laws and basic civilized human ethics in using our marine territory and robbing the livelihood of Sri Lankan fishermen.

 7 To please advise your government to reprimand Indian citizens like Tamilnadu film idol Vijekumar Chandrasekaram, who has publicly vouched to erase Sri Lanka from the map of the world as if he can do it’ and all others of the ilk, to refrain from uttering such irresponsible and provocative statements that might lead to communal flaring up and displeasure towards India. Furthermore, we demand that he must tender an open apology to the government and the people of this country, for uttering such mischievous words and refrain from making such provocative activities impinging on the sovereignty of this country, at least in future. The dead silence on the part of Indian government on his provocative and uncivilized statement amounts to Indian approval of his mad utterance.

8 Another very serious issue I note is the so-called mythological Ramayana Trail project which covers the whole of this Island like a huge fishing net thrown over this Island by India. That also should be stopped immediately as it is also a disguised Indian invasion programme wearing an expansionist political

Map showing the Ramayana trail 

  It has been said that this programme is going to put up 21 Rama Kovils all over the Island covering the   whole (see above Map). In my opinion this is worse than Rajiv invasion 2087. I also request you to advise your government to drop this Indianization program as well.

Therefore, I would like to request you, as the Ambassador of the Indian government for the need to convince the Indian Government to drop this fabricated  Ramayan trail story and to treat Sri Lanka as a separate and Independent sovereign country and also to please advise the Indian Government to stop forthwith all these undiplomatic tactics and interventions that amounts to naked Indian invasion, disregarding the Independence and sovereignty of this country and let sanity and civilized diplomacy prevails in place of invasion and subversive politics.  

My most pertinent question is as to why India, which is 50 times the size of this small Island is using all these subversive tactics of territorial expansion to annex this Island?

I guess five reasons. The first is to satisfy the EELAM lobby in Thamilnadua to net their votes. Second, to satisfy the communal separatist Tamil community in Sri Lanka. Third, to satisfy the ambition of Colonial West to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist nation in this country for the reasons I have already stated above. Fourth to satisfy the never-ending Indian mentality of territorial expansion from the of Ramayana days.

But I would also like to remind you here that all Indian invasions starting from the days of mythical Ramayana narrative and ending with Rajiv Ghandhi’s arrogant, childish and unethical Parippu invasion in 1987 have failed up to date, and all attempts to capture this Island nation in history also have ended up in disaster. Therefore, we have no doubt that the present-day Modi’s manuring will also end up with the same fate.

So my Dear Santosh, finally, though it looks a bit undiplomatic, I am addressing this note to you , more at a personal level, as an elder brother of your own, and a retired senior member of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service, who is deeply concerned about the independence, freedom and sovereignty of his own country in the same way you do regarding your country, I would like to remind you of the tragic consequences that befell on your Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandhi in 1991 for ignoring the advice given to him by me in good faith under the signature of the most Venerable Mahanaayaka Thero of the Asgiriya Chapter as his personal Secretary. Had your Prime Minister listened to what I had said in March 1991 in that letter, he would have perhaps lived up to date in good health.

Today I predict, definitely the same fate will befall on all those who support the Malabar community in this country who were named as Ceylon Tamils only in 1901 by Ponnambalan Arunachachalam at the instigation of the British against the Sinha Buddhists in this country, irrespective of whether they live in the North East or the Center of this Island. The Sinhalese, the undisputed Bhumiputhras of the Island nation, were the people who had lived here from the beginning of history or even before, running in to more than 50,000 years, as you know. But Malabars living in this country have less than 350 years history in Sri Lanka as had been proved by my erstwhile friend Mr. LKN Perera, an honest judicial officer turned a patriotic historian in his retirement. If you like and if you have the time to spare, to read his Magnum opus on this subject, EELAM EXPOSED 2020” I can ask him to present a copy to you.

 So in this back drop, dear Ambassador, I would like to tender my sincere advice in all good faith to you, to advise your government to change its present  pro Sri Lankan Tamil mentality and give up its expansionist agenda forth with, especially towards this country and open a new chapter in Indo Sri Lanka relationships,  beginning from the year 2025 and try to treat all SARC members in particular and all Asian countries in general as friendly nations of one family, The Asian Family, as your real enemies are not in Asia but they are still in the West.  

As a devoted and proud Sinhala Buddhists we are ever prepared to forget all the unpleasant recent past on the part of India and let us open the doors to another  Lord Buddha and Asoka era or at least another Sirima Bandaranayake- Indhira Ghandhi era in our diplomatic, economic and cultural relations, in keeping with the unforgettable and  historic relationships we have had, starting from the time of Lord Buddha and Asoka The  Great, that laid down the concrete foundation for the  spiritual, political, economic, social and ethical foundation for the unique Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this Island nation.

Finally, I would like request you to please advise your leaders back at home, to follow the footsteps of those two Great Sons of early India, the Lord Buddha and Asoka the Great, only a land like India could have given to this world, in solving our present day problems facing our countries  that is entangled in tangles, both inner tangles and outer tangles, arising from lust, greed, hatred and ignorance, all of which are Fastly taking the whole world and humanity to total nemesis. We as Sinhalese Buddhists will follow the teachings of Lord Buddha and you pray your own gods.

I would appreciate it very much, if you could, as the Ambassadors to that Great civilization Bharath Dhesh, representing your governments in this country, will seriously take my advice as a brother officer of a parallel Service and act in conformity with the Geneva convents and more so as a true son of  that Great Bharath Buddhist tradition will advise your Government  to  refrain from meddling with the internal affairs of this country while  you yourself adhere  to the duties of an Ambassador of that Great nation,  within the covenants of the internationally accepted Geneva convention on ambassadorial duties, of cause keeping with the noble traditions given to the world by Bhagawath Geethaa and Dhammapadha.

I hope and wish you will not disagree with me when I say that the Tamils in Sri Lanka enjoy more rights and privileges than those in their historical and traditional Homeland in India or any other country in the world. As such why this big fuss and meddling over an artificial grievance, created by the self-seeking Tamil politicians living here and in Tamilnadu, backed by Indian politicians only to bag the Tamilnadu votes and the so-called Tamil Diaspora the world over for whom it is only a big business and finally the Church backed Western colonial elements and anti-Asian organizations like the newly found QUAD, duped as  The South Asian NATO’” by critics.    

All Tamils in this country as well as in India and the world over and countries who support the Tamils world over to protect their domestic political interests at Home specially like the governments of Canada, UK, USA, Norway and Sweeden and above all India should accept that;

First, Sri Lanka is the historical Home Land of the Sinhala Buddhist nation as it had been so at least from 543 BC and it was the Sinhala Buddhists who had found, developed and protected its unique culture and built up its civilization, defended its territorial integrity, sovereignty and freedom from the beginning of history and protected it against all foreign invasions from the 2nd century BC up to date from South India and from Western Colonial invasions from 1505 to 1815. Even in 1815 this was the only country in the world that was added to the British Empire by an agreement mutually agreed upon between two Kingdoms on equal status and Sri Lanka had gone down in history as the only such country that was not captured by the British by war. Second, this tiny piece of 25,332 Square miles is the only land on earth, the Sinhalese have to live in, as an independent and sovereign nation, on this earth whereas Tamils have their own Motherland in South India from where they were brought by their colonial masters and Muslim practically have homelands all over the world covering about 1/3 the total area of the globe.

Present day minorities, Malabars (presently called Tamils baptized so only in 1901) and Muslims who were confined to Beruwala in the SW littoral when the Portuguese came in 1505 are only immigrant minorities in this country. The first batch of Malabars who were confined to the North and Eastern littorals were brought in to the Island by the Dutch in late 18th century and thereafter by the British in the 19th century mainly as slave labour from South India to work on their projects and toddy tapping and partly as colonial settlers. Second wave, by the British in large scale to work on the newly opened up Coffee and Tea plantations in the central hill country who were given citizenship only in 1988 under the Rajiv/JR accord of 1987 that was imposed on this country at gun point by India by invading the country.

 Talking about Muslims, there are two groups of Muslims in this country. That is those who came as traders from various Muslim countries in late 13th century and those who came from India later as marakkalas and Hambayas. Present day Muslims are the descendants of these people and who survived Portuguese massacre in 1505 and migrated to the Kandyan kingdom and who were accommodated as refugees by King Senarath of Kandy. He settled them in different parts of the country, the main settlement being the Panamapattuwa in the Eastern littorals.

Accordingly, both these communities are immigrant minorities only.  None of them has a right to claim nationality or citizenship in this country unless they integrate with the native Sinhalese, the Bhumiputhras of this land, agreeing in writing to abide by the laws of the land, and agree to live in one undivided country called Sri Lanka as one nation. Those who got citizenship by an affidavit under Rajiv/JR Accord of 1987 don’t fall in to this category, because none of them are legitimate citizens as yet, as they have not been duly registered under the Sri Lanka Citizenship Act. Therefore, it is necessary that all issues have to be settled within the Sri Lankan legal framework.

This, in my opinion, is The only way to restore the lost sanity, good will and friendship among the native Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim minorities and restore peace and prosperity once again on this Paradise Island. India or any other foreign country should not get involved in internal matters of this country. It should be left for Sri Lanka alone as an independent and sovereign country to decide its own destiny.

(We all Sri Lankans demand that India should immediately close down all these 3 peripheral consular generals offices to clear our minds of a planned Indian invasion)

Meanwhile I would also like you to advice your government to engage in the following exemplary pursuits immediately, for Indias own safety.

9.If India wants to be the leader of Asia or at least of South Asia or a co-leader within a collective group like China, Russia, Japan, Thailand and Sri Lanka of the 21st Century Asian Continent. But India also has to be always exemplary and above board, going by the way it has handled the SAARC since 2014.

10. Finally  In this backdrop we Sri Lankans want India to withdraw immediately from pursuing any matter arising from the Rajiv /JR Accord  of 30th July 1987  as  we Sri Lankans have decided to  abolish  it  as it amounts  to a complete travesty of  the true history of this 25 centuries old  written history of this island  nation  and  it also pave the way for the division of this country in to two separate States one Sinhala and the other Tamil leading to the end of its territorial integrity as a Sinhala Buddhist  Kingdom with a 2500 years of a glorious history. As you know since India has already unilaterally violated it several times, we have no legal bar in abolishing it with a 2/3 majority in Parliament.  The other curse that has to be got rid of is the the 13th Amendment under which provincial councils were set up and the mechanism on ground is already laid down to divide the country in to 9 independent States. It has already completely destroyed the centuries old district administration in the Island. Therefore the 13 A also has to be abolished if this country is to remain as a Sinhala Buddhist country any more.

Overall, I am compelled to conclude with this wish.

 I pray for the dawn of a new era of goodwill, friendship, trust and mutual prosperity between our two countries in all fields like political, economic, social and cultural under your able guidance as the current High Commissioner of India to its younger Brother Sri Lanka. If you do your duty, I have no doubt that the two of us will go down in history as the two architects of the dawn of a neo- Gauthama Buddha-Asoka era for both India and Sri Lanka’s diplomatic relations. Let us hope and pray that with the blessings of all Gods ruling over our two countries the dawn of this new era of peace, prosperity and goodwill be a reality before we close our eyes. 

If this attempt also fails, we are planning to organize continuous Island wide massive public protests to defeat this ongoing Indian conspiracy, to save our motherland.

Please let me conclude this historic letter with the following quotation from Dhammapada.

Manasa che pudhutTeina- Bhasathi vaa -karothi vaa

Thatho nan dukka manveithi- chakkanva vahathopadan’

(If one speaks or act with an impure mind-Then that will always bring sorrow -as if the wheels that fallow the bulls two hindlegs} (yamaka vagga Dhammapada 1.1)

Manasaa che pasannena -Bhaasathi vaa karothivaa

Thatho nan suka manveithi -Chaayaava anapaayini” 

(If one speaks or act with a pure mind and good intention, then that will always bring good, as if one’s shadow also always follows him”) (yamaka vagga Dhammapada 1:2)

Hope you will bear with me for taking your precious time.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Sudath Gunasekara

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