Conservative talk show host Lisa Benson warned on Sunday that Somali refugees control the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and insisted that she will not ride in taxis with Somali drivers out of fears for her safety. “There is an exclusive contract with the Somali community both for janitorial services and for taxi driving” — not exactly sure how an airport has an “exclusive contract” with an ethnic community, but she goes on — “the refugee community has unrestricted access at my airport to baggage, to planes, to many, many things.”… MO
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Friday 06/20/2014, 10:38am
Earlier this week, a media firestorm erupted around a Heritage Foundation panel about the 2012 Benghazi attack, which featured a number of anti-Muslim activists including ACT! for America’s Brigitte Gabriel and Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank attended the event, and wrote about an ugly exchange in which a Muslim woman in the audience asked a question about Muslim representation at the event, and was met with a tirade from Gabriel, who told her that the “peaceful majority” of Muslims was “irrelevant,” made… MORE
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Thursday 06/12/2014, 11:59am
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach — who doubles as an influential anti-immigrant and anti-voting-rights activist — flirted with the far-right conspiracy theory that President Obama is secretly a Muslim on his radio program last month. Discussing the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom’s annual report, Kobach claimed that the Obama administration is ignoring the persecution of Christians in many Muslim countries, an issue that he said Americans are overlooking. “Is it because the whole issue of Islam is something that we just don’t talk about… MORE
SUBMITTED BY: Peter Montgomery, Tuesday 05/27/2014, 1:40pm
Larry Tomczak, pastor and pundit, celebrated Memorial Day with an open letter questioning whether the country’s Commander-in-Chief, President Barack Obama, is really a Christian. Of course, implicit in Tomczak’s letter is his belief that only the right kind of Christian, according to his standards, is fit to be president of the U.S. The letter was distributed by BarbWire, Matt Barber’s home for commentary from the far right, which topped the letter with a photo of Obama in front of what appears to be a Koran, with a Communist hammer and sickle over one shoulder and a… MORE
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Tashman, Wednesday 05/07/2014, 11:30am
Furious over halal Subway restaurants in the United Kingdom, Pamela Geller appeared on “The Janet Mefferd Show” yesterday to allege that while Muslim customers demand full compliance, Jewish customers would never do such a thing: “A Jewish person doesn’t eat non-kosher meat, that’s all. They don’t say, ‘This restaurant can’t serve meat that’s not kosher.’ This is what [Muslims] do, they impose their halal, or in this case their Sharia, on non-Muslims.” In fact, Subway does have kosher restaurants that don’t serve non-… MORE
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Tashman, Monday 04/28/2014, 11:40am
Today on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson once again compared Islam to Nazism, telling a viewer that he shouldn’t “turn the other cheek” when it comes to the “rise of Islam.” “What we’re looking at is a world system like the Nazis, and the Nazis thought of themselves as a religion, Communism thought of itself as a religion, but all have a concept of world domination that they’re going to put people in a bind and at the same time take them away from Jesus,” Robertson said, adding that “the greatest weapon against that kind of thing is the… MORE
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Friday 04/25/2014, 11:22am
Cathie Adams, the president of the Texas Eagle Forum and former chairwoman of the Texas GOP, claimed in speech to a Tea Party group this week that Muslim-Americans practice a “warring religion” and are waging a “stealth jihad.” She warned that you can never know if a Muslim is “going to turn radical,” if they are telling you the truth, or if “when you walk out of their home” you will be “shot in the back.” The Cleburne Times-Review reports that Adams made the remarks at a meeting of the Texas Patriots Tea Party on Tuesday. Adams also… MORE
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Tashman, Wednesday 04/23/2014, 12:50pm