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Dr Sudath Gunasekara, MAHANUWARA, the last capitol of the Sinhale Kingdom


Everything on the political stage appears to be rosy. At least that is how it is displayed by the media for the consumption of the general public. Nisa Bisval the Asst Sec Sate USA comes. No International investigation she says. Tony Blair ex PM Briton follows. He too says he is also with Sri Lanka and spells out seven principles for reconciliation. All this is very fine. Bu I wonder whether  this is part of the back ground music played by politicians to keep the public distracted from the uncertainties and confusions in political issues at Home.  Let us hope it is not so and let us be optimistic as the future is yet to come.

Two weeks have now gone after General Elections without a legitimate Government in this country. All political parties fighting tooth and nail to consolidate their power bases are conspiring day and night against each other squabbling over portfolios and power sharing. None appears to even have a glance at much spoken Yahapalanaya or what happen to the country, the economy and people, if political instability drags on like this, though politicians elected and even defeated have no problem. Leaders of the major parties are trying to push down their own agendas down the throats of others at all cost and get their positions established caring a damn to the Yahapalanaya they spoke of in the past. The Government has almost come to a standstill. Thanks to everybody in the much criticized but well established machinery of public service in this country, up to now, the day to day affairs are moving with no major breakdown.

President Sirisena has so far been successful to cleverly hamstrung Mahinda Rajapaksa, at least temporarily, with the help of Chandrika and Rannil by skillfully taking over everything that is SLFP to his hands, including the Chairmanship of both UPFA and SLFP. Whether they are going to be stronger or   face imminent disintegration and demise under his leadership in the near future is another matter. The present political situation in this country reminds me of the story of the famous Baludane organized by Welivita Saranankara Thera  where most dogs ‘invited’ for the meal were found dead after attacking each other immediately after they were untied to partake the dane.’ Of course it had very little effect on Ven Saranankara though it could be much different in this game.

Sarcasm apart I am seriously perturbed on the current political uncertainties hovering over the Sri Lankan skies as the International Wolves are closely watching the situation impatiently to get at the prey as early as possible. Had you read what Asoka Metha had revealed recently about the joint USA, UK and India and Ranil-Chandrika coup regarding the two year long conspiracy to oust Mahinda Rajapasa and how they have achieved its first stage on Jan 8th 2015, you want be surprised about what is going on behind doors and under the carpet at the moment. We don’t expect them to leave at what they did on Jan 8th.  This is a continuous process of geopolitical manipulation lead by America to gain and built up military control over the Indian Ocean, the future hub of world politics as many political analysts have said. See how they have changed their earlier stance on Sri Lanka overnight after the régime change. Nisa Biswal USA Asst Secretary on south Asian Affairs was here last week as a special envoy of the USA President to congratulate the new regime. She has informed the Government about their decision to drop the earlier resolution and submit another, calling for an internal investigation to UNHRC on alleged human right violation and also gifted US$1 m. assistance to Sampur resettlement programme. Though this new gesture is welcome, I suspect the American intention behind these moves. Isn’t this a part of their long term plan to consolidate their position in the Indian Ocean with a permanent naval base in Trincommallee (the SLFP must not forget it was SWRD who got this place liberated from the British).  She also had discussions with the TNA. But only god knows what she discussed with them.  I am quite positive she must have told them that she will do all what she could both as an agent of America and the West and also as an avowed Indian what the western imperialists could not do for 500 years in a couple of months from now. Also she must have told them that together (US, UK and India) they will stand with them on reconciliation, resettlement of displaced people (of course leaving out Sinhalese) power sharing and self determination leading to complete disintegration of the Sinhala Buddhist State of Sri Lanka.

That is permanent disintegration of this much envied Land of the Sinhalese in to a number of Sinhala,Tamil and Muslim ethnic States eternally fighting among them on boundaries and survival thereafter. This in short is the bottom line of their involvement in Sri Lankan domestic politics. USA will preside over the disintegrated and disunited, multi lingual, multi religious and multiethnic Island of curse created by her thereafter. The fact that Nisa Biswal is both Indian and US makes it even more dangerous.

Meanwhile our erstwhile friend Tony Blair also has visited to convey his love to the President and the Prime Minister for the excellent jobs they have done. No one has any doubt that Blair must have been more than happy to see that the present regime has done all the spade work to complete the conspiracy hatched by his ancestors in Briton and neighbors in Holland and Portugal for 500 years to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this country.

Although it is too premature to pass judgments everybody knows that the present My3 plan of UNPGG and SLFP marriage want work for long.  At first they will quarrel over portfolios and other positions and later on power sharing. At the next stage this so-called international community will set Ranil and MS against each other and create a bigger confusion within the country. At the same time they will get Tamils and Muslims also to agitate for self rule and separation. Simultaneously through the US Embassy in Colombo they will get the US $ hunting NGOO, Sival gangs of the Civil Society Organizations and the anti-Sinhala and anti-Buddhist sections of the Colombo based so called Colombian intellectuals and the frustrated JVP, Colombo based trade unions and the Indian labour force on the plantations organized, and create civil commotion, tension and confusion in the country. The Government will break down and the masses will get on to the streets. Once that is complete they will move a resolution in the UN calling for international Intervention to restore ‘Democracy” declaring Sri Lanka a Failed State.

So finally Sri Lanka will end up as another San Diago Gatia or Okinava Island in the Indian Ocean in world politics. That will make the curtain fall on the 2500 year saga of the Sinhala Buddhist Nation in the world.

Once that operation is complete it will be too late even for India to find out as to what the hell RAW had been doing all the time. Thereafter it will be her security as there want be a Sri Lanka at its southern tip to support her or ask for help.

Then all our so-called Sinhala Buddhist leaders inclusive of the Mahanayaka Theras and Buddhist Associations the Island over who never listened to our warnings or could never understand what patriotic men and women from the days of that great Seer Anagarika Dharmapala were trying to say about this imminent disaster, can wail and repent forever cursing themselves for not protecting their country, nation, and religion, together with all other traitors responsible for this calamity.

In this backdrop I urge all our politicians to give up narrow politics and personal prejudices and put the country before self and everything else on earth and stand together as one force to save the motherland and our heritage.

Will the Four Guardian Gods send someone to save our country in time?

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