Shenali Waduge

If throughout thirty years the UN Secretary General is clueless of what has been happening in a member country called Sri Lanka, it may be best that he first ask his expert panel to investigate & apprise him of all LTTE atrocities first.

Given that the LTTE is a terrorist organization, banned in all the major countries of the world & listed in the UN list of shame, it is only fair that the UN Secretary General is fully aware of all of the atrocities committed by the LTTE. It is nevertheless surprising that the UNSG has no knowledge of these heinous crimes committed by the LTTE or maybe these documents are missing. Given that his speeches are being written by another & these carry various erroneous statements similar to the one about the UN envoy in Sri Lanka being recalled & the closure of the UNDP office in Sri Lanka following the fast unto death by a Sri Lankan minister, we too wonder exactly what the UNSG knows about the situation in Sri Lanka during the LTTE terror reign & the post-LTTE where peace has prevailed, displaced have been resettled & introduced to new lifestyles, LTTE soldiers have been rehabilitated & the Government even arranging marriages for those ex-combatants & even arranging housing for these newly weds. Can any Government fresh out of a conflict situation boast of such visible changes where people today can travel freely without free of suicide attacks, roadside bombs, curfews etc..

Given that the UN Secretary General has worked outside his mandate to actually appoint an Expert Panel without consultation of the UN Security Council, it is upto the UN memberships & the Security Council members to assure that these 3 member expert panel first summarise their findings on the LTTE & more importantly demand why the UN has never taken actions against the LTTE especially its violation of the Geneva Convention in the recruiting of child soldiers for which enough research has been carried out by UN organizations & explicitly documented data prevails wherein the UN Special Representative for Women & Children is also a Sri Lankan (Tamil) but who has done little to actually bring the LTTE to book.

1983: LTTE’s first land mine attack killing 13 soldiers

1984 November 11 : Dollar Farm massacre. LTTE cadres attack the Dollar Farm village in the night and massacred at least 33 civilians including large number of children and women.

1984 November 30 : Kent Farm massacre. LTTE terrorists launched their second night raid and massacred 29 civilians, including women and children, looted their belongings and set fire on to their houses.

1984 December 1: LTTE cadres kill eleven Sinhalese civilians in the fishing village of Kokilai.

1984 December 31: LTTE members kill 4 Tamil civilians and dump them outside of Batticaloa for refusing to fight for the group. Altogether 30 Tamil civilians were killed for similar reasons in 1984.1987: LTTE 1st suicide attack killing 40 troops

1985 May 5: LTTE terrorists raided an ancient Sinhalese village in Wilpattu in Anuradhapura district killing 18 villagers including women and children.

1985 May 14: LTTE gunmen shoot dead 146 Sinhalese civilians and injure 85 others as they were praying at a sacred Buddhist shrine in Anuradhapura.

1985 May 30: LTTE cadres shoot and kill five Sinhalese civilians in the villages of Mahandapura And Dehiwatta. People of these villages had previously received numerous threats from the LTTE associates. This massacre was part of a series of massacres aimed at displacing Sinhalese from the North East of Sri Lanka.

1985 June 4: Over 100 LTTE terrorists armed with sharp weapons butchered 15 villagers of Dehiwatta in Polonnaruwa district on their sleeping mats. Majority of the victims were women and children.

1985 June 11: 13 Sinhalese civilians are shot dead by LTTE gunmen in Dehiwatta

1985 August 2: LTTE cadres shot dead three Sinhalese Buddhist monks and three civilians, while they were worshipping at the Ruhunu Somavathiya Temple.

1985 August 14: A group of armed LTTE terrorists raided a Sinhalse village at Aranthalawa , in Ampara district . The LTTE butchered 7 villagers.

1985 August 18: Namalwatta Village Massacre : A group of LTTE terrorists armed with sharp weapons hacked 7 villagers.

1985 November 7: Namalwatta Village Massacre: LTTE cadres raided Namalwatta village for the second time and executed 10 villagers including women and children.

1985 December 20: Six Madhu pilgrims, abducted by the LTTE & executed.

1986 February 2: LTTE terrorist armed with small arms and swords raided Kantale village and killed 19 civilians

1986 February 19: When refugees from Serunuwara, Dehiwatta were being escorted by army personnel along Ella/Kantalai road, LTTE exploded a mine killing 35 civilians and four army personnel.

1986 May 3: LTTE bomb explodes aboard Air Lanka flight carrying mainly French, British and Japanese tourists killing 21 (including 13 foreigners – of whom 2 British, 2 German, 3 French, 2 Japanese, 1 Maldivian and 1 Pakistani) and injuring 41 on Bandaranaike International Airport.

1986 May 5: Kinniya Village massacre: A group of LTTE terrorists slaughtered four civilians.

1986 May 25: Mahadivulwewa Village massacre: LTTE cadres shot dead 20 Sinhalese and set fire to 20 houses.

1986 June 2: Trincomalee 3rd Mile post: LTTE terrorists armed with fire arms, swords, and knives stormed civilian houses at 3rd Mile Post, Trincomalee and butchered 10 civilians, including women and children

1986 June 4: Andankulam Village massacre: LTTE terrorists attacked Andankulam, a Sinhala village, 17-20 civilians, including Ven. Bakamune Subaddalanakara Thero, were killed.

1986 June 11: Trincomalee Two bombs exploded by LTTE almost simultaneously in two buses in front of the Bank of Ceylon and in close proximity to the SP office along Inner Harbour Road. They were on their way to Kantalai and Colombo respectively. 22 people were killed in the explosions; 75 others were injured.

1986 June 21: Wilgamwehera Village massacre: LTTE terrorists stormed Wilgamwehera hamlet in Trincomalee district and butchered 9 civilians including children.

1986 June 25: Kantale – Bomb exploded in a vehicle by LTTE killed 16 Sinhalese.

1986 July 8: Monkey Bridge Village massacre: LTTE cadres shot dead 15 Sinhalese villagers.

1986 July 9: Mollipothana Village massacre: LTTE terrorists armed with swords, machetes and clubs stormed Mullipothana village during night hours killing 16 civilians, largely women and children were killed

1986 July 13: Pavakkulam Village massacre: Four LTTE cadres who had come in a jeep to tract No.16, Pavakkulam, killed eleven civilians (two Sinhalese and nine Tamils).

1986 July 19: Beruwil & Wadigawewa Village massacre: Over 100 armed LTTE terrorists armed with sharp weapons, clubs and small arms stormed Beruwil and Waigawewa villages. 17 villagers were killed including women and children. At least 5 others suffered serious cut wounds

1986 July 22: LTTE cadres exploded a land-mine on a civilian bus, killing 32 Sinhalese civilians and injuring 20 others.

1986 July 24: A bomb exploded inside a bus proceeding from Vavuniya to Anuradhapura; killing 13 passengers and injuring 40 others. About 50 LTTE cadres entered Damana, a Sinhalese village, and killed nine persons; another 13 were injured

1986 September 17: Massacre in the Sugar crops: LTTE cadres entered block No.4 Sugar Corp., Kantalai and ten civilians were shot to death.

1986 September 17: Wadigawewa Village massacre: After massacring 10 villagers in Kantale, the same terrorists group attacked the village of Wadigawewa. 12 villagers including women and children were killed

1987 February 7: Arantalawa, Ampara: LTTE cadres killed 28 villagers by slashing their necks

1987 March 7: Awarantalawa, Vavuniya: LTTE exploded a land-mine where troops were proceeding, killing seven soldiers, four NAF soldiers and six civilians

1987 March 22: Serunuwara Horowpathana: LTTE cadres shot dead 26 Sinhalese villagers

1987 April 16: Habarana, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 127 Sinhalese civilians , including 31 police and security force personnel who were travelling in buses to Trincomalee

1987 April 21: Central Bus Stand, Pettah: LTTE operatives exploded a bomb, killing 113 civilians, two policemen and a soldier; 298 others were injured

1987 April 21: Jayanthipura Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 15 Sinhalese villagers

1987 May 29: Kadawathmadu, Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres shot dead seven Sinhalese villagers

1987 June 2: A bus carrying Buddhist monks in Arantalawa was stopped by the LTTE who then killed 32 Buddhist monks. Only one monk survived this massacre. This was the first massacre of Buddhist monks in modern Sri Lankan history

1987 June 11: Veppankulam Trincomalee Private van No. 38 Sri 496 proceeding from Horowpathana to Trincomalee was blasted by a pressure mine by LTTE, killing one soldier and 13 civilians

1987 12: Godapotta, Medirigiriya Polonnaruwa: About 175 villagers had gathered to discuss a new temple. LTTE fighters surrounded the temple and attacked them, killing eight villagers and a soldier. Six persons were injured

1987 July 5: In the first ever suicide attack by the LTTE Black Tigers “Captain Miller”, drives a small truck laden with explosives into a Sri Lanka Army camp in Nelliady, Jaffna peninsula, killing himself and over 50 Sri Lankan soldiers.

1987 October 6: Batticaloa: LTTE cadres shot dead 18 Sinhalese civilians

1987 October 6: Sagarapura, Kuchchuveli Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 27 Sinhalese villagers

1987 October 6: Thalawai Eravur: LTTE cadres shot dead 25 Sinhalese settlers

1987 October 6: Valaichchenai Batticaloa: The night-mail train from Batticaloa was stopped by LTTE cadres and 40 Sinhalese passengers were killed

1987 October 7: Pottuvil Monargala Road: LTTE cadres shot dead 25 Sinhalese passengers, who were traveling by bus. They also killed five motor-cyclists who came along the same route

1987 October 10: Gantalawa Kantalai: LTTE cadres shot dead ten Sinhalese villagers

1987 October 15: Ella, Kantalai Road, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 14 Sinhalese passengers traveling on two lorries

1987 October 16: Pulimodai Trincomalee: LTTE cadres stopped a private bus, took out Sinhalese persons and killed eleven of them including three policemen

1987 October 19: Kalkudah Batticaloa: Private bus 23 – 1182 transporting Tamil passengers got caught on an LTTE land-mine, killing 40 persons and an IPKF soldier

1987 November 9: Maradana Colombo: LTTE operatives exploded a bomb in a vehicle: 23 civilians killed, 106 were injured, 15 were shot dead

1987 November 11: Kalkuda, Batticaloa: Seven Sinhalese persons selling fish were shot dead by the LTTE

1987 November 12: Cheddikulam, Vavuniya: A van transporting passengers was blasted by an LTTE land-mine explosion, killing twelve Tamil persons and 13 PLOTE members

1987 December 15: Devalagodella, Polonnaruwa: The LTTE attacked Devalagodella and Somavathiya village, killing nine villagers

1987 December 22: Morawewa, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres abducted five Sinhalese and a Tamil, who were fishing in Morawewa Tank and subsequently killed them

1987 December 31: Mahadivulwewa Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead ten villagers and burnt 15 houses

1988 March 2: Morawewa, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 14 Sinhalese villagers

1988 March 11: Suhadagama Horowpathana Anuradhapura: A group of LTTE cadres attacked a private bus, 22 Sri 2218, at Suhadagamaw with small arms and grenades, killing 19 passengers and injuring nine others

1988 March 14: Galmitiyawa, Kantalai: LTTE cadres shot dead 13 Sinhalese villagers at Galmitiyawa

1988 March 15: Kivulkade, Morawewa, Trincomalee: Two groups of LTTE operatives entered the village and killed seven Sinhalese villagers

1988 March 17: Deegavapiya, Damana, Ampara: LTTE cadres hacked to death 13 Sinhalese villagers

1988 March 22: Pudukulam, Vavuniya: Between ten and 15 LTTE cadres attacked the Sinhalese village and killed six villagers. Another three were injured

1988 March 22: Medavachchi-kulam Vavuniya: LTTE cadres shot dead nine Sinhalese villagers

1988 March 29: Wewalketiya: A LTTE bomb exploded inside CTB bus 29 Sri 9037 Anuradhapura which was proceeding from Horowpathana to Medavachchiya, killing nine passengers and injuring 14 others

1988 March 31: Saindamaradu, Kalmunai: LTTE cadres attacked the village, killing ten Muslims and seven Tamils

1988 April 8: Horowpathana, Meegaswewa, Anuradhapura: LTTE gunmen killed 14 Sinhalese

1988 May 1: Sittaru Kantalai, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres exploded a land-mine on a CTB bus killing twelve Sinhalese, nine Muslims and five others, who were not identified

1988 July 28: Ethawetunawewa, Weli Oya: LTTE operatives hacked to death 16 Sinhalese villagers

1988 August 16: Trincomalee (opposite Clock Tower): LTTE cadres exploded a bomb, killing sixe Sinhalese, two Muslims, one Tamil and a soldier; 19 persons sustained injuries

1988 August 25: Marawila, Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres killed eleven civilians by cutting their necks

1988 September 10: 16th Colony, Central Camp Ampara: LTTE cadres shot dead seven Sinhalese and four Tamils

1988 October 9: Mahakongaskada Medavachchiya: LTTE cadres shot dead 44 Sinhalese villagers and set fire to eleven houses

1988 November 14: Paniketiyawa, Gomarakadawela Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 28 Sinhalese, including two security force personnel

1989: TULF leader, Appapillai Amirthalingam, was assassinated

1989: PLOTE leader, Uma Maheswaran, was assassinated

1989 January 17: Maharambekulam Village massacre of 9 Muslims

1989 February 2: Bogamuyaya Village massacre of 11 Muslims

1989 February 11: Dutuwewa Village massacre of 37 Sinhalese

1989 February 11: Singhapura Village massacre of 6 Sinhalese

1989 February 27: Borawewa Village bloodbath of 38 Sinhalese

1989 August 17: Nochchikulam Village massacre of 8 civilians

1990 June 10: The LTTE signals the breakdown of ceasefire talks by overrunning police stations located throughout the North East of Sri Lanka. The LTTE massacred most of the 400 to 600 police officers captured after they had surrendered to the LTTE during this attack

1990 July 23: Veeracholai, Batticaloa: LTTE cadres killed eight persons, thought to be Muslims and hanged them on trees

1990 July 24: Damminna, Aralaganvila Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres hacked to death eight Sinhalese villagers

1990 July 25: Wan Ela, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres hacked to death nine Sinhalese villagers who were cutting firewood

1990 July 26: Thammannaelawaka Medavachchiya: LTTE cadres hacked and shot to death 19 Sinhalese and set fire to 30 houses

1990 July 30: Akkaraipattu Batticaloa: LTTE cadres shot dead 14 Muslims in the town

1990 July 31: Podankadu, Peraru, Kantalai: Ten Tamil civilians were killed by unidentified gunmen

1990 August 3: Over 30 Tamil Tiger cadres attacked four Muslim mosques in Kattankudy in Batticaloa district, killing at least 147 Muslims who were praying in the mosques

1990 August 5: Mulliyankadu, Ampara: LTTE cadres killed 17 Muslim farmers working in a paddy-field

1990 August 6: Ampara: LTTE cadres killed 33 Muslim farmers working in a paddy-field

1990 August 7: Bandaraduwa, Uhana, Ampara: About 40 LTTE cadres went to a Sinhalese village and killed 30 Sinhalese and injured four

1990 August 8: Navagamuwa, Anuradhapura: LTTE cadres attacked a Sinhalese village and killed seven civilians; four persons were injured

1990 August 11: Division 3 & 6 Eravur LTTE cadres attacked Div. 3 & 6, Eravur, killing 116 Muslims and injuring 20 others

1990 August 13: 15th Mile Post, Pulmoddai, Weli Oya: Twenty-five civilians who were travelling in a lorry from Negombo at Kokuvil were ambushed by LTTE cadres, who killed 14 of them

1990 August 13: Awarantalawa Vavuniya A Muslim village adjoining a Sinhalese village was attacked by LTTE cadres; nine Muslims and one Sinhalese were killed. Three others were injured

1990 September 13: Poonani, Batticaloa LTTE cadres hacked to death seven Muslim civilians and injured one

1990 September 19: Vellamundal, Puttalam: LTTE cadres killed 23 Sinhalese and set fire to eleven houses at the fishing village

1990 September 21: Pudukudiyirippu Ampara: LTTE cadres attacked the village killing 15 Muslims and injuring eleven

1990 September 30: Peraweltalawa, Maha Oya, Ampara: LTTE cadres hacked to death nine Sinhalese villagers

1990 October: The LTTE expelled, within 48 hours, 80,000 Muslims living under their control in the northern districts of the island: Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaittivu, and Mannar. Each civilian was only allowed to carry 150 Sri Lankan rupees when they were expelled from LTTE areas

1990 October 2: Vahalkada, Ampara: LTTE cadres shot dead seven Sinhalese

1990 October 11: Arugambay, Ampara: LTTE cadres shot dead nine Muslims

1990 October 23: Thanthirimalai, Anuradhapura: LTTE cadres killed eight Sinhalese and two home guards

1990 November 1: Halambawewa, Sinhapura, Weli Oya: LTTE cadres attacked the village and killed ten Sinhalese

1991: Deputy Defence Minister Ranjan Wijeratne and 18 persons are killed by an LTTE suicide bomber

1991 May 21: Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and 18 persons are killed by a female suicide bomber

1993 May 1: President Ranasinghe Premadasa and 23 others are killed by a suicide bomber in Colombo.

1994 October 24: Leader of the Opposition and United National Party candidate for the Presidential Elections, Gamini Dissanayake, and 58 persons are killed by a female suicide bomber

1995 August 7: A male suicide bomber set off a cartload of explosives at Independence Square in Colombo killing 22 people and injuring more than 40 others.

1995 November 11: A female suicide bomber exploded herself near the Slave Island Railway Station in Colombo causing the death of 15 children, a police personnel and one soldier.

1996 January 31: A suicide bomber detonates a truck loaded with more than 100 kilograms of explosives in front of the Central Bank at Janadipathi Mawatha in Colombo killing 91 people and wounding at least 1,400

1997 October 15: Suicide bombers detonate a truck packed with a large quantity of explosives in the parking lot at Galadari Hotel close to the World Trade Center in Colombo killing 18 persons and injuring at least 110 others.

1998 January 25: Sixteen persons are killed as Sri Lanka’s holiest Buddhist shrine, Sri Dalada Maligawa, Temple of the Tooth Relic, in Kandy town is attacked by a group of suicide bombers causing extensive damages to its buildings, a cultural heritage site recognised by the UNESCO

1998 March 5: Thirty-six civilians and two police personnel are killed while 270 civilians sustain injuries when a mini-bus, filled with explosives, was blown up by a suicide bomber near the Maradana Police Station in Colombo.

1998 September 11: Mayor of Jaffna, Ponnuyhurai Sivapalan, and 11 persons are killed and 12 people are wounded when a suicide bomber detonates a bomb strapped to his body at the Municipal Council building in Jaffna

1999 April 11: Two persons are killed and more than 20 others sustain injuries when a suspected LTTE suicide bomber blew himself up in a passenger bus in Kandy.

1999 July 29: Moderate Tamil politician Dr. Neelan Thiruchelvam, a Member of Parliament representing the Tamil United Liberation Front, and two more persons are killed by a suicide bomber

1999 December 18: In a failed attempt by a female suicide bomber on the life of President Chandrika Kumaratunga at an election meeting at the Town Hall in Colombo, 21 persons are killed and over 100 others sustain injuries. The President is, however, injured in one eye due to shrapnel injuries.

2000 January 5: A female suicide bomber explodes herself while she was under body search by Police on suspicion in front of the Prime Minister’s Office at Flower Road in Colombo killing 13 civilians, three police officers and injuring 27 people.

2000 March 10: At least 14 civilians and six police personnel are killed and 46 people sustain injuries when a group of five suicide squad cadres attack a motorcade on a busy highway leading to Ceremonial Drive at Sri Lanka Parliament in Colombo.

2000 June 7: A suicide bomber kills the Minister of Industrial Development, C. V. Gooneratne, and 24 civilians whilst he was in a procession organised to mark war heroes day at Golumadama Junction, Ratmalana

2000 September 15: Seven people are killed and 28 others sustain injuries when a suicide bomber, on being detected, blew himself up in front of a busy hospital in Colombo.

2000 October 5: At least 12 persons are killed and over 40 injured when a LTTE suicide bomber blew himself up in an attempt to enter a PeopleƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Alliance election meeting at the Medawachchiya bus stand

2000 October 19: Three civilians are killed and 21 persons, including three Americans, are injured in a suicide bomb attack near the Colombo Town Hall as the new Cabinet takes oath.

2001 July 24: A group of at least 20 suicide squad cadres wearing military uniforms and carrying shoulder-launched anti-tank weapons, mortars, T-56 rifles and RPGs attack the Air Force base in Katunayake and the Bandaranaike International Airport, on the outskirts of Colombo. Eight military aircraft, including Kifr jets, two Mi-17 helicopters, one MiG-27 fighter, three Chinese K-8 trainer aircraft and six Airbus passenger aircraft are destroyed in the attack.

2001 October 29: Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake escaped an assassination attempt Monday when police intercepted a would-be suicide bomber who detonated explosives strapped to his body, killing himself and five others.

2004 July 7: LTTE 1st suicide attack since signing the Cease Fire Agreement in 2002 with a suicide bomber targeting Douglas Devananda, EPDP leader & a rival of LTTE.

2006 June 15: the terrorists outfit blew a public bus transporting civilians at Kebithigollewa- Anuradhapura, killing at least 64 people including 15 children

2006 December 01: LTTE Suicide targeting the Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa

2007 January 06: 15 civilians killed due to an explosion triggered inside a Matara bound private bus from Colombo

2007 January 27: At least 17 civilians were confirmed killed and 37 civilians were injured as a suspected parcel bomb exploded near a popular fashion store at Nugegoda

2008 January 31: suicide bomber blew himself killing three civilians and injuring 17 others in Thirunalweli, Jaffna

2008 February 03 – Seven people died and 97 others were injured in a suicide bomb attack onboard a train at the main railway station in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo

2008 February 29 – LTTE Tamil Tiger Terrorist Suicide Bomb Attack in Colombo Four civilians and three policemen were injured

2008 April 06 – Minister Jeyraj Fernandopulle and 12 others killed over 90 injured in LTTE suicide bomb attack targeting a road marathon

2008 May 16 – Suicide bomb explosion near Sambuddhaloka temple ; 9 killed, over 95 wounded

2008 October 09: abortive attempt on the life of Minister Maithripala Sirisena left 7 civilians dead

2008 October 22 – LTTE Tamil Tiger Terrorists attack merchant ships carrying essential supplies including food, medical suppliers etc to civilians in Jaffna

2008 December 29 – LTTE suicide bomb blast near Catholic Church ; 8 killed, 17 injured – Wattala

2009 February 09 – LTTE continues targeting Tamil civilians: suicide bomb attack at IDP rescue centre Kilinochchi, 23 people including 8 civilians were killed and 64 others including 40 civilians reported injured when an LTTE woman suicide bomber blew herself at an IDP rescue centre, North of Visuamadu in Mullaittivu

2009 March 10 – LTTE suicide bomber attacks Milad Festival Akurassa 10 civilians were killed and at least 35 others , including a government minister were injured

2009 April 20 – Three LTTE suicide bomb attacks target fleeing Tamil Civilians as Thousands Rescued by Sri Lanka Army 17 civilians including women and children have been killed. 

The above list does not include the attacks on military personnel including soldiers who have been attacked while unarmed & others who have been traveling home after duty, though these attacks have resulted in deaths of civilians as well since many of these LTTE attacks have been on soldiers placed in public places to protect civilians. The below list is not exhaustive but covers some main attacks by LTTE on Sri Lanka military.

1991 March 2 Deputy Defence Minister Ranjan Wijeratne and 18 persons are killed by an LTTE suicide bomber

1991 June 21: At least twenty-one people are killed and more than 175 others sustain injuries as a suicide bomber drives a truck laden with explosives into the Joint Operations Command Office

1992 August – The army chief, Lieutenant-General Denzil Kobbekaduwa, is killed in a landmine blast in Kayts, in northern Sri Lanka.

1992 November 16: Commander of the Sri Lankan Navy, Vice Admiral W.W.E.C. Fernando, and four Navy personnel are killed by a motorcycle-borne suicide bomber

1995 November 24: Two women suicide cadres target the headquarters of the Sri Lankan Army and explode bombs concealed in their vests killing at least 16 people and wounding 52 others.

1995 December 11: Fourteen civilians and three SF personnel are killed and 59 persons sustain injuries when two LTTE suicide bombers blew themselves up during an attack on the Army Headquarters complex in Colombo

1996 July 4: At least 20 people, including Jaffna military commander Brig. Ananda Hamangoda, are killed and approximately 60 others sustain injuries when a female suicide bomber detonated explosives strapped to her waist as a minister motorcade stopped on the Stanley Road in Jaffna town

1998 February 23: In a suicide attack on the Point Pedro coast in northern Sri Lanka, eight boats laden with explosives and driven by suicide bombers crashed into two navy ships. At least 51 troops and 28 civilians are killed in this attack.

1998 May 14: Brigadier Larry Wijeyaratne, one of the Sri Lankan Army top commanders, is killed in Jaffna by a woman suicide bomber wearing an abdominal belt bomb.

1999 March 18: A female suicide bomber kills herself and two persons near a police station in Colombo. The bomber target was Chief Inspector Mohammed Nilabdeen, head of the terrorism investigation unit. Nilabdeen and eight civilians were injured.

1999 August 9: In the first suicide bombing within an army camp, a male suicide bomber enters the Vakarai camp on the pretext of collecting weekly food relief and detonates a bomb strapped to his body killing Major T. G. J. B. Karunanayake, the second in command of an infantry battalion. Another Major, identified as J. H. Karunadasa, and three soldiers are wounded in the attack.

2000 June 5: Thirty-four naval personnel are killed as a suicide squad of the Sea Tigers sinks a gunboat of the Sri Lankan Navy off Vadamarachchi coast in Jaffna

2005 January 5: Deadly suicide bomb attack on Sri Lanka navy leaving 13 sailors dead.

2006 April 25: suicide bomb attack on the headquarters of the Sri Lankan army injuring head of the army, Sarath Fonseka

2006 May 11: Terrorists target ship carrying 700 troops & 3 Nordic monitors. Nordic truce monitoring mission declared that the LTTE committed gross violations of the CFA in recent days by moving at sea with the aim of provoking the Navy and now finally embarking on an offensive operation against the Navy sinking one vessel and putting SLMM monitors in grave danger. The Mission spokesperson said, “The sea surrounding Sri Lanka is a government controlled area. This has been ruled by the SLMM in line with international law. Non-state actors cannot rule open sea waters or airspace. The LTTE has therefore no rights at sea.”

2006 June 26: Bomb explosion at Pannipitiya – LTTE Kills Deputy Chief of Staff of the SLA Major General Parami Kulathunga

2006 October 16: LTTE’s suicide attack at Habarana; Death toll rises to 92. LTTE terrorists rammed the Naval convoy at Digampatana in Habarana with an explosive laden vehicle. Over 340 unarmed Naval personnel who were both going on leave and reporting back to duties were believed to be present at the location. The naval sources further said that 13 buses have also been severely damaged in the explosion

2006 December 01 : Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa

escapes LTTE Suicide Attack

2008 October 06 – Over 25 civilians including Maj Gen Janaka Perera killed in LTTE suicide bomb attack- Anuradhapura

The data given above is nowhere near to the many other crimes committed by the LTTE not only on innocent civilians men, women & children but even infrastructure & public places as well as unarmed military personnel. What we would like to have answered is why the UN Secretary General over the years including the incumbent has refrained from taking actions against the LTTE given that their terror was not limited to Sri Lanka but prevailed internationally as well & included the assassination of India former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The LTTE activities internationally include human smuggling as well as other nefarious & illegal transactions all of which have documented proof against the LTTE. When all these data have been in place why is it that the UN, superpowers, the Security Council have done nothing to help the Sri Lankan Governments eliminate the menace of terrorism & bring peace to a nation. It bemoans to ask the UN Secretary General to explain why he should be quick to appoint a 3 member expert panel no sooner the former army commander & bidding to enter the political arena retorts about an unsubstantial statement of a story about a white flag been told to him by a journalist who he cannot name. If the UN Secretary General is able to jump into action based on such an unsubstantiated story such as the white flag our question is why none of the UN Secretary Generals especially the present one not jumped into action against the LTTE no sooner he was appointed Secretary General in October 13, 2006 just three days after the LTTE attacked naval convoys transporting 340 naval personnel & killing 92 all of whom were unarmed which was a gross violation of the Geneva Convention.