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All activities possessed by a human being are due to his genes, that is Science.
How many activities does a person have? If so, there must be a similar genetic number in keeping with the activities.
The photo shows non-human animals. Science says that animals also have human genes. But they do not have the same activities as man. If so, the Scientific statement that human activities exist because of the human genes possessed by a human being is questionable.
In that case, the activity exceeds\transcends the gene.
So who is the real judge of an activity?
There are animals born with human talents. How are animals born with human activities?
There are animals that do human activities, use human words. There are animals that understand human thoughts. They are similar to man in deed, word and thought. Science says that the reason is because they have the same genes as humans.
How do animals have the same genes as humans?
Energy gives birth to matter. If so, matter is same because the energy is same. If so, human matter (Gene) and animal matter (Gene) must be equal because of a similarity of energy that makes matter.
What is the Scientific answer here ?
The common factor belonging to the living community is Mind, which is Abhidharma. It states that activity is determined by Mind. Mind is the existence of 121 types of thoughts. All living beings have not all but number of those 121 thoughts. All these 121 thoughts are not present in all living beings. Its explanation is that activity is born according to one’s thoughts at a certain moment. Activity requires matter. Then the Abhidharma says that the mental energy of these thoughts produces its relevant matters for each activity. It mentions those as “Chittaja Rupakalapa (Matter born by Mind energy)”. If so, the matter born for that activity is taken as genes by Science. Science can only see upto matter. Therefore, Science says that an activity is caused by genes. Science has no vision beyond the gene.
Why are human genes found in an animal?
If any of the 121 thoughts are common to the animal called human and the animal called duck, the matter (Gene) born from that thought is common to both those animals. For this reason, human genes are born in animals. This advantage is used by Science today. That is, in the case of a human disease, either his relevant matter decreases or is completely absent, a successful exchange of matter between the human and the duck can save a human being is the advantage of it. That is why, by exchanging some matter of the duck to the human, it is possible to fill the lack of those matter of the human.
eg; Human normal activities are affected due to the decrease in the matter called insulin. By successfully transferring the duck’s insulin to the human, the relevant functions of the human can be revived. Thus, there are many animals that have matter that can exchange with humans. Details about them are available in internet.
Good ! Suppose man and duck are the result of creation. Suppose the duck was created only for human consumption. In that case, since the creations of the two are specific to each other, there can never be an exchange of matter from one to the other. The created man is a separate unit. The created duck is a separate unit. If so, one creation cannot be exchanged with another. It is impossible.
question ?
If a thing in an animal body revives a function of a human body, there must be some similarity between the animal and the human.
How does this similarity occur?
Where is the beginning of that equality?
See the example below.
Suppose there is a man X. He is because of his parents. His mom and dad were because of their mom and dad. In this way, X’s descendants were there even if went back 1000 years. Let’s go back a million years like this. A man is because of his parents. In this way, there is an endless human race, upon children due to parents basis.
Suppose Y is a duck. It is because of his parents. In this way, let’s go back 1000 years. There was a duck there too. It is because of its duck parents. Let’s go back a million years. There was a duck there too. In this way there is an endless generation of ducks in the form of offspring due to parents.
Do you find a link between these two generations?
If there is no such link, how can an animal possess human genes?
If it is a result of the creation of these two, common genes cannot be found in both of them.
So how does this miracle happen?
Well, if I say this?
If the energy that once produced the matter called man, produce the matter called duck now ?
Can it be so?
Not surprisingly, common energy usage can produce common matter.
Are you saying that the man and the duck are born from a common energy? Only then will both be able to produce common matter or common genes. For that to happen, a duck must have the same energy that once produced human matter.
This is Abhidharma.
Why ?
Life is a never-ending journey. It does not end in death. If the same energy that gave birth to human matter is with a duck embryo after his death, then matter (Not all) possessed by a human can be born in the duck.
Why not all ?
It’s a long explanation.
Thank you !
( After the death of a millionaire, a dog was born in that house. The son of the millionaire got the position of the head. His father, the former millionaire, was born as a dog in the house was proven to this son-millionaire like this instructed to bring the puppy home, bathe it well, sit it on a comfortable bed and caress its head & instructed to say “Father, where did you hide your wealth?”. Son followed the instructions. the dog jumped out of the bed and went in to the jungle nearby & began digging the ground with its two front legs. Son – Millionaire asked his servants to dig the place further. There was great wealth there.

According to above photo, the cock has 60% human genes.
What does that mean?
If a gene decides an activity, this means that cock can do 60% of the activities that humans have.
What ?
Why ?
Can a cock do 60% of human activities?
If a gene is the determinant of an activity then it should be. But the cock can do 60% of the human activities is a huge Dilemma.
The explanation is as follows!
A being has bodily activities, verbal activities and mental activities. Man has a body. Cock also has a body. A body has many functions\activities. If the gene is the pilot of an activity, the biochemical activities\function of a cock body and the biochemical activities\function of a human body must almost be the same for the reason for this genetic similarity. Cock and human can make different sounds to address their communities.

Both have the mental activities of fear, lust, hatred, pride, delusion etc. See ! Accordingly, it can be accepted that the genes of the two are 60% identical. So only 40% of the cock genes belong to cock. Humans do not have those activities\functions related to cock genes. It’s just inherent to the cock.
If man and cock were a creation, the creator could have created cock with only the cock genes. Then he is totally a cock. Why didn’t … do that ?  But this scientific confusion has occurred due to partial humanization of the cock. See ! If there was a creation, the cock could be created only as a cock and man as only a human. It is NOT so because cocks are human in pedigree & men are cocks in pedigree.
Got an argument!
One reasoned that these human genes were possessed by these beings because man and cock or animal started from a common source.
OK! Let’s think so.
None of the animals in this photo existed a billion years ago. eg; None of these existed during the age of the dinosaurs. If animals and humans were born from a common source, dinosaurs must be an animal born from the same common source. The source must then have existed even before the age of the dinosaurs. So humans must have existed before the dinosaurs to meet the human genes of the dinosaurs. It contradicts Science. Science says that humans came after the dinosaur era. If someone says that there were human genes in the dinosaurs era, then how did human genes exist before humans come up?
If so, the story of a common source for human & animals is questionable.
If so, How did human genes get into the bodies of animals that did not exist at that time?
Thank you ! .

Dr Dhammika Wijerathna