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📚📖✒️ *Article 9 of the constitution assures;*

🛡️stability, and
🌷well being
of the nation within its territory.

⚖️Campaign against the constitution is nothing but laying mines and claymore to destroy the nation.

⚖️A person who disregard the constitution of Sri Lanka is a subversive.

⚖️A person who is ignorant of the constitution can be turned into a terrorist.

⚖️Aragalaya union is the peak of intellectual terrorism

⚖️Using our DNA to destroy the country is an act of terror.

⚖️Challenging sovereignty of a country is a national security threat.

⚖️Financing an anarchy is a grave crime.

⚖️Fascist acts against a democracy is terrorism.

✍️ Indika Sahabandu Geopolitical Observer for Asian Millennium

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