Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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The WONDER of Sinhalese Medicine !

The human body that heals because of a coating !

Dr. Lage.

A balm\paste is a coating applied to the surface of the body. Science says that the surface of the body is covered with dead skin. If that is the case, how can a pain in the body be cured by applying a balm on the skin surface?

If a medicine heals a disease, it should first reach the diseased point. For that, the living cells are essential. If cells are dead, it shouldn’t be so. Is a medicine applied to a dead cells absorbed into a body ? Similarly, if the surface skin is dead, the skin is inactive even the person is not dead. Therefore, the medicine applied on it is not absorbed into the body. If so, how can a disease in the body be cured by applying medicine on the dead skin?

But the healing of body diseases by such ointments is a practical situation.

Look what the Google says…

– Ingredients in the balm, such as camphor, increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, creating a warming sensation that can distract from pain and stiffness. Camphor and menthol may also improve blood circulation to the muscles, potentially speeding up healing time and reducing inflammation.-

See ! Whatever to activate, medicine should first reach the necessary point. Will the dead skin allow such medicine to go inside ?

So Science and this clarification are contradictory to each other.

What is the answer you can give?

This proves that a disease is not cured by matter. Why ? If a drug is applied to the surface of the dead skin, how can the living cells in the body get healing from it? If an ailment in a body is cured by non-reaching medicine to that particular point , isn’t it cured by something other than matter ?

Take this example!

Let’s say a bone in the hand is broken. It causes immense pain. A paste applied to the skin relieves the pain. I didn’t go to the hospital for a broken bone when I was young. I have such a personal experience. When I broke my arm, I was taken to the Veda.

I have a question today.

 When a bone is broken, a chemical reaction occurs at the site of the fracture, not elsewhere, and the origin of pain (see the book Human Biochemistry) is because of that. Then, if one hopes to alleviate the pain, he should treat the place where the pain originates, i.e. the fracture site. If one says that after realigning the broken bone, the pain is relieved, it is quite acceptable. But if the pain is due to the fracture of the bone, if it is said that the pain is alleviated by applying a layer on dead skin at top of the broken site, it is a matter of laughter. Why ? See ! Still the broken bone remains as broken as before. But the pain caused by the fractured bone is alleviated by applying a coating on the surface of the skin. If you treat the dead skin instead of the fracture site to relieve pain, it is something laughable.

But even so, pain relief occurs.

This is a dilemma.

See ! This proves that pain arises not from a change in matter, but from a cause other than matter. This proves that the relief of pain is not due to a material connection but to some other process. It is now proven that correcting the other cause can relieve the pain.

Pain is the result of a change in frequency. Moreover, a bone breaks as a result of a standard frequency difference (more on that later).

See the related discoveries of Nikola Tesla.

Whatever matter you use, there is an invisible energy (an energy frequency) embedded in it is the Abhidarma. Energy and matter exist like two perpendicular sticks erected against each other in space. Because of one, the other does not fall. If one does not exist, the other does not exist too is Abhidharma’s explanation. So, each substance carries different frequencies according to the nature of each substance. It was said before that the pain you experience due to the fracture is a result of a frequency change. With the help of a coating on the surface of the skin, the frequency that has undergone a change is corrected. So, even though the arm is broken, the pain stops.

Coatings are not just coatings. If such a pain can be stopped by just a simple coating, then the pain should also be stopped by flour paste. Will it be so?

This marvel can be done by mixing the relevant substances in the relevant percentages. Related substances mean related medicines. When they are combined in certain percentages the energy frequency located in the mixture is powerful enough to correct the frequency causing pain. This is the PHYSICS of such a phenomenon. The related medicine recipes written on palm leaves are preserved in Sinhala Medicine since ancient times.

I went to Veda with a lot of pain and came home without pain due to the manipulations and coating treatment done by him.

This is the WONDER of it.

Thank you !

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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