Dear Mr Lalith Weeratunga,
udath Gunasekara My Dear Mr Lalith Weeratunga, Having failed to contact you or to get your private TP No or E-mail ever since I wrote you this note, I am…
udath Gunasekara My Dear Mr Lalith Weeratunga, Having failed to contact you or to get your private TP No or E-mail ever since I wrote you this note, I am…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara, MAHANUWARA, the last capitol of the Sinhale Kingdom 31/8/2015. Everything on the political stage appears to be rosy. At least that is how it is displayed by…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 28.8.2015. JVP in this country started with an aborted coup to overthrow the elected Government in April 1971. They perceived it as a revolution of the proletariat…
Sudath Gunasekara 21.8.2015 To me the so-called National list concept is a big fraud. In this country it appears to be a combination of the Machiavellian and Kautilyan strategies in…
By Sudath Gunasekara 19.8.2015 Sri Lankan parliamentary elections 2015 Map showing land area won by each Party This map does not unfortunately show land area won by the other party…
Dr.Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara 16.8.2015. This will definitely boomerang on Sirisena and seriously affects the results of the Election like a Tsunami. Once upon a time there was a peacock. Of…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 12.8. 2015. Chandrikka Kelinne Okkoma Pissu” ( Sirimavo Bandaranaiyike 1994) Could anyone imagine of a better evaluation of Chandrika Bandaranayike Kumaratunga (CBK)…
Dr. Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizen Movement Mahanuwara 08-08-2015 Option 1 Option 2 1 An Undivided country (One Country) Sri LankaFrom Point Pedro in the North to Devundara in the…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 6.7. 2015 I have been wondering from my University days as to why this country, that was known as Sinhale from the…
ආචාර්ය සුදත් ගුණසේකර සභාපති මහනුවර සිංහල බෞද්ධ ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ පුරවැසියන්ගේ සංවිධානය විකල්ප 1 විකල්ප 2 1. නොඛෙදුනු එක් රටක් – ශී්ර ලංකාවඋතුරේ කංකසන්තුරේ සිට දකුණේ දෙවුන්දර තුඩුව දක්වා ද නැගෙනහිරින් මඩකලපුවේ…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 29.7.2015. I produce below the heading of a malicious and disgraceful news item published in Wall Street Journal on our former President…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 26. 7.2015 We all know that all right thinking and sane Tamils and Muslims accept that this is the land of the…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara The subject of Buddhist Monks and politics has been a bone of contention in this country since independence. Many a critique, both…
Submitted by the Mahanuwara Sinhala Bauddha Jesta Purawesiyange Sanvidhanaya Dr Sudath Gunasekara President 20th July 2015. Introduction For Kandyan Sinhalese who lived on this land for millennia from the dawn…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 15.7.2015 Apropos the statement issued over the media yesterday by President Sirisena I am surprised and alarmed as well, over this highly vituperative and rather unwelcome speech…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara (SLAS) Former Secretary to Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike and President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 8.July. 2015. Looking at how the current political climate in this country is…
Dr. Sudath Gunasekara. President Mahanuwara Senior Citizens Movement 8.7.2015. In certain political circles and NGOO and some Civil Organizations funded by sinister foreign forces and urban based anti SLFP forces…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 2. July.2015 Photo by Dr. Achala Gunasekara Rockwell Figure: King Parakramabahu 1 The above statue is widely accepted as the figure of Parakramabahu the Great. But it…
DR Sudath Gunasekara President Mahanuwara Senior Citizens Movement 9.6.2015. The national list, ever since it was invented by our cunning politicians had been a big joke and a travesty of…