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Dr Sudath Gunasekara (SLAS)

Now the LTTE at home is physically no more, I crave your attention on this article as a mere point of view of a citizen who tries to pen few ideas that occur to his mind, with a view to bringing long term political stability and lasting peace and prosperity to the mother land and bettering the future of its people. The key to this new mission depends on seven basic pre-requisites   namely, 1.Protection of what is won, 2.Completion, and consolidation of what is won, 3. Taking measures to prevent the re-emergence of such movements in future, 4 Ideological defeat (EELAM ideology and communalism), 5.Erasing Prabhakaran and EELAM from the hearts and minds of Tamils (Eg. by displaying devastations and atrocities done to them by him), and 6. Defeating anti-Sri Lankan lobbying in the West and among the Tamil Diaspora and finally, 6. Adopting correct political and economic strategies to take the country ahead as a united and prosperous nation

I profusely congratulate the President, the Defense Secretary, the Commanders and the valiant soldiers of the Security Forces on behalf of the entire nation for the historic success of winning the war against the LTTE. It was not only a war against the LTTE but it was also a war against the entire imperial western world and all anti-Sri Lankans and unpatriotic forces both at home and abroad. To me this is the most difficult war ever fought on this soil at any time in our history. Its scale, ramifications, cost (both human and financial), and challenges exceed that of any other wars ever fought on this land before. The short span of time taken to complete such a massive task is indeed unbelievable and remarkable.

Elimination of the root causes of communal and divisive politics should mark the next logical step in this victory. It should follow with the least possible delay without allowing the remnants of the dead LTTE fossils to raise their ugly heads again and the international conspirators (particularly the colonial West) to meddle with our domestic affairs with the sinister objective of perpetuating the Sri Lankan conflict in order to keep us eternally poor and dependent on their blood stained dollars.

I make these observations particularly in view of some comments that were made by certain members of the Tamil diaspora like Poopalapillai (Canada- who is said to represent the biggest Tamil diaspora in the world- about 250,000), some International Agencies like the Human Rights Watch, the western press (Eg: UK based “ƒ”¹…”Times online’) and some western countries and politicians (for eg. UK, USA, Canada and Norway, the US Senate, Hillary Clinton and Billiband) and the diplomats who are frenzied and agitated, after the defeat of the LTTE.

I quote below few such statements that disturbed my mind and prompted me to make the above observations.

1. The Canadian Tamil leader said, “ƒ”¹…”This Monday marks the beginning of the third and final phase of our struggle to achieve independence. Tamil diaspora vows to bring Sri Lanka to its knees. The (Tamil) diaspora will spearhead this phase. We are now the voice of the Tamils of Sri Lanka. We know how to bring Sri Lanka to its knees. We will take them to the International Court of Justice and arrange their boycott by western governments and companies. We will adopt political means and work with the international community as the means of their new struggle. The South African apartheid was broken by the African National Congress with the help of the international community. Similarly, we will break apartheid in Sri Lanka with the help of the international community.” (19 5.2009 Indo-Asian News Toronto).
2. “ƒ”¹…”Sri Lanka on brink of catastrophe as UN aid blocked’. The Times. May 20, 20003. “ƒ”¹…”Rebel defeat: diplomatic dilemma’ (Times online May 20.20095).4 The Tamil diaspora is yet to come to terms with the consequences of the death of Prabakaran to the future of their struggle for dignity and equality. They are studying how the Jewish diaspora conducted itself in its darkest days in the 1940s.5 The message that is being tom-tomed across the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora is: “Let us emulate the Jewish diaspora. We will prevail just as the Jewish people prevailed”. The Jaffna Tamils May 21 2009 (LG) By R.Raman6. We should boycott the callous Sri Lanka regime Those who buy clothes made there, or who go on holiday there, must show their anger at the way the Tamils have been treated, Jeremy Page From The Times May 21, 2009 The next time you buy some lingerie, a T-shirt or a pair of rubber gloves, you may want to reflect on this: they were probably made in Sri Lanka. And like it or not, your purchase plays a role in the debate over how to respond to the Sri Lankan Government’s successful but brutal military campaign against the Tamil Tiger rebels, which reached its bloody climax this week.7. Also see comments by the Senate Foreign Relations on Sri Lanka (USA) By Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor May 19, 2009 12:25 PM

 8. Satellite images of Sri Lanka conflict used in war crimes inquiry
May 22 (Times) US military satellites secretly monitored Sri Lanka’s conflict zone through the latter stages of the war against the Tamil Tigers and American officials are                                     examining images for evidence of war crimes, The Times has learnt. The images are of a higher resolution than any that are available commercially and could bolster the case for an international war crimes inquiry when the UN Human Rights Council holds a session on Sri Lanka next week. more..

By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press Writer John Heilprin, Associated Press Writer “”…” 28 mins ago
“ƒ”¹…”NORTHEAST COAST, Sri Lanka “”…” Sri Lanka‘s former war zone is a wasteland, its earth scorched and pocked by craters. Cars and trucks lie overturned near bunkers beside clusters of battered tents. Ban and other world leaders have called on Rajapaksa to quickly address the grievances of the country’s minorities in the wake of the war. The Tamils, 18 percent of the population, claim systematic discrimination and harassment by the Sinhalese majority’.

10. Tigers begged me to broker surrender“As the Sri Lankan army closed in, rebels made a desperate plea to a Sunday Times correspondent to help stave off annihilation” 
Refugees are living in squalor after the Sri Lankan army’s victory over the Tamil Tigers
Image: 1 of 2
From The Sunday Times
May 24, 2009
Marie Colvin
11. The news of Jaffna University undergrads boycotting lectures for one week also has to be noted in this regard.Although all these actions and reactions look ridiculous and silly, reading through these comments and propositions with their distinct pro-Tamil tone I note that they all share the following common features.1 The misguided communal Tamils have not given up the EELAM dream and they continue to identify themselves as a separate nation within Sri Lanka in their state of imaginary EELAM.  Nor have they given up their anti-Sinhala attitude and made any attempt to understand and compromise with the historical realities of the Sri Lankan nation. As such their divisive and communal struggle for a separate state is still alive and is simmering like fire under ashes. (Read [email protected])2 All those so-called International Agencies, the western countries lead by USA, UK, Norway, France and Canada, their press and politicians are bias towards the Tamils. May be they know only one side of the story or they are all out to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist civilization or to keep the country divided and disunited as one of their dependencies for ever, for their own military and economic gains. They also appear to think that we are still their underdogs. They all blame the Sri Lankan government but none of them finds any fault with the Tigers. None of them is sincere enough to admit that the Sri Lankan minorities are the most privileged minority lot in the whole world.Meanwhile there is yet another dimension one has to keep in mind. That is the deep rooted communal mentality that prevails among most Tamils. The diaspora openly express this where as the local Tamils observe it in deep silence. Their facial expressions imbued with a sense of despair or sadness and the mysterious silence displayed after the death of LTTE leader provide sufficient evidence to this fact. This perhaps is the basic root cause of this problem. Therefore its elimination would be the final remedy that will answer this malady. As it is, if Tamils are given a choice, I have no doubt; definitely their choice would be Pirapaharan the murderer to any Sinhala saint. Even now they also consider India as their motherland although for generations they have lived here as legal citizens and got nourished from its resources. The tragedy with these people is that they have an eternal grievance against the majority Sinhalese and they refuse to accept that this has been the land of the Sinhalese at least for the past 2500 years. This attitude has to cease and all minorities should accept the reality if they aspire to be equal citizens. There is no point in accusing of majority rule by the Sinhalese as the western press always cry, because in any case Sinhalese have been the majority in this country from the inception of history and they are the people who gave life and substance to the civilization in this country. That is not negotiable and should be accepted by every man and woman on this planet. The reluctance to accede to this reality on the part of the minorities is the root cause of all these problems. Tamils invaders through out history have only destroyed it from time to time. The best examples I like to quote are the Magha devastation of the 12th century and the devastation broughtabout by Prabhakaran. It is true that this is a very delicate issue. But a permanent solution has to be found for this problem, if we are to see sustainable peace and prosperity in this Island. What you need in this context is a total psychological and attitudinal transformation among the minority communities. A permanent solution to the ethnic issue will never emerge until such transformation takes place.Given the government will continue with its present policies on terrorism, re-emergence of a movement like LTTE now is a distant reality. We also can ignore the western barking so long the people are with the government.   Asia and even most Middle Eastern nations are also with us. This anti Sri Lankan attitude might fade away in few weeks or months. When the world at last accepts the demise of Prabhakaran, fund raising will dwindle in the diaspora circles. Their lobbying and bribing capacity will also cease with that. At the same time infighting among opposing factions within the LTTE like KP vs. Pottu Amaman followers will put the curtain down on this international LTTE drama. These developments will eventually lead to the final disintegration of the LTTE left outs. Nevertheless it is necessary to be vigilant and cautious to prevent emergence of any unforeseen situation. Talking on terrorism and development, in any country plagued with terrorism, eradication of that curse is the first step in taking the country to development. Because that provides the first step in restoring the legitimate authority of the democratically elected government. But one must also remember that, that alone, will not guarantee restoration of law and order and good governance and ensure development until we also eradicate the twin pillars of terrorism namely, communalism and separatism. This is particularly relevant to our context.

Both these factors in Sri Lanka have their genesis in colonial rule that began in the 16th century and plagued the entire so-called third word thereafter. They have left them behind as ugly colonial legacies that continue to torment these exploited nations up to date. In Sri Lanka too these viruses were injected and manipulated by them, more particularly by the British in the post -1833 period. It also should be born in mind that they continue to pursue this sinister conspiracy up to date. The only difference is, today they do it jointly with their allies where as in the past it was done only by individual colonial powers.

In Sri Lanka this colonial conspiracy started in 1833 with the introduction of communal representation and the provincial system of administration by the British. All their subsequent policies of divide and rule, to name a few, such as identifying each ethnic group as a separate nation, creating a notion of ethnic equality with the majority Sinhalese and even a sense of superiority complex, providing better English education to the minorities, particularly the Jaffna Tamils ( English being the gateway to employment during that time), providing them with disproportional opportunities in government employment, carving out administrative units that promotes ethnic segregation like the Northern, Eastern and the Central Provinces, settling South Indian labour in large numbers on the plantations districts on the central hills-the heartland of this Island nation- and keeping them segregated as  communal and social enclaves antagonistic to the local inhabitants, weakening the majority community by destabilizing their economic base by ruining the foundation of the traditional agricultural economy by physically destroying the local irrigation infrastructures like tanks and canals, banning Rajakariya and imposing heavy taxes on paddy cultivation that led  to large scale confiscation of their paddy lands,  creating a legacy of economic and psychological dependency on the colonial powers, neglecting the Sinhala community in the fields of education, dividing them in to two antagonistic groups as Kandyans and Low country people and even making legislation for the first time in the history of this country legitimizing the notion of minority like the sec 29 of the Soulbury Constitution in 1948 and thereby creating a rift not only between the different ethnic groups but also among the Sinhalese themselves  are responsible for the current plight.

All these legal, administrative, political and economic measures adopted by the colonial power had an ulterior motive to keep this Island nation divided and eternally fighting and bleeding.
            They knew where the strength of a nation was, that sustained prosperity for a period of 2500 years on this Island. That is why, they destroyed the underlying indigenous economic, political and socio- cultural fabric so that this country will ever remain trapped in a perpetual state of dependency caught up in turmoil and bleeding. Therefore we have to think of strategies to remove all these deep rooted societal cankers, if we are ever to charter the country to prosperity in the ensuing years.

          Removing communalism and separatism and all forms of divisive elements such as religious and regional antagonisms from the hearts and minds of the Tamils and Muslims may be even more difficult than eradicating terrorism and might take a longer time. Because, it is something, that was injected in to the minds of these people for generations. They provide life saving fodder for the local minority politicians. Nevertheless the need to remove them is crucial as the failure to do so might hamper the dawn of the ideal environment for development and it might also lead to a re-emergence of terrorism in one form or the other. Only the complete removal of such barriers will create the peaceful environment needed for collective nation building. Now that the LTTE is no more and the security forces and the government have won the confidence of the Tamil people, this is the best time to get rid of these two divisive factors. This should form a major part of the agenda of the IDP rehabilitation programme in the post liberation period. Strategies like the establishment of mixed settlements, creating opportunities for better cultural interaction, promoting inter marriages, discouraging ethnic segregation, encouraging every one to learn Sinhala and Tamil and to respect each others culture etc could be used as practical devices to achieve this goal. Re-settlement of all Sinhala and Muslim people who were chased out from the north and the east in 1983 and there after, in their original places should be the first step in inaugurating this communal integration programme. We also may have to carry out a vigorous programme of educating the Tamils, that Sinhalese majority are not anti -Tamil as the LTTE and the communal Tamil politicians have told them.

Thereafter all the people in this country should be united and mobilized as one nation and one country under one banner. People should also be prepared to keep the country first before all other considerations like their own ethnicity, language and culture. That will bring about long term political stability and restore law and order which are vital pre-requisites for taking the country forward and sustain the victories won. Thus a complete change of attitude in all communities is a must for nation building. Both Tamils and Muslims living in this country should abdicate their allegiance to south India and Arabia forth with and accept this country as their only motherland. It is a well known tragedy that only the Sinhalese do so now. Therefore it is high time at least now the misguided minority elements of Tamils and Muslims of this country accept this reality and decide to integrate and live together, as most of those living among the majority do even now. They should discard communal segregation both locally and regionally and learn to live as one nation and one family. In this process while the government has to take the lead the attitudinal transformation has to begin in the minds of the people, particularly the minorities. I can’t see any other alternative that could bring about this great socio-political revolution in this country, which is a sine qua non for peace and prosperity within a society like ours where you get communities belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

            As we all know, prior to 1815, this country had only one nation. The country was then known as Sinhale and the people were called Sinhalayo, meaning the citizens of the Sinhale- the name of the land. This has been clearly demonstrated when the Kandyan Convention of 1815 was singed between Great Britain and Ireland on the one hand and Sinhale on the other. There were Tamils, Muslims and even other minor ethnic groups even at that time, but they never agitated to be recognized as nationalities as they do it today, although each one maintained their separate cultural identities.

            Therefore the international community must be clearly told that there is only one nation and one government in this country and the LTTE is only a terrorist outfit which has taken to arms to overthrow the legitimately elected government of the people of this country. That is why we have eradicated them using the legitimate power of the government as the best political solution that any elected government will exercise.  Those governments who do not understand this basic truth must be asked to close down their embassies and go home without interfering nakedly with the internal affairs of a sovereign country and wait until such time their dream of EELAM is dawned to recognize Tamils as a nation. As for me this so-called International Community today behave more like an “ƒ”¹…”anti-Sri Lankan Community’ rather than an International forum whose first objective should be to protect the rights of its member states. Otherwise how come the UN openly supports the LTTE? The UN which is trying to intervene on behalf of the LTTE on pressure brought upon it by countries like UK, Norway, US, Canada and Australia, also must be clearly told that it has a bounden duty to first protect the rights of its member state before it tries to protect the rights of an illegitimate pack of terrorists who are known to be the most brutal killers in the world that have brought untold misery and destruction and political instability to this Island nation and its neighbours. Those embassies that support the LTTE must either support the legitimately elected democratic government or depart, so that people like Blake and the Norwegian Ambassador also can go home without exhibiting their anti-Sri Lankan attitude any further. Now  the LTTE is wiped out from Sri Lanka these countries can reap the harvest of Pirapaharan model of suicide killing within their own countries, gifted to them by the LTTE through the Tamil Diaspora, in return, as dividends for all the help they have rendered to the LTTE to destroy this Island nation. I want be surprised if these Tamil diaspora rise against these countries who host them now asking for separate states which they might call EELMS.            
            These foreign countries must also be told that there is no ethnic discrimination or genocide as they have been made to understand by the LTTE. The historic recue operation just being completed is a glaring example in this case. Further the fact that not a single Tamil out of the some 600,000 odd living among the Sinhalese in the south of Sri Lanka (of cause with the exception of the TNA political refugees who are only the proxies of the LTTE) has even protested against military actions of the government, apart from setting themselves ablaze like in South India proves this fact. Already men like Douglus Devananda, Karuna and the Chief Minister Pilleyan of the Eastern province are with the government and even other prominent Tamil Politicians like the TULF leader Ananda Sangaree support the war against the LTTE. Doesn’t this clearly prove that there is no discrimination against Tamils? The Indian government also should be clearly told not to mix up their internal communal politics with neighboring countries and the Tamils in Sri Lanka are no longer their subjects either. They are our citizens and Delhi must be reminded of the following stance of Pundit Nehru with regard to Indians in other countries. I quote here what Nehru had said about the Indians living in other countries in his conversations with Tibor Mende in 1955.

           ‘So far as the policy is concerned, we have laid down very clearly-in regard to Africa, as well as in regard to other countries-that we do not want any rights or privileges in a country which, in any way, would come in the way of the inhabitants of that country. They should consider themselves as guests. If they are unwelcome they have no business to be there’

           Also they should be reminded of what the LTTE did to Rajiv, their one time mentor and benefactor, in spite of the training, money, military equipment and even his own bullet proof jacket he gave to Pirapaharan to fight against the Sri Lankan government. The Delhi Government must also be told that politicians like Karunanidi, Vaiko, Jayalalita and Nedumaran are only trying to get elected in their electorates. Delhi should also be asked whether Man Mohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul are trying to get blown up by the LTTE, the same way Rajiv did. It is a tragedy that India does not understand that we are two separate independent and sovereign states. If politicians like Jayalalitha (Who says there are 50m Tamils in Sri Lanka) and Karunanidhu still want to talk about the EELAM, we should tell them to establish it in their own home country, which perhaps is the best place with more than 50 million Tamils living there, without day dreaming to sponsor it here (where we have only 1.2 m Tamils) just to woe the Tamilnadu votes.
I list below few more important remedial measures on which the government should focus its serious attention. Now that the first phase of defeating the LTTE is over the government has to fight the LTTE power base both at home and abroad politically, economically and diplomatically, build up a well coordinated armed force base encompassing the entire Island (with permanent army caps at strategic points), its territorial waters and the air space that will keep continuous surveillance, build up a strong public opinion that will not change even if the government changes, marginalize the TNA and bring in a new Tamil leadership to the political mainstream who are prepared to depart from the traditional communal and extremist approach to Sri Lankan politics, ban all political parties based on race, language, religion (like the TNA and Sri Lanka Muslim Congress) or regional identity, set up  a super intelligence service like the RAW, CIA or the KGB with both national and international dimensions (this could be named LION-meaning Lanka Intelligent Operation Network), Eliminate the last terrorist on land, sea and air, deploy an aggressive diplomatic war to effectively counter the Tamil disinformation network and educate the international community through our Embassies and other media on the actual situation in Sri Lanka and expose the true nature of the LTTE to the entire world. Eradication of terrorism should be followed by good governance and efficient management of the resources of the country, both physical and human in order to take the country to economic and social prosperity. A united Sri Lanka where every one irrespective of whether you are Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim or any other will think alike and act together  as one united patriotic nation and where law and order and peace will prevail  and happiness and prosperity both economic and spiritual will flourish should be our final goal.            The need to formulate a broad based national plan that cover all our natural resources like land, water, forests and the sea extending for thousands of miles around the Island with its marine resources and to develop a first class infrastructure network that would cover the entire Island, so that it will link up the Islands geographical position in relation to world sea and air routes. This is a must to develop a vibrant and prosperous economy in the present context of global trade and travel. The construction of super highways, like the Southern, Colombo-Kandy and Katunayaka- Colombo and development of ports like Hambantota, Oluwil and Colombo South and Hambantota air port are welcome in this regard. However I would like to add the following items as well to ensure fuller mobilization of our development
New Super highways:           
1. Colombo-Putlam-Mannar-Poonerin-Jaffna-Kankasanture.
2. Colombo-Kurunegala-Trincommallee and K’gala-Batticaloa with a Mahiyangana-Polonnaruwa link up.
3 Kataragama- Batticalloa- Trincommallee-Mulative-Elephant Pass           
New Railway lines; 1.Matale-Trinco-Batticalloa
2.Matara-Kataragama Batticalloa.
3. Extension of Puttlam line to Mannar            
No country in the whole of South East Asia has the advantages we have both in relation to its geographical characteristics and world ocean and air routes. This locational advantage should be exploited to the maximum by making Sri Lanka the hub of international trade and travel in South East Asia. In fact our final goal should be to make Sri Lanka the most powerful naval power at least in South East Asia and the hub of air travel.           
In addition to these facilities top priority should also be given to rehabilitate and protect the forests on the central highlands (The Heart Land) particularly above 5000 ft to arrest land degradation and protect perennial river flow that is so crucial, not only for irrigation and hydro electricity generation but also for the survival of the entire life system in this Island nation.          
The Sri Lanka diaspora should also be invited to throw their weight in this nation building effort.            Coming on to the next subject-that is governance, good governance is the key to peace and prosperity. In the wake of the defeat of the LTTE there appears to be much pressure brought on the government both by the so-called international community and local theoreticians on devolution of political power to meet the aspirations of the minorities. All this pressure, I have no doubt is meticulously designed and geared to confuse and prevent the government from taking some positive decisions of its own and thereby to perpetuate communal tension and ethnic segregation that will continue to hamper our overall development as a vibrant and powerful nation on the one hand and benefit their own political and economic interests on the other. The continued unethical and undiplomatic interference with the internal affairs of the country, by some powerful western diplomats, whose governments have contributed heavily for the strength of the separatist LTTE movement within Sri Lanka, is a case in point for this global conspiracy.In this scenario two options are opened to the government. The first is to yield to the international pressure and pursue along the beaten tract of colonial legacy. This will entail operating within the existing political framework and go for devolution on the 13th amendment prescribed by the Indian conspirators. Such a political solution will satisfy and meet both international and Indian requirements. But it will further complicate and aggravate the crisis within Sri Lanka. It will definitely lead to disintegration of this Island nation on ethnic basis and end up with different states for Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims   in the long run. With the north, east and the hill country going to Tamils, as Sri Lankan Tamil Nadu, and south east to Muslims, only the balance “”…”approximately 1/3 of the country will be left to the Sinhalese and the balance Tamils (about 600,000) and Muslims (700,000) presently living  in that area. Territorial wars that would logically follow thereafter will leave us as a land of eternal conflict and turmoil. The question I ask here is then what will happen to the glory we enjoyed for centuries as a unique nation and the priceless sacrifices we made to defeat the LTTE
Devolution of political power, the need for a system based on our own historical realities.
The second option is to evolve a solution of our own keeping with the 2500 year old traditions of state craft we had in this country. As we have experimented enough of these western prescriptions over the past 60 years that have taken us no where, I strongly believe that this is the time to go for our own system. The best way to consolidate and sustain what we have won is to go all out for that 2500 year old indigenous tradition which has been time tested for 25 centuries as the best political and administrative system for this country. Among other benefits this system will guarantee the following things. Establishment of a long lasting political solution to ethnic and divisive politics in this country, devolution of political power to people at regional level, end communal conflicts, restore national unity, ensure effective and efficient administrative system, deploy ideal resource management based on river basins and physiograpy and finally make all citizens equal. In my opinion the present system of political divisions as well as the system of government is far from being suitable for this country.
Therefore the need to go for some pragmatic and meaningful native system which will not only once again bring back political stability and ethnic harmony but also economic and social prosperity to this Island as one nation. That will mark the end of government by foreign powers and the beginning of self government in Sri Lanka. This also entails the need for thinner and honest political machinery and a thinner but efficient public service committed to the service of the people in view of our poor national income and the yeoman task ahead.
I think Sri Lanka has already established an unbeatable world record as the country that has the highest number of Ministers, Ministries, politicians and public officials, political and administrative institutions. They also spend the highest percentage of the national income to maintain them, compared with all other countries in the whole world. This also means the biggest burden to the public coffers adding very little or nil to national development. The Provincial Council system (a festering and wasteful political appendage) and proliferation of unwanted and superficial public institutions (Both government and semi-government) are the biggest burdens we face today as a nation. Arresting proliferation of both political and administrative institutions therefore is a sine qua non, if any one is serious in good governance that marks efficiency, honesty and economy, in this country. The existing system only accelerates negativity in nation building and it distances us far and further away from positivity and prosperity
Why should this country labour the luxury of maintaining 873 politicians (including 9 Governors and about 155 Ministers) when it could be run more efficiently with about 280 politicians, ten to fifteen Ministers and ministries, the most at the national level and 27 competent Government Agents (9 districts for each Rata Sabha region) at the district level as shown below after devolution of power to three ideal political divisions and decentralization of administration to 27 districts.? See the following table for details. The much spoken devolution package under the 13th amendment could also be considered under this geopolitical framework. The Indian proposal of devolution incorporated under the 13th amendment could also be suitably incorporated here. Then that will settle the much debated devolutions issue as well.

(Since the PM is included within 225 and 125 he is not included separately to the total)
In addition we can have even a deputy Prime Minister to be reserved for the minorities to be held alternative by Tamils and Muslims (For E.g. T=3 years and M+2 years).This is on the assumption that the country will be governed by one government at the centre with a Parliament headed by a President and three Rata Sabhas, Ruhunu, Pihiti
and Maya.
In this backdrop my view is that the 1987 Constitution itself should be replaced with a new one that could bring about permanent political stability and balanced development in the country within this framework of three regional councils (Tun Rata) under the concept of one country and one nation. The appointment of the Governors, top public servants and the power to dissolve the Rata Sabhas when necessary should be vested with the President.
The Provincial Councils have already become a veritable dead weight, round the neck of the central government, as it has already been proved, with the objection to the governments’ proposal, for revising the proportional representation system.  They should always be subordinate to parliament. With these changes the Provincial councils will be abolished and the top heavy political and administrative institutions will also go saving billions that could be gainfully used for the development of the country.
The solution of the hour to liberate this country out of its century’s old tragic political mess is not an India model, a British model or any other imported one, but a Sri Lankan model of government based on the indigenous experiences and traditions that have kept it together as one country for the past 17 centuries. It should be a model that promotes national unity as one Sri Lankan nation whose minorities will not treat India or Arabia as their mother lands any longer.
Now that the LTTE menace has been successfully defeated, this is the best time for all Sri Lankans whether they be, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims or any other, to make a strong resolution to stand up as one nation and one country under one banner. Of cause the government has to take the lead in this mission. I hope and wish President Rajapaksa will have enough courage and vision, as he has already proved it, to make a new beginning on these lines and take a bold decision to re-create and re-built that pristine and glorious Sri Lanka that was destroyed by Magha invaders in the 12th century and once again make this Island nation “ƒ”¹…”The Dharmadveepa’ that was the “ƒ”¹…”Pearl of the Indian Ocean’ and the “ƒ”¹…”Granary of the East.’
Bravo Your Excellency the President!  
You have already entered history as Mahinda the Great who successfully fought and won the greatest battle on this land with the LTTE. The patriotic people of this country were passionately moved and overjoyed by your historic worshiping the motherland as you alighted from the plane on the 18th (never done by any other leader before) and now further inspired by your historic address to the nation in Parliament on the 19th.  They are fortified around you and your mission, like the Great Chinese Wall. Mr. President, let the “ƒ”¹…”Dogs’, both at home and in the west bark, you move the caravan on. Now that the Malwatta and Asgiriya Chapters, the Head quarters of the guardians of the nation also have aptly crowned you as the “Trisinhaladiisvara” this is the Time for your Excellency to make that epithet a reality. You cannot have a “ƒ”¹…”Trisinhaladiisvara’ without a Trisinhalaya on ground.
The day you accomplish that noble mission, you will go down in the annals of history of this Island nation, as the Greatest Statesman ever lived on this soil who liberated the entire Island from thirty years of LTTE curse which has brought untold misery and devastation and united the motherland under one parasol and ushered in an era of stability, peace and prosperity as an independent and proud nation, there by putting an end to centuries of political, social and economic instability an uncertainty.
 Dr Sudath Gunasekara, 21. Dharsana, Gemunu Mawatha, Hanthana Pedesa, Mahanuwara.           


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