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Mother of a fallen soldier looking for her sons name in a memorial wall. :  r/srilanka

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Cries of Woe

They sent their sons to war,
Amid the bitterest tears of woe
For, those not seen by the other eyes,
Feels like walking on deadly, thin, ice
A task so hard, and so painful,
To make partings, the dreaded ones, blissful
Yes, to see their sons off to war,
And to turn back to empty houses, forlorn
This is what makes nations bleed,
As mothers and fathers, on memories feed
For, they do not know, if their sons are coming back or not,
To come home, marching by, or fall in with the fallen lot
So yes, the young and the brave, went to war,
And nations heard, the bitterest cries of woe
At least, it wasn’t fought in vain,
And the freedom glorifies in a hushed rhythm, all of the pain

-Oneli Wijesinghe

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