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Directions-wisdom 30.
From your school age, you have been brainwashed about the Directions you have in this world.
North, south, east, west, up & down even sub directions you have been taught.
Have you heard about the” theory of relativity” founded by sir Albert Einstein?
Did you think for a moment about these directions which are made relative to you or I or a person?
E.g.;- direction of north
Which means…a person called “I” is living, relative to him; you have a direction of north.
For the other directions , the situation is the same.
If there is NO person living, you can NOT take anything as a direction.
Once you get this understanding of NO person living situation via meditation, all these directions are vanished, because these so called “directions” are visible when there is a person living only.
Once you see this reality, you will get to know that the directions we grasped over the life time is really a man- made attitude, proper thing called direction is absolutely NOT available.
Imagine! How much we entangle in a mesh.

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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