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Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Udarata Sinhala Urumaya Surekiime Sanvidhanaya saha Mahanuwara Jesta Puravesiyange Sinhala Bauddha Sanvidhanaya

First, I urge all patriotic Sinhalese, more particularly fast disappearing Kandyans, to carefully read the following alarming news item issued by the  High Commission of India ,Colombo Sri Lanka, immediately.

I would name it as ‘The Foundation laid for the Malayanadu in Sri Lanka,’ more appropriately. Remember this is done by India concurrently with the NPC resolution and TNA asking for a Federal State for the North and East (1/3 the area of the Island, 2/3 the coastal belt and more than ½ the area of the marine territory, internationally allocated to this country, for which the LTTE was trying to get EELAM by bullet until Mahinda Rajapaksa defeated it in 2009.

This Indian Housing Project covers the entire area earmarked to be developed to rehabilitate the 1951 Peasants by the Kandyan Peasantry Commission Report of 1951.  Kandyan Sinhalese were the original settlers on these land before the Island was conquered, exploited, deforested, destroyed and its inhabitants massacred by the British in 1817-1818 and 1849.

The present day Indian estate labourers are the descendents of the indentured south Indian coolies brought by the British to work on their Coffee and Tea plantations at the instigation of Governor Torrington in 1847 and thereafter to create a south Indian Tamil colony right at the center of the Island  to destabilize and destroy the Sinhala nation and left behind as an army of stateless South Indians when British left the country in 1948.  They are the people now going to be made the owners of this traditional motherland of the Sinhala people that covers nearly 1/3 the total area of the Island by this Sirisena –Ranil Government.

Also do not forget the fact that this massive treacherous conspiracy is being implemented with the blessings of this Government to benefit a group of Indians who are struggling to make the heart of this country a part of India, while none of the Governments you have voted in, since Independence up to date, has taken any meaningful step to rehabilitate the sons of the soil who have lost their 2500 year ols homeland and everything they had under the sun.

Home › Press Releases › Foundation stone laid for the Indian Housing Project in Central and Uva Provinces

Foundation stone laid for the Indian Housing Project in Central and Uva Provinces

Foundation stone laid for the Indian Housing Project in Central and Uva Provinces

High Commissioner of India, Mr. Y. K. Sinha, and Hon’ble P. Thigambaram, Minister of Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure & Community Development jointly laid the foundation stone for the third phase of the Indian Housing Project at Dunsinane estateon 24 April 2016 in the presence of Hon’ble Mano Ganesan, Minister of National Co-existence, Dialogue and Official Languages and Hon’ble V.S. Radhakrishnan, State Minister of Education. Mr, Thilagaraj, MP, Central Provincial Council members, Mrs. Ranjini Nadarajapillai, Secretary, Ministry of Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure & Community Development, Mr. V. Puththirasigamoney, Chairman, Plantation Human Development Trust, Mr. Bathiyabulumulla, CEO, Elpitiya plantations, and Ms. Radha Venkataraman, Assistant High Commissioner of India in Kandy were also present during the ceremony. (Your attention is drawn to the list of participants representing the  ghost of Indian invasion. It appears as if the entire Indian empire is present. The only missing link is the Sirisena-Rannil-Kiriella Trio the architects of this conspiracy and the national betrayal. Compare with the famous aerial parippu invasion over Jaffna and Manar in 1987. Also note the arrogance and the sense of pride andachievement of Malayanadu mentality displayed on their faces.

As part of Government of India’s commitment to construct 50,000 houses in Sri Lanka, 4000 houses will be constructed in the Central and Uva Provinces as the third and final phase of the project.

The houses in the estates will be constructed through the Estate Workers Housing Cooperative Societies (EWHCS), who in consultation with the beneficiaries will facilitate construction. The services of four Implementing Agencies (UN-Habitat, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Habitat for Humanity and National Housing Development Authority) who have been providing necessary technical assistance and support under the second phase involving construction of 45,000 houses in the Northern and Eastern Provinces, will be utilised for the Project.

High Commission of India would release payment of a total of SLR 950,000 per house in four tranches, linked to the physical progress, directly to the special bank account operated by the EWHCS. The beneficiaries will be selected through a transparent and norm-based process on the basis of clearly defined and objective criteria.

Government of Sri Lanka has earmarked an area of 7 perches per family for 1134 houses and hence only 1134 houses will be taken up for construction initially. Government of India will commence construction of the remaining 2866 houses as soon as land is made available.

The project will be implemented in close consultation with the Ministry of Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure & Community Development and Plantation Human Development Trust.

24 April 2016


Thereafter, I request readers to refer to my articles appeared over the past few years in the Lankaweb ( See Lankaweb archives under Dr.Sudath Gunasekara) and other papers on the plight of the Kandyan Peasants and also the interesting letter by J.B. Muller on this subject. They speak volumes on the plight of the Sinhala community who were living here.

Your attention is drawn to

Especially the following articles in the Lakaweb

1.වතුකරයේ දෙමළ වතු කම්කරුවන් සඳහා පමණක් වෙන් වු නව දෙමළ ගම්මාන පිහිටුවීමේ වැඩ පිළිවෙල වහාම අත් හිටුවීම letter Add to the Presdent of sri Lanka
Posted on February 18th, 2016

Dr Sudath Gunasekara

2015-10-30          Lankawebශීලංකාප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදීසමාජවාදීජනරජයේජනාධිපතිමෛතී්‍රපාලසිරිසේනමැතිතුමා,ජනාධිපතිකාර්යාලය,කොළඹ 01.

2 Letter sent to the President (Sinhala) 20.12.2015

First, handed over to the Speaker in Kandy at the Ven Aluthgama Dhammanada Felicitation Ceremony on 20th DEC 2015 with copy to be handed over to the President. Another copy addressed personally to the President’s Sec P B Abeykoon by regd post on 22nd Dec and a third copy was emailed on 1st March 2016 as the President of two Organizations namely a) Mahanuwara Sinhala Bauddha Jestapuraviyange Sanvidhanaya and the Udarata Urumaya Rekageniime Sanvidhanaya. (Lankaweb posted on 29th April. 2016)

3 Six Million Kandyans not worth a wild animal in this country Sept. 9. 2015 Lankaweb

4 Kandyan Peasants betrayed and forgotten Lankaweb

5 Rajaya Denatamath Udarata diila iwarai Divaina 29.9 1999

6 An Open letter to all Kandyan Chiefs  Lankaweb

7 Kandyan Peasants. A people on the verge of extinction from the   map of Sri Lanka due to the fault of those who governed Sri Lanka since Independence Nov 18 2014 LAnkaweb

8  4 million Kandyan Peasants betrayed by the closure of the Department of KPR Dec 24.2014 (L/Web)

9 You selfish politicians at least now stop Tamil vote hunting and stop discrimination  against the Kandyan  Sinhalese May 9th 2015 (L/web)

10 Proposed Action Plan to develop Kandyan areas July 22 2015  Lankaweb

11 Government should immediately stop discrimination against the native Kandyans and preferential treatment for the estate Tamils who call themselves People of Indian Origin June 13t 2015 (L/Web)

12 Rajaya Denatamath Udarata Pavadi Avasanaya 29.9.1999 Divaina Wednesday Supplement

  1. The ‘Whys’ and the ‘Wherefores’ of Sri Lanka – One ‘Son of the Soil’s’ reading of the Past and the Present
    Posted on April 2nd, 2016 (L/Web)

By J.B. Müller

As you would note from above writings I have written enough on this subject and I am really disgusted and sick of it by now as no response from any Sinahala politician either in the Kandyan areas (numbering over 75)   or anywhere in the Island. I name all these people as traitors of the Sinhala nation. Therefore I do not want to write any more on this dying tribe of unfortunate and hapless people who have none to speak on behalf of them, elected or social leaders like Buddhist monks including the Mahanayaka Theras who are supposed to be the Guardian Gods of the Sinhala nation.

Having read and seen the above arrogant and assertive press release by the Indian High Commission on the 26th I couldn’t sleep the whole night. The time now I am writing this note to the Lankaweb is 2.30 AM 27 Wednesday 2016.  I have been struggling for the past many months to collect one leading Buddhist monk and ten leading people from the CP, Uva and Sab Provinces to spearhead a national movement and with no results. But I have not given up my struggle. Hope to convene another meeting in few days time to work out a strategy to counter this movement. Personally I am ready even to start a fast unto death in front of the Sri Dalada Maligawa on this treacherous selling of the Heartland of this Island nation to Indian Tamils. Had I been an MP of this Parliament I would have done it in the well of the Parliament in front of the Speaker. Of course that will only deprive my wife of a husband and my children of a father, I know. But even then I would do it for the sake of my country, nation and the Sasana and posterity of this illustrious nation.

Post script

It is unfortunate that I have not got even an acknowledgement from the President’s office to the letter I have referred to in item 2 above. It is almost over four and half months since I sent this letter to him through three channels requesting him to immediately stop giving permanent deeds to these Indian indentured labour violating all accepted land and citizenship laws just to get their vote and thereby betray the motherland and the Kandyan Sinhalese who have fought for nearly 500 years against three foreign invaders Portuguese, Dutch and English,  scarifying their lives in millions and everything they cherished including their motherland to protect it for posterity.

This is a classic example of the present Government’s policy and the attitude towards the plight of the Kandyan peasants.

Although I tried several times to speak to the Secretary over the phone all my attempts to speak to him also failed. As it is usual with all so-called present day public servants the answer I got from the personal Secretary was either he was not in his seat, busy, at a meeting or on leave. A request for his mobile phone from the personal secretary was also regretted. My regret is greater as he also happen to be a man from the Kandyan area whose ancestors have died in thousands at the hand of the enemy and whose posterity will be directly affected by this treacherous land policy of the present Government.

Coming on to the letter handed over to the Speaker also I do not know what really happened up to date. Thanks to his private secretary, who happen to be my batch mate in the 1965 CAS batch I got an acknowledgement for my letter to the Speaker. When I inquired from him whether the Speaker had handed over the original to the President  he wanted me to send him another copy as he could not trace the letter under reference. Immediately I send him one. But even he did not inform me what happened thereafter up to date.

This is the stark tragedy with the political culture and the present day public service in this country. Today public servants have become mere servants of their political masters paid by the public. What a tragedy for a nation.

If this is how a retired senior SLAS officer of my calibre who had devoted his entire life for the service of the people with a unique record and had been Secretary to a number of Ministries at national level including a distinguish personality like Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike is treated on such an important national issue by the President’s Office, and the Speakers Office you can just imagine how they will treat an ordinary hapless citizen.

I was not asking for a personal favour. It was only a request made on behalf of hundreds of thousand hapless Sinhala peasants in the Kandyan areas who are nearing extinction due to invasion of their ancestral Home Land by South Indian Tamils. They should have at least responded my request as the person who saved the Sri Lanka Administrative Service from it’s virtual demise in 1992 as its President, when President Premadasa’s Government tried to destroy the SLAS by amalgamating the Pradesiya Sabhas with the Divisional Secretariats, appointing Divisional Secretaries as the Secretaries of the Pradesiya Sabha Chairmen and also appointing outsiders as Divisional Secretaries. I would also like to remind that if I had not arrested that move by Premadasa at that time most of these people like the Secretary to the President would not have been there today and the entire ALAS scheduled carder would have been swamped by people like Bopage.  They respond and are available only to the politicians and never to the public to whom they are expected to serve and who have educated them and who pay their salaries, enormous privileges and fat perks including their pensions until they die and even their spouses after their death.

I must say that public servants even during the time if para suddha were much better public servants than the present day people who have no concern for the public at all. My bitter experience is, the more you go up the worse it has become. I don’t think you can get even one in hundred who knows what his or her role as a public servant is or who has genuine feeling for the public. As I remember those days there was a thing called the three day rule. That is a public officer is expected to reply a letter within three days or at least send an interim reply acknowledging the receipt of such letter pending a final reply. Today usually you never get a reply. if you get a reply I can assure you that would be guineas record. Had this type of ill-treatment been done to a Tamil or a Muslim even in Jaffna both the President and the Prime Minister would have rushed in to the site by chopper and settled his problem immediately? Other than that I do not want say anything more on our self centered parasitic present day politicians.

The letter under reference appeared in Lankaweb on 30 April and is also attached herewith for the benefit of the general public.


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