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HOW does Immaterialism become Realism ?

The Dimension that has not yet been caught by Science…!

 Science says solid, liquid and gas are essentials for maintaining a body. They are called nutrients.

Does a body get nourishment because of a vision?

e.g.; Does the body get vitamins because of a vision?

Look! A vision does not get any of that. Seeing gets either happiness , Sadness or neutrality. These do not contain the body-sustaining nutrients that Science mentions.

Happiness is a feeling. Sadness is a feeling. Neutral is a feeling.

Look! Then only a feeling comes from seeing.

Does the body get nutrition because of hearing?

A hearing also brings a feeling. Either happiness, sadness or neutrality.

Due to smell, taste and touch, the body does not get the necessary nutrition. There is only a set of feelings there.

A thought brings a feeling. Does Nourishment come from thinking ?

Look! The body does not get anything other than a feeling from those.

Then the six senses are only for the six types of feelings.

Only the Color can be grasped by man is the lion roar that Abhidharma gave to the world 2567 years ago. Science says that seeing is only the birth of a certain color series by absorbing a certain frequency species of the sun during one’s whole lifetime. Even though the Science tells like this, seeing is NOT mere absorption of rays & production a reflection but more than that is Abhidharma.

Addition of 4 more elements to the mere color factor is the Abhidharma version of seeing.

That is, with a merging color, simultaneous feeling (Vedana) is born. With feeling, a related “Signal (Sanna) is born. What is this signal & why is it born ?

It was said earlier that all the six feelings take place in the Mind.

WONDERFUL Process ahead…..!

A process in one THOUGHT………

From here onwards very subtle form of description…. Attention is 100% needed.

Let’s take COLOR for an easy application…!

Color & Image (Picture\Rupa) are NOT one. But TWO.

Why ?

Color means a mere a color without an idea of an object but Picture\”Rupa” or Image is Color becomes objectivized or a mere color is turned to an object sense. Color is being mentally bound (Though it is not) to a  sense of object or given a sense of materialism . Color is considered as an object. Color is materialized. It is an INTERNAL WORK.

See ! What is physically forms within is a mere Color by taking an outside aid. Simultaneously a “Feeling” generates. Color Feeling is materialized , NOT a mere color now but a color signal (“color Sanna \Rupa sanna”) now. That is, what Mind makes through eye is NOT a mere a sense of physical COLOR now.

[[[[Similarly , a physical Sound & Sound labeled (Sabhda Sanna) are NOT one. But TWO.

Sound means mere a physical sound without an idea of an object or a material but a sound is materialized by Mind by making a signal or “Shabda Sanna”.

See ! A Sound is a physical make by taking an outside aid through ear, simultaneously a feeling generates & it is materialized by making a Signal or Sanna. A mere physical sound is anymore a mere physical sound now.]]]]

The rest of the sensations are the same.

The Signal is further clarified. It is by applying Sankara (Chaitasika)”. What are “sankara s” (See ! What they are in a standard book)?

Sanna or signal becomes even clearer by applying Sankara . That is , Self-additions to already signaled color.

Take this e.g. to explain it.

Physical Color, Color feeling , Color signaled, self-additions to color signaled.  And all this happens in one thought called vinana. The final result is a mere Immaterialistic color gets a sense of  a real color pertaining to a being or an object. Physical color becomes materialistic now by the internal addition of a feeling , signaling, Sankaara addition & in a formed thought (Chakku vinnana).

Physical Green color becomes materialistic \ objectivized green now.

The process of a color (e.g.; green) becomes finally a “Tree” is a different. For that, the process called “Manodrawarjana” or a kind of psychophysiological process must take place (Read a standard Abhidarma book). I will not write about it because the article becomes so long.

A vision we have is NOT a mere physical image as Science describes but collective effort of  five in a THOUGHT.

The five “Varna (Rupa), feeling (Vedana), Signal (Sanna), Sankara (Chaitasika application), Vijnana (thought) are collectively called as “Panchaaupadanaskandha” means collection of 5 is the man’s vision. So, vision of a man is NOT a mere physical reflection but a birth of “Panchaupaadaanaskandha” is the Abhidarma.

Seeing, then, is not merely a Scientific reflection, but a seeing a formed “Panjaupadanaskandha”. Accordingly, for the mere physical color produced, you will experience happiness, sadness, and neutrality.

Hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and thinking are caused by this method.

The life of a living being is then only the existence of this FIVE at any one moment….!

That is, only existence of 5 is the life. There is no soul-involvement in any of these 5 elements or there is NO soul anywhere related to this process. All are immaterial or PHYSICAL in today’s Scientific language. The existence of these 5 physical elements is called Samsara (Non ending births).

Thank you!

(DR. La