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The Sumerians Created the first Civilization

People who study the ancient clay tablets of the Sumerians tell us the Sumerians were the first to bring to the world ideas of writing; astronomy; literature; mathematics; metallurgy; music and its notation; of the two levels of parliament assembly; rules of law – an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!; of systematized education of young people; doctors for health; ideas of brewing beer and of many other civilizational ideas we now enjoy and benefit from. (The Indians claim to be the first with their Universities.) To have this rapid development of mankind is totally unknown historically. The Sumerians, in writings made on the clay tablets they made during their civilization of about 4,000 years and left behind in the ruins of Babylon around 2,000 BCE., tell us, themselves, very clearly, and repeatedly, that these ideas were handed down to them by the giants they worked for. But where did these ideas first come from?

Some giants grew very old; they could live a long time. (Methuselah lived for over 800 years it is said.) Giants were knowledgeable and made major decisions on agricultural matters and so on. People were thankful to the giants and worked for them. They called them gods because they were knowledgeable and wise, too. But they did not pray to them. They were pagan, but very superstitious.

Giants knew about the many catastrophes that had occurred to Planet Earth in ages past. For example there was an immense tidal wave around the world in 12,900BCE., when a comet crashed into the two miles thick icecap at the north pole. They knew much and passed it on to us when we could understand. The knowledge they passed on was from earlier civilizations that had been wiped out by cataclysmic events.

Sumer, Before the Great Flood     

The land of Sumer was located between the two great rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, known as Mesopotamia. There had been about six important towns: Uruk, Ur, Umma, Lagash, Nippur and Kish. Each town had its own gardens (e.g. Nippur’s famous Garden of Eden) for growing food and doing agricultural and animal research. Within each town there was a central pyramid- shaped, man-made hill, called a Ziggurat. The platform at the top of the Ziggurat was where the ruler – a giant and his family lived. The early giants, who the Sumer call the Annunaki, are known to have been good men taking their responsibilities seriously.

The Annunaki were a formal race: personal appearance, position and status were important to them. They were all around nine or ten feet tall. They ruled over the people and protected and instructed them. The Annunaki called the people ‘the Adamu.’ They kept a respectful distance between themselves and the Adamu. They had created self-sufficient mini-states that thrived and flourished for thousands of years. The people provided food while the giants, who were very intelligent, got on with things that interested them – research, plant breeding and scientific investigation. Giants around the world built the megaliths in stone at this time.

The most senior Annunaki had great elongated skulls, perhaps eighteen inches long, which they covered up mostly (see the Paracas skulls, in Peru and the wall paintings in Egypt etc.). Where did all these different giants come from? Where did we come from with our speaking voice and weak, disease-prone bodies? From the hominids? Cro-Magnon man – Really? We look like smaller replicas of the Giants!

The Disapproved Of The New Trend By Senior Annunaki

Ancient Sumerians enjoyed their beer! Eventually, these Annunaki high ideals became eroded. When young giants saw attractive human ladies, they liked what they saw and took them as wives – possibly by force – giving rise to the cave-man idea of ‘dragging your wife by the hair to the nearest cave.’ This intermixing spawned the Biblical expression ‘men of renown.’ The senior Annunaki disapproved of this new trend entirely. The offspring of these marriages were all too human. The heads and faces of some later giants (Annunaki/Human hybrids?) have been well carved in stone showing round faces, wide snub noses, with large thick lips indicating an arrogant, self- indulgent, lascivious nature. Each giant had his own personality. These can be seen on YouTube clips.

Licentious behaviour and jealousies arose, the giants started quarreling among themselves and they sent armies to settle matters.

Importance of Giant Protection for the Town

Whenever necessary, the resident giant and his giant friends and relatives would defend the town from marauding invaders searching for more slaves. People could not defend themselves against warring giants – giants were too strong, so they were glad of the protection of their own resident giant – especially the ladies! Better the giant you know than the giant you don’t know was the saying! For tens of thousands of years the giants of the Middle East and other places in the world worked this arrangement and great civilizations did rise and fall. 

We know this from the thousands of pyramids found all around the world, and the hundreds of great, massive structures built in stone known as megaliths. Some of these are crafted to a very high degree, impossible for us to make, even with today’s knowledge and machine power. (They had high speed stone cutting wheels of steel, two meters in diameter and one tenth inch thick when we examine the cut stone.) Most structures have been found to be mathematical messages left in stone. There are several hundred pyramids to be found all around the world, and many, if not all are located on a latitudinal and longitudinal grid having the Great Pyramid in Egypt as the prime meridian. All this construction effort must have been of a long duration – taking thousands of years to do. They had advanced civilizations.

The Great Pyramid has been crafted to a very high precision. All is not what it seems. We have to think intelligently and in their way of thinking – mathematically, or more exactly, numerologically. The two diagonals across fourteen acres of base are measured to be within half an inch of each other. The two sides point north and are within one tenth of one degree of true North. It is set on a perfectly level base. There are expansion joints, to allow for changes in size due to the Sun’s warming. To build that pyramid required great technical knowhow and ability. We humans have only recently had accurate laser land surveying equipment, but the Great Pyramid was built tens of thousands of years ago and was the largest and tallest building in the world for all that time until the Empire State building was constructed in New York in the 1930’s.

The Great Flood  

Then the Great Flood occurred with its devastation around 9,600 BCE. There are hundreds of reports from all round the world of this event – forty-seven American Indians tribes have this story.

It can be assumed that this flood was caused by Venus breaking away from Saturn and interacting with Mars and Earth causing them too, to break away and so, move to their present orbits around this sun. It is also possible that another planet (Nibiru?) passed close by at that time and so, disturbed them and helped push them to their new orbits. There were conflicts between the planets, including exchanges of rocks and sheet lightning, as each planet moved into a new orbit around the new sun.

The Great Flood is reported as two days of absolute darkness and chaos. Sand and rocks came raining down. Water flooded the land. People could see nothing. Storms of sheet lightning and thunder claps terrorized people. The gods were angry!

Most giants and people were swept away under 4,000 feet or more, of water as the Earth lurched to a new orbit around the present sun.

This ‘worlds in collision’ event caused the Earth to lose some of its ozone layer, a great decrease of oxygen and a three-fold increase in gravity, etc. It was a greatly changed planet; large animals became extinct. No longer a purple dawn and warm glow from a friendly, well behaved sun but a pitiless harsh blaze from the new sun – while the old sun cooled and receded into the heavens as Saturn.

Sumer, After the Great Flood     

The oldest civilization ‘westerners’ know about is the Sumerian civilization (and its twin in Egypt). Only a few giants survived but with the help of some surviving people – those who had been living high up in the nearby hills, came and rebuilt the old Sumerian cities. But these weren’t the original town’s people, they had been excess population who had been sent out.  The Sumerian civilization returned, but these people were uninstructed and had no love for the giants; the giant’s power was broken. The Sumerian civilization continued but with many humans as kings living on the Ziggurats. Life progressed once again, but in a turbulent, more dangerous corner of the world. Those few giants remaining knew it was close to the end for them. It seems now, that they had resolved to pass as much learning as possible to the Sumerians as seen by Sumerian rapid civilizational advances. It is from the clay tablets made after this time of around 9,600 BCE. that we learn about Sumer and its history.  

In 2200 to 2151BCE. the Akkadian Empire in north Mesopotamia was destroyed. In 2,024 BCE. Marduk led an army and conquered Sumer and enthroned himself in Babylon. The city of Babylon in Mesopotamia was then managed by Marduk and his wife Nabu, both were giants.

Enlil, an Annunaki giant with hard-line ideas of control, demanded punishment for Marduk and Nabu. Also, towns in Canaan rose up in rebellion. Crowds of ignorant people were becoming lawless and unmanageable. The ruling Annunaki had nuclear weapons. Later, in 2,024BCE.,  the Annunaki rulers approved the use of nuclear weapons and in 2,023 BCE, they destroyed the rebellious Canaanite cities (and other places around the world, including Harappa and Mohan D’Jaro).  Unfortunately, the nuclear fallout was carried in the wind to Sumer and the people there died terrible deaths it is reported. This was the terrible end of Sumer.

Later, Nebuchadnezzar II, as known from the Bible, fought and decisively defeated Pharaoh Necho in the battle of Carchemish in 606BCE., and became King of Babylon in 605BCE., and built the famous the Hanging Gardens and the Ishtar Gate. It became a great civilization once more but others were developing and competing in trade, too, and they were making tools and swords of iron. Babylon had no easy access to iron ore. Rising salt made farming difficult or impossible and so the wealth and power of Babylon declined.

It was a story of declining powers for the giants, too. The last of the very few surviving giant families who survived the Flood was King Ogias of Bashan. The Bashan civilization had 60 walled cities and many towns without walls. The Hebrew Moses, killed Og in the battle of Edrei. The war left no survivors living, but they took the animals and young girls as slaves. (See what the Bible says.)

Giants were pagans – they did not worship Yahweh – God, and so the Hebrews saw them as enemies and chased them north; many fled to Europe, England and Eire.

King Nebuchadnezzar II saw the rising power of the Hebrews who claimed God to be on their side, and took remedial action. After the Hebrews were defeated in their battle with King Nebuchadnezzar II around 587BCE., those still alive were taken as slaves, as was the custom in those days.  Because many of these Hebrews were literate, they wrote their experiences down. They wrote about giants. It is there for you to read, in the old books if you care about humanity’s origins. The fight between David and Goliath (a Hebrew versus a Philistine) is well known and documented, and Goliath’s burial mound is still there to be seen.

One important thing we learn from studying the earth’s history is that we have survived quite a number of catastrophic events: comets crashing down; volcanoes erupting bringing years of winter; ice ages; earthquakes causing flooding and tsunamis; and not least in effect, damaging electrical discharge encounters with other planets; sometimes our Sun misbehaves by ejecting billions of tons of matter, Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) around the solar system, too, and so on. There are two powerful Van Allen radiation belts of highly charged plasma girdling the planet which do not allow humans to go very far from earth, so escape from here is not possible at present. The evidence shows us that our civilization is not the first, there have been several others before us but were wiped out by such events as listed above. The truth is we live in a period of calm before the next catastrophic event.                           

Roger O. Smith 4/4/2016

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