He is listening to a song. Simultaneously, the song and its tune are stored in his memory. One day someone invites him to sing again in his voice the song he heard. Then he sings the verse and the melody of the song he listened correctly.
There is a Great Physics Lesson in the above story!
If the melody or melody of the song he listened is a brain implant as memory, is it possible to repeat the same melody of that song if it wasn’t stored in the similar manner in brain ?
e.g.; Suppose the first three letters of the song are to be sung in an ascending order of sounds or an ascending order of frequencies like 1 ->2 ->3 Hz. In order to sing like that, his memory must have stored the sounds of those three letters as 1->2->3 Hz. Without that, if the listening ascending order of sounds or listening ascending frequencies of all three letters are stored at 1 Hz upon storage, when he repeats the sentence, he is unable to take the same tune. He can then only maintain the sound at 1 Hz. Then all three letters can only be sung as 1 Hz in repetition. Then the original melody of the song becomes upside down. In order to sing the heard three letters of the song in an ascending order, the sound stored should also be at 1->2->3 Hz respectively. Then, he will bring out the same frequency pattern from the store and able to sing the same tune\melody. If the 1->2->3 becomes 2->3->1 upon storage, there will be tune derailment again & therefore he cannot repeat its original tune once again.  
As Science says, it is the larynx produces different sound versions. But above story proves\confirms that the voice is not contained in the vocal cords, but it contains in energy. The genesis of the vocal cords of the larynx occurs at birth. Having just the vocal cords is not enough for a sound is a conclusion now. It is with no argument now that cords make different sound versions by depending on the different frequencies of energy to vibrate them. Then the Science’ s interpretation that the voice is because of the larynx is controversial now. But, actually the voice difference is because of the energy frequency difference. It is important to use not only the relevant strands of the larynx to generate a sound, but also the specific energy frequency is also needed. A dead person has vocal cords, but the reason why he does not make a sound is because he lacks energy. Abhidharma says that the voice is not due to the larynx, but due to Mental or emotional energy in a body.
Melody, however, is an ongoing sound change. That is, an ongoing frequency change produces ongoing sound change.  Change in frequency from letter to letter is the tune\pitch. If a tune is not stored as the same tune, he cannot re-take the same tune. So, to repeat a tune in the same way, the same frequency series must be stored inside. Then the storage should be a place where such a series of frequencies can be stored in the same way.
If the store is the brain, does the brain have such an ability
Science has to answer the question.
But the Abhidharma says that the storehouse is the Mind. Abhidharma says that it can be done because the Mind contains many such capacities.
Thank you !

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna