How representative of the Tamils is the ITAK/TNA?

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The Tamil National Alliance was formed in 2001 by the LTTE and became known as LTTE’s political wing. The rationale to create a political wing was probably the outcome of 9/11 and the US steered global ‘war against terror’. The TNA has contested 2 Parliamentary elections with backing of LTTE in 2001 and 2004 while the remaining 4 elections were post-LTTE defeat (2010, 2013, 2015 and 2020). Interestingly, TNA while claiming to be the representative of the Tamils contests only in Jaffna, Vanni, Trincomalee, Batticoloa & Ampara in all the 6 elections. Why has TNA ignored or refrained from representing all areas where Tamils live in particular the Estate Tamils.Given that the TNA in all of its manifestos refer to disenfranchisement of Tamils at independence and since this reference is to Indian Tamils brought to work on plantations by the colonials, TNA must explain why it does not represent them. Even Colombo where a large population of Tamils live, TULF/ITAK has never been able to get more than 13,000 Tamil votes! The diplomatic community are visiting TNA when they have just 2% of Tamil mandate!

TNA constituent parties



2010 – ITAK, TELO & EPRLF – TULF and ACTC no longer in TNA



2020 – ITAK, TELO & PLOTE (TULF, ACTC, EPRLF – no longer in TNA)

TNA open support for LTTE 

TNA 2001 

  • ‘it was inevitable, that the armed struggle gained in strength and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam came to occupy a paramount position, and play a pivotal role in the struggle of the Tamil nationality to with their rights’
  • We have also consistently asserted that any attempt to draw a distinction between the LTTE and the Tamil people was meaningless’…
  • ‘unless meaningful negotiations are held with the LTTE no just solution can be found to the Tamil national questionand that such negotiations should be held immediately ONLY with the LTTE’
  • ‘no parallel negotiations should take place with any other Tamil political formation’.
  • TNA comprising TULF, ACTC, TELO, EPRLF in 2001 demanded that the GOSL ‘lift the proscription imposed on the LTTE’ and that such ‘proscription does not constitute an impediment to the free and full participation of the LTTE at such negotiations on behalf of the Tamil nationality’.
  • Demanded lifting of economic embargo in NE provinces against LTTE
  • Cessation of war
  • Commencement of negotiations with LTTE & a 3rdparty

In 2001 TNA says national solution is based on LTTE-GoSL proposals at Thimpu in July 1985 where LTTE demanded

  1. To recognize Tamils of Sri Lanka as a distinct nationality
  2. To recognize the identified Tamil Homelandand guarantee its territorial integrity
  3. To recognize the inalienable right ofself-determination of the Tamil nation.
  4. To recognize the right to full citizenship and other fundamental democratic rights of all Tamils who look upon the island as their country.

This clearly implies TNA demands what LTTE demanded

TNA 2004

  • ‘in order to safeguard the life and liberty of the Tamil race and to establish its birthright for self-determination, the Tamil Nation having being pushed to the unavoidable state of armed conflict, as the only way, the war not only broadened but advanced under the generalship of the Tiger’s leader Hon.Pirapaharan’(Note TNA politicians for fear of LTTE lived with the Sinhalese in Colombo and cared not what happened to the Tamils living in LTTE controlled areas)
  • Sinhala Nation has to accept ISGA excellent” proposals by LTTE to rebuild Tamil country
  • The LTTE has for the past two years put up with the violent, surly behavior of the armed forces without impairing the conditions for peace and observing the ceasefire and acting steadfastly and firmly towards the path of peace’.
  • international community should remove restrictions on LTTE because it is the ‘authentic sole representative of the Tamil people’
  • ‘accepting LTTE’s leadership as the national leadership of the Tamil Eelam Tamils and the Liberation Tigers as the sole and authentic representatives of the Tamil people’
  • ‘let us devote our full cooperation for the ideals of the Liberation Tigers struggle with honesty and steadfastness’…‘let us work side by side with the LTTE’.

TNA 2010

  • ‘sole military outfit that fought for a separate homeland for the Tamils’ 

Now let us look at how Tamils have voted for TNA over the 6 elections held since 2001 

2001 TNA Results

2001 Party Votes Percentage Seats Total Polled
Jaffna TULF / TNA 102,324 54.84% 6 197,279
Vanni TULF / TNA 41,950 44.39% 3 102,361
Trincomalee TULF / TNA 56,121 34.83% 1 169,567
Digamadulla TULF / TNA 48,789 17.41% 1 297,440
Batticoloa TULF / TNA 86,284 48.17% 3 192,383
Colombo TULF / TNA 12,696 1.20% 0 1,099,382
All-Island TULF / TNA 348,164 3.88% 14 + 1 2,058,412

Inspte of such open allegiance to the LTTE, the TNA comprising TULF, ACTC, TELO & EPRLF secured only 348,164 votes (3.89% of Tamil votes polled) but because of Sri Lanka’s PR system, TNA managed to get 15 seats.

TNA contested only in 6 districts yet Tamils live across all 25 districts of Sri Lanka.

2004 TNA Results

2004 Party Votes Percentage Seats Total Polled
Jaffna ITAK / TNA 257,320 90.60% 8 305,259
Vanni ITAK / TNA 90,252 74.68% 5 130,513
Trincomalee ITAK / TNA 69,087 37.77% 2 191,79
Digamadulla ITAK / TNA 55,533 19.13% 1 308,625
Batticoloa ITAK / TNA 161,011 66.71% 4 254,023
All-Island ITAK / TNA 633,203 6.84% 20 + 2 998,420

In 2004 TNA comprising TULF, ACTC, TELO & EPRLF secured 633,64 votes (6.84% of the Tamil votes polled) and secured 22 seats in Parliament due to the PR system. 

2010 TNA Results

2010 Party Votes Percentage Seats Total Polled
Jaffna ITAK / TNA 65,119 43.85% 5 168,277
TULF / TNA 2,892 1.95% 0
Vanni ITAK / TNA 41,673 38.96% 3 117,185
TULF / TNA 1,073 1.00% 0
Trincomalee ITAK / TNA 33,268 23.81% 1
Digamadulla ITAK / TNA 26,895 10.47% 1 272,462
Batticoloa ITAK / TNA 66,235 36.67% 3 195,367
TULF / TNA 4,424 2.45% 0
Colombo TULF / TNA 834 0.09% -0 989,729
All-Island ITAK / TNA 233,190 2.90% 13 + 1 8,630,689
All-Island TULF / TNA 9,223 0.11% 0

From 8.6m voters in the areas that ITAK contested ITAK secured only 233,190 votes just 2.9% of votes polled but thanks to PR system TNA secured 14 seats in Parliament. The TULF/Anandasangaree contested separately in 2010 received just 9223 votes.

ITAK votes in 2004 were 633,203 in 2010 ITAK votes were 233,190 (400,013 Tamils had given up on ITAK – virtually saying ‘NO’ to their manifesto

2013 TNA Results

2013 NPC Party Votes Percentage Seats Total Polled
Jaffna ITAK / TNA 213,907 84.37% 14 273,821
Kilinochchi ITAK / TNA 37,079 81.57% 3 50,194
Mannar ITAK / TNA 33,118 62.22% 3 56,215
Vavuniya ITAK / TNA 41,225 66.10% 4 66,781
Mullaitivu ITAK / TNA 28,266 78.56% 1 38,802
All-Island ITAK / TNA 353,595 78.48% 30 members 485,813

Elections to the Northern Provincial Council was held after 1990 when merged-NE was taken back to the State after declaration of universal independence by Indian-puppet Varatharaja Perumal. 2013 NPC elections was held 4 years after defeat of LTTE. TNA contested under ITAK and secured 353,595 votes which was 120,405 votes more than what ITAK secured in the 2010 General Elections. It was nothing for TNA/ITAK to feel proud about.

2015 TNA Results

2015 Party Votes Percentage Seats Total Polled
Jaffna ITAK / TNA 207,577 69.12% 5 325,805
TULF / TNA 1,515 0.50% 0
Vanni ITAK / TNA 89,886 54.55% 4 181,930
TULF / TNA 596 0.36% 0
Trincomalee ITAK / TNA 45,894 25.44% 1 190,938
TULF / TNA 380 0.21% 0
Digamadulla ITAK / TNA 45,421 13.92% 1 344,618
Batticoloa ITAK / TNA 127,185 53.25% 3 252,397
TULF / TNA 959 0.40% 0
Colombo TULF / TNA 723 0.06% 0 1,252,271
All-Island ITAK / TNA 515,963 4.62% 14 + 2   11,684,098

In 2015 January regime change took place. TNA was a key player in change of Govt. In August 2015 General Elections was held – TNA/ITAK secured 515,963 votes – 4.62% of votes polled gaining 16 seats. This was just 162,368 more than what TNA secured in 2013. Again nothing much to boast about.

2020 TNA Results

2020 Party Votes Percentage Seats Total Polled
Jaffna ITAK / TNA 112,967 31.46% 3 394,136
TULF / TNA 1,318 0.37% 0
Vanni ITAK / TNA 69,916 33.64% 3 224,856
TULF / TNA 424 0.20% 0
Trincomalee ITAK / TNA 39,570 18.58% 1 227,117
Digamadulla ITAK / TNA 25,255 6.54% 0 402,344
Batticoloa ITAK / TNA 79,460 26.66% 2 314,850
TULF / TNA 8,113 2.72% 0
All-Island ITAK / TNA 327,168 2.82% 10 12,343,302
All-Island TULF / TNA 9,855 0.08

In 2020 TNA votes was 327,168 as against 515,963 in 2015. TNA received just 2,82% of votes. This meant 188,795 Tamils had lost faith in TNA. It also means the diplomatic community and other international dignitaries are visiting TNA to hold talks when they hardly represent the Tamil people or even what the Tamils want. This is something the diplomatic community and the UN need to seriously look at.

Tamil votes Percentage
2001 348,164 3.88%
2004 633,203 6.84%
2010 233,190 2.90%
2013 353,595 78.48%
2015 515,963 4.62%
2020 327,168 2.82%

LTTE supported 2 elections TNA took part in – 2001 and 2004. Even with LTTE support TNA secured 633,203 votes only. Even after supporting regime change in 2015, TNA secured only 515,963 votes. In fact, percentage wise TNA has received the lowest as per 2020 results gaining just 2.82% vote.

The takeaway from this is that TNA is not the representative of Tamils. The international community and the diplomats should seriously relook at who they are chaperoning. Courtesy calls to TNA is not going to win the Tamils as TNA does not stand for what Tamils truly want. The election results speak for themselves. Contesting just 5 districts since 2001, TNA is hardly representative of the Tamils!

Shenali D Waduge