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source: Haindava Keralam, May 1, 2007

Fundamentalist Indian Christian Leader attacks genuine Hindu Protest in Chicago US
Newyork: Indian Fundamentalist Christian leader  Sajan George, National President of Global Council of Indian Christians GCIC in his recent outbursts has warned the Indian Hindus in USA of dire consequence reminiscent of the first crusaders who ravaged non-Christian people in Jerusalem, Â if they go ahead with their proposed peaceful protest march against the visit of the Radical Andhra Pradesh Christian Chief Minister Samuel Rajashekara to the TANA meeting in Chicago, USA.
As the world wide Hindu community is already aware of the atrocities committed by the Samuel Rajashekara and his cronies on the silent Hindus majority in his home state of Andhra Pradesh from the past 3 years. Hindus around the world are aggrieved over the repeated injustice meted out to them by people like Samuel Rajashekara who are trying to emulate the wills of Emperor Constantine of Rome to Christianize Native/Hindu people.
Sajan George does not seem to understand US laws where everyone has a right to the freedom of expression and the right to air their grievances openly without fear or favor against any form of real or perceived injustice. His threatening language exposes his inner nature and the organization that he represents, this will not go well with the American public, nor will it cut any ice with the Indian Hindu living in USA into submission to the wills of  Sajan. In fact his lies and hate filled rhetoric will strengthen the will and resolve of Hindus (just as Pandavas were not deterred by the cruelty of the Kauravas). Surprisingly Dr Sajan’s views are not shared by peace loving Indian Christian leaders like Dr Benjamin who have repeatedly exposed the dangerous views of Sajan.
We need to expose fundamentalist Christian leaders like  Sajan and his supporters who are doing immense damage to the age old Hindu-Christian unity in India and the world over. Instead of asking Samuel Rajashekara to stop his atrocities on Hindus of Andhra Pradesh, his lies, hate and threat will not work in this age of democracy and rule of law.