India’s Tsunami Churches — A Report from One to One International

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India’s Tsunami Churches — A Report from One to One International

Feb 1, 2007
Christian Newswire

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This is a report from One to One international which confirms that missionary groups exploited Tsunami disaster relief.


NAGAPATTINAM, India,   — One to One International reports that our God has not forsaken the people of Nagapattinam, on the East coast of India, who suffered so much after the 2004 tsunami.

Many lost their families and all their possessions. When the tsunami hit Nagapattinam we had a desire to help the people rebuild their lives, but we also had a vision from the Lord to establish two churches in that area. We are now very happy to report that the lord has helped us to do just do that.

The important factor is that they are getting all sorts of help from the Lord and from us.  After helping the survivors in the task of burying the dead, our workers have spent many months in grief counseling and practical outreach. Whenever they found an open heart, they spoke to the heartbroken about the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Finally, people are mending their nets and boats and going back to fishing and making a living. And two vibrant churches are helping the new believers to grow in the Lord. The first church has now more than 150 members and the second church has 11 adults and 20 children.